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(1/3) It needs repeating: in 1994, Ukraine was persuaded to give up its nuclear weapons to Russia in return for the US, the UK, and Russia guaranteeing Ukraine’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

Stocks dropped on Tuesday following President Trump’s tariffs against Canada, Mexico and China. The move wiped out the gains Wall Street made since Trump’s election victory, as investors’ hopes of business-friendly policies have given way to fears over tariffs.

Canadian PM Trudeau announces 25% retaliatory tariffs on some US goods in response to new Trump levies, escalating a global trade war

Seven Tesla charging stations were intentionally set on fire on Monday at a shopping center outside Boston, the police said, the latest in a series of attacks against Elon Musk’s company.

Is this what they meant by a Red Wave?

📸 No one follows more etiquette rules than the Royal Family—but notice how King Charles didn’t make any smart-ass or demeaning comments about Zelensky’s attire today. Why? Because respect isn’t about clothes—it’s about character. And that’s something money can’t buy.


① 今天川普与泽连斯基的白宫会谈不欢而散,网络上一片对川普的斥骂,仿佛全民都在声讨他。我想提醒大家的是,孤立主义是美国一个历史悠久的传家宝,川普这种做法,很可能在“沉默的大多数”看来,是奉天承运,暗中叫好,只是他们不会公开发表观点。通过这次选举,我再也不会高估美国选民了。今天有点时间,就来扒扒美国孤立主义的历史。需要牢记的是,将任何意识形态放到川普头上,都是沐猴而冠,就像福音派将这货视为“天选之子”一样。于川普,孤立主义就像他手中的圣经,不过是他众多欺骗民众、挂羊头卖狗肉的道具。

居然是真的。Zillis耶鲁毕业的繁殖癌。看来马斯克收到的monthly report其中一项就是本月马家添丁简报。不然他记不住。 新小孩编号是:4妈.4儿 (这算厌女吗?当然不算,厌specific女不属于厌女)

Times Square, New York City. #3E #EndImpunity #StandWithUkraine


A federal judge ordered the Trump administration on Thursday to retract directives that prompted the firing of thousands of federal workers, saying that those directives were “illegal.”


又双叒叕差点撞了,几百人的小命悬在鬼门关,就差几秒钟。 我感谢川泼马应龙十八辈祖宗,砍掉FAA数百名管理人员😩。


Keir Starmer, the British prime minister, will meet President Trump on Thursday in Washington to plead for the U.S. not to abandon Ukraine. Starmer will face the same balancing act as President Emmanuel Macron of France did on Monday, without the benefit of years of interactions.

Elon Musk will join the first cabinet meeting of President Trump’s second term on Wednesday to talk about the administration’s efforts to downsize the federal government. Follow updates.

I miss DEI

House Republicans hunting for ways to pay for President Trump’s tax cuts have called for cutting the federal government’s share of Medicaid spending, which could result in millions losing health coverage unless states decide to play a bigger role in its funding.

Jane Fonda in SAG Awards speech: "Woke just means you give a damn about other people"

Federal unions challenge Elon Musk's email ultimatum demanding government workers justify their jobs by midnight tonight or risk being fired:

Ooh, I know: the Black guy and the woman. Not qwhite sure why, though.

Scholz made clear that he will not take part in a Merz-led government and will also play no major role in the upcoming coalition negotiations.


Sure hope so. (art by Dave Tarnowski)

2/21/25: ‼️《今日俄罗斯》的最新报道,特朗普将出席莫斯科5月9号“胜利日”仪式,并且与普京会面 美国以光速从世界民主联盟的领袖沦为俄罗斯的傀儡。邀请习近平出席他的加冕仪式、去莫斯科出席苏联/俄罗斯的“胜利日”游行仪式,他已经完全不在乎美国的传统盟友了。 有的人还在幻想特朗普向普京投降是为了集中精力对付中共。那就等到5月9号吧,当特朗普、普京、习近平在红场手拉手,称兄道弟的时候,看你们怎么洗。 美国完了。

Grimes,就马书记肩上扛着那个娃的妈,X上隔空喊话。让马书记别折腾孩子了,孩子需要医生。 然后担心被shadow ban删帖了

The world is crying over the dying of democracy in America!

Pass it on!

The Associated Press on Wednesday accused the White House of violating the First Amendment and called on the Trump administration to stop blocking its reporters from press events.

