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Hominid. Gen X. Interests include cosmology, paleontology/paleoart, comics, and gaming.
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Prolific Poster

We had a mission for this exact area of study. MAVEN. The science proves Elon wrong here, but he’s too <redacted> to understand it.

Amazing time for comics. DC’s All-In & Absolute Universe. Marvel’s Ultimate Universe & One World Under Doom. I could go on & on. My FAVORITE comic atm?‘s “The Hexiles!” The only problem I have w/ this title is that it’s NOT ongoing! More of THIS, PLEASE,!

Jupiter from the Hubble Space Telescope on April 21, 2014. The shadow of Io is on the Great Red Spot.

Jupiter from Juno on August 27, 2016.

The martian boulder "Chimp" from the Sojourner rover on September 15, 1997. This was near the end of the rover's mission.

The north polar region of Jupiter from Pioneer 11 (1974) and Juno (2016).

Storms on a thin crescent of Jupiter from the Galileo spacecraft on September 10th, 1997.

For Presidents Day, here is a part of the Mars Pathfinder "Presidential Panorama" from 1997. One can see the first Mars rover, Sojourner, studying a boulder nicknamed "Yogi."

A crescent Triton (left), moon of Neptune, from Voyager 2 in 1989, and a crescent Pluto from New Horizons in 2015. This illustrates just how much rougher the surface of Pluto is than the melted-down Triton.

When Voyager 2's scan platform jammed during its 1981 flyby of Saturn, many image sequences missed, including a high resolution mosaic of one of its moons, Tethys. On this one, it did at least clip one corner of its battered target.

A global view of Callisto, moon of Jupiter, as Voyager-2 approached in 1979.

A closeup of a cratered crescent Callisto, moon of Jupiter, from Voyager 2 in 1979.

The battered surface of Callisto, moon of Jupiter, as Voyager 2 flew by in 1979. She sharper appearance of the crater rims in the upper right is real, though I have no idea what the different appearance signifies.

Iapetus, moon of Saturn, from Voyager 2 in 1981. The terminator (day/night boundary) is on the right. The dark area on the left and extending to the bottom of the disk is just not very reflective.

A young woolly mammoth from Chauvet Cave, painted about 35,000 years ago, showing the hairy foot pads. From “Les Mammouths de la grotte Chauvet” by Bernard Gély and Marc Azéma

Perseverance has been sending back some gorgeous new views of Mars... I love this view. Look at the hills on the faraway horizon... As the song says, she can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles... ;-) Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/S Atkinson

The part of George Orwell’s 1984 that everyone forgets is how the music and publishing industries have been replaced by a machine that spits out songs and bad novels “without any human intervention.” The goal is to keep you from ever having to think.

Another view of Ganymede, moon of Jupiter, from Voyager 1. The bright frost of the polar region can be seen toward the top.

Ganymede, moon of Jupiter, from Voyager 1 in 1979. Tros, the bright ray crater, is a relatively recent impact superimposed on the complex surface patterns.

Some views of Hyperion, moon of Saturn, from Voyager 2 in 1981.

Mimas, moon of Saturn, from the approaching Voyager 1 in 1980. It's battered surface stands in stark contrast to active Enceladus, which is not that much larger.

A high resolution mosaic of Rhea from Voyager 1 using image taken during its closest approach in 1980. This is the highest resolution mosaic that Voyager 1 obtained of any world.

Social media is a giant piece of fly paper weaponized to remove you from the field of play. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Life does not happen on this or any other social media platform. If you believe you’re “resisting” online… Surprise! You’ve been captured.

I sincerely don’t know why people aren’t physically stopping those dorks. Move shit. Lock doors. Lose the keys. Everyone switch seats. Turn off all the lights. Switch the signs on the elevator lobby. Make the settings all silly. Use a different language. Wear costumes. Fill rooms with balloons

Of course it’s a coup. Miss the obvious, lose your republic.

Look at this. The MAJORITY of working US journalists have permanently lost their jobs or left the industry in the past 20 years.

