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Oh man that was too easy to set up. Huge thanks for the tip.
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But did they say thank you for our help commiting genocide?
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Wasn't there something in conflict resolution about 'you' vs 'I' messages? This image also clearly shows who was egging this on, and who was clearly just trying to defend themselves.
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And close to 50% of the people inside US borders. Not enough, but trust me, this hurts us within the US to be so helpless right now.
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Coward, like all elected Republicans just out for power.
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Tsk tsk, only reaching 3 sigmas is not enough. They obviously need more iterations to eliminate more wasted time.
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Sounds like a six sigma expert was in charge of the snow removal.
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I was just thinking it would have to be Elon, because Trump would be Palpatine as the ruler, and Elon is his Vader.
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I know how tariffs work. The ones importing the goods raise their prices to pay for the tariff, and that gets passed to the consumer. That means Americans will be the ones impacted by it. That's the point. Trump's supporters will never understand unless he hurts them. His tariffs will do that.
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💯 I keep saying another world power needs to put their foot down, not play Trump's game, and let him impose these massive tariffs. Tell him that if he wants to screw over his own base, go right ahead. The Right won't learn until they are hurt, badly.
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Great strategy: let's swear off the only people with any authority to put a stop to this madness. Surely attacking our own side will show those Republicans whose boss!
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This is actually how he has gotten his companies to the point they are now. He doesn't understand any of it, but storms in, says something crazy, then threatens his employees until they do it. They end up building a different cooler thing and he forgets what he demanded before.
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Follow him here, great guy
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One among many stupid moves this state is making all of the sudden, forcing families like mine to leave. They'll be cutting property taxes hurting our schools, and I won't let them put my child at a disadvantage. Bye Indiana.
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I voted and donated against this sorry excuse for a man, and we lost. This state is joining the race to the bottom and I won't let my kids suffer for it. We are moving to Illinois now. Indiana gets what it deserves, I just feel sorry for the ones who tried to prevent this as well.
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His supporters can't pass elementary school math, they won't care. They'll trust whatever Trump and Musk tell them.
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Dammit, I don't need ANOTHER app on my phone, but you just HAD to win my business. Thanks MapQuest.
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I was born and raised in IN, lived here my whole life. This state has gone so backwards as of late, my wife and I decided to move to southern IL. They are cutting education programs our children need, we can't take it anymore. I'm happy to pay higher taxes for a government that works.
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DuckDuckGo for search (and web browser) and proton mail for email. Prevents corporations from making a profit off your private information.
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Sure, we've all used Excel sheets with hundreds of millions of rows, right? Great way to keep your coffee warm with your laptop.
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You would expect parts of the military to object and say they serve the constitution first, not a president out of line. That would be your only hope, that people disobey orders on some level as they know they are illegal.
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I also just submitted "feedback" on this incorrect label. We should make this a trend to show Google that only idiots wanted it changed as a distraction.
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I'd wear that
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Pete 2028, you have my vote and my donations. Declare your campaign now, use this opposition energy in your favor. Build a coalition, start a series of fireside talks, help people organize and teach them how to resist. This could be your moment.
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You don't build Rome in a day, you don't completely shift the "center marker" of American politics in a few years. Especially not right after >50% of the country that voted, voted for a tyrant. I'm happy to take Pete as president, he's a great guy and I'd be proud to call him president.
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Actual footage of Pete stopping Republican BS
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Keep firm Mark! We won't save the country in the next election without winning back moderates. Many here seem to think every one of Trump's 77,302,580 voters were the worst of the worst MAGA, when many are the moderates that we need to welcome here with open arms.
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It's pretty difficult tbh, but harder to leave extended family when we have young children and said family is getting older. Cherish every moment, and just maybe flip a few reds to blue in the process.
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The context was the Superbowl, so dropping this photo without any comments is clearly an attempt to mislead. In a time where fake news is everywhere we look, we can't afford to mislead our own side. It will only hurt our chances of winning the country back.
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Please don't! There are many blue dots in the red sea that would suffer, like my kids, wife, and me.
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Please remember, not all of us wanted this. We actively warned and voted against it. We are experiencing the consequences firsthand.
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It is not a doctored photo, but it is NOT from the super bowl. A reverse image search easily finds a Twitter post from 2023 with this image.
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I was just looking for that post, since I knew I had seen this image before. Thank you for preventing others from falling for fake news!
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You're right, I live state side in Indiana, in a city of about 130,000. We have a few buses, but it is a joke because the stops are all just benches in the grass because we don't have sidewalks. I travel a lot so I've seen it can be better, and advocate for long distance trains.
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That's a sign your city has demand for more frequent and larger capacity transit. Yes, it is uncomfortable when at full capacity, so you should advocate for more!
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Your time on public transportation is even more productive. You can work, play, exercise...DURING your commute. No more traffic jams, car accidents, MUCH better for the environment, limits urban sprawl...
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I completely agree, at home chargers make EVs a much more convenient option than gas because there is no longer the chore of intentionally stopping for fuel.
However, I believe public transportation is even better. Imagine no fuel, insurance, maintenance...get a transit card and hop on whenever.
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I have a toddler, infant, and stay at home wife. If I don't go to work, we won't have food, water, warmth, a home, or afford the doctor... Can we be reasonable here? Is the government f'ed up? Of course! Will I hurt my family with a suggestion that doesn't actually help? No. There are other options.
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Look up if your locality allows a recall vote of your representative. Every area will be different, so do your own research. You just might flip a seat or at least get someone willing to put proper checks on power in place.
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We aren't going to make it, are we?
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Truth. So many people here threatening the Democrats, rather than uniting against Republicans. Crazy.
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Now hang on just one minute! As a Midwesterner, I object to the idea that most of us haven't, yeah, you're right. Most people 'round here haven't left their state, let alone the country. Carry on.
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100%, time to renew my membership to ensure we keep a real media outlet alive as Trump continues to target the others with the intent to shut down dissent.
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First off, your account activity looks like a bot. Second off, don't fall for this protest claiming to be in all 50 states on the 5th. It looks super sketchy being posted by tons of anonymous bots everywhere with AI generated images. I don't know what the plan is, but nothing good will come from it.
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Then Republicans will be even MORE baffled when businesses hire from other countries because everyone that goes to school here won't be skilled.