红脖子农民也开始哭唧唧。 另一个对选川泼感到懊悔的群体。 但懊悔有用吗? 美国的大多农民是靠政府补贴度日的,尤其是美国借贷经济,使每个农场主都背负沉重的贷款压力,一旦资金断裂,他们的生活就轰然崩塌。 由于川泼最近停了很多联邦拨款,让红脖子无法拿到拨款补助,面临各种危机,有可能被银行收回农场。 这才是个开始而已。 等关税起来,各种农药化肥成本上升,产品又不能出口,农民有更苦的日子。 上一个任期内川泼征收关税时,由于关税带来的影响,仅2018-2019两年里,农民获得了约280亿美元的政府补贴,来让农民度过难关,依然很多人破产,自杀率升高。 即使这种痛苦,都难阻止他们再选川泼。宣传的力量,控制人。

A plane carrying 27 passengers, including crew, slid off the taxiway before coming to a stop at St. Louis Lambert International Airport late Wednesday morning, according to a news release from the airport.

看了川泼给他鹅爹泼京写的表忠信,被恶心得都快噦出来了。 川泼是泼京的小迷弟,每当川泼看到泼京膝盖就软,基本上就是一副“大王您若愿意可以杀了臣妾助兴”的表情。 川泼一口一个总统,叫得比亲爹还亲,而川泼经常大白话直呼泽连斯基,不加总统前缀。 还we个不停,亲密得像找到了失散多年的连体婴儿弟兄。 川泼用可怜的历史知识,回顾了两国二战交情。我擦人家加拿大从诺曼底的奥马哈海滩到阿富汗的坎大哈撤离,始终和你并肩浴血,只字不提欺负人家收关税。二战不就是始于德国和苏联瓜分波兰吗? 川泼传达了泼京解决战争的圣谕,还用大写加以强调,就是常识。 尼玛有星点常识,就不会去侵略乌克兰了。 感觉两个精神病人在讨论病情。😂

It’s not just eggs.

Trudeau: "There's not a snowball's chance in hell that Canada will ever be the 51st state"

President Trump has caused a constitutional crisis as he tests the boundaries of executive power, scholars say. “There have been so many unconstitutional and illegal actions in the first 18 days of the Trump presidency,” one expert said. “We never have seen anything like this.”

President Trump’s proposal for the U.S. to take over Gaza and force some two million Palestinians who live there to leave would unquestionably be a severe violation of international law, experts say.

Good morning and Happy Tuesday to everyone who's noticed that ever since trump took over, planes are falling out of the sky, measles and tuberculosis on the rise, billionaires are getting richer, but egg prices are higher than ever. This administration is DEI as fuck.

For a quick sugar high to “own the libs,” the attempts to shutter USAID would do long term damage that couldn’t be reversed for a generation. My latest:

川普试图让加拿大成为美国第51个州的言论确实令人震惊,他习惯于利用威胁和夸张言辞来施压,即便这些言论根本不具备法律依据,也能制造不安和混乱。他竟然翻出百年前的边界协议,试图用历史作为谈判筹码,足见其对国际法和主权原则的轻视。这不仅是对加拿大的不尊重,也暴露了他对盟友关系的随意态度。 加拿大是一个独立的主权国家,川普的“第51个州”言论显然是荒谬的,但这种想法背后的逻辑值得警惕。他的执政方式充满不确定性,凡是他认为有利可图的地方,都可能成为他施压的目标。对于美国的盟友来说,这样的领导人是不可靠的,而对于美国民众而言,他们需要思考,是否愿意继续被这样一个不按常理出牌的人所代表。

Good morning and Happy Sunday to everyone who will happily and enthusiastically be reminding trump voters of ALL his broken promises because he's too busy golfing, grifting, tweeting, and being an overall tyrannical shithead. My field of "I Told You So's" is full.

The counties of San Francisco and Santa Clara in California in addition to King County, Washington, and the cities of Portland, Oregon, and New Haven, Connecticut, have sued the Trump administration, alleging it has threatened and unlawfully targeted sanctuary jurisdictions.

A 19-year-old member of Elon Musk’s DOGE was fired from an internship after he was accused of sharing information with a competitor

As the Trump administration and Elon Musk work to dismantle USAID, the government’s lead agency for delivering humanitarian aid for generations, right-wing influencers have flooded the internet with falsehoods about its work, promoting unfounded claims and conspiratorial thinking.