The cratered surface of Rhea, moon of Saturn, from Voyager 1 in 1980. Rhea, the largest of Saturn's "icy satellites" (all moons except Titan), it was given top priority. Unfortunately, it had the least active surface of Saturn's large moons.

Saturn, rings, and moons from the approaching Voyager 1 on October 26, 1980.

Do older Americans know that Elon Musk now controls access to their Social Security and health insurance?

Titan from the approaching Voyager 1 on November 10, 1980, enhanced to show faint surface features through the clouds.

Hey all, I am looking for a new role, as a senior marketing manager or strategist. I kick-ass at storytelling for medical communications, life sciences, healthcare, arts, and education-based agencies. I don’t rely on gen AI; when you hire me, you get ✨me✨, and my expertise. 🐡🧪🎨 See my LinkedIn:

The two hemispheres of Ariel, moon of Uranus, from Voyager 2 in 1986.

Triton from the receding Voyager 2 in 1989. Some of the night side of Triton can be seen in reflected light from Neptune. However, the images showing this are two badly smeared to recover details (I desmeared some to make this, but no convincing features can be seen). 👏

My poster on the life appearance of Megalosaurus, as presented at SVPCA 2024. A paper on this, and the history of M. reconstructions, is currently in the system and should (hopefully!) be published later this year. Posting this in the interim as a poss. useful #paleoart reference. #Sciart #dinosaur

i know i'm talking a LOT about the glories of the 1990s/early 2000s web and YES part of it is nostalgia, but i honestly believe that bringing back human-made blogging and links free from Meta/Twitter can actually contribute to our political and social survival in this new awful era so LET'S DO THIS

New image of the Mars rover Perseverance with wheel tracks leading away from it... love views like this! Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/S Atkinson

Read. Read books. Reading books is resistance. Buy. Buy books. Buying books is resistance. Share. Share books. Sharing books is resistance. Celebrate Celebrate books. Celebrating books is resistance.

The Tolstoj basin, Mercury, from Mariner 10 in 1974.

A high resolution mosaic of the enscarpment Discovery Rupes on Mercury. This was the view from Mariner 10 on its 3rd flyby of Mercury in March, 1975.

Enceladus, moon of Saturn, from Voyager-2 in 1981. Voyager saw its relatively old, cratered north polar region under the best conditions, although young, smooth terrain can clearly be seen on the left hand side of this image (.just with high sun/no shadows, making interpretation harder)

Maasaw Patera, a smaller shield volcano on Jupiter’s moon Io. The caldera alone is 40km wide and probably 2km deep. Long dark lava flows of sulphur or sulphur-rich silicates radiate out. Imaged by Voyager 1 in March, 1979.

When ICE asks you something, you shut the fuck up. Doesn't matter what ICE is asking you. ICE asks your name? Your name is shut the fuck up. ICE asks where the bathroom is? Shut the fuck up and let them piss themselves. ICE asks you a good spot to eat? Shut the fuck up and let them eat shit.

Mariner 10's view of Mercury as it approached (left) and then receded (right) on March 29, 1974. This was humanity's first visit to the innermost planet.

Umbriel, moon of Uranus, seen by the approaching Voyager 2 in 1986. The crater with a bright rim called "Wunda" can be seen in the upper right. This is the highest resolution color view we have of Umbriel, although this dataset is often draped over the best black and white view.

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of Huygens landing on Saturn's moon Titan, humanity's only landing on the outer solar system. To the left is what it saw. To the right is the upper portion of the image with vertical exaggeration to show the topography on the horizon.

Crescent view of Saturn with the edge-on rings in June 2005, from Cassini.

In case this is brand new information and also a huge relief to anyone else: type -ai after all of your google searches to stop getting an AI overview

Here's the moment found that spear tip. It's a piece of Neaderthal hunting equipment, at least 40,000 years old. And it's where we predicted they were hunting. Not driving game over cliff but ambushing them in rocky gullys. #DiggingForBritain 🏺🦣

Science has an article this week from Michael Price with new reporting on the Journal of Human Evolution mass editorial resignation. Editors confirm that “Elsevier told them in 2023 that AI software had introduced the formatting errors.”