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[She/Her] Trans woman working in IT. A DevOps breaking and (sometimes) fixing things. Profile picture by
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On se prépare pour le #8mars

Pedro isn't just a zaddy — his gorgeous trans sister Lux has often been his plus-one on red carpets, where he beams proudly. he's a real one. ❤️

Big Tech is censoring abortion content! 🚨 Social media platforms are removing vital info on reproductive health. Have you been censored? Report it here: #StopCensoringAbortion

The moment Estonia disconnected its power grid from Russia has been shared online. A historic step toward energy independence.

we have moved rapidly from “this loser never would’ve made it through the background check for a security clearance” to “this guy’s laptop is a crime scene”

Their response to "he's violating the Constitution" is really "but bro is so sick at coding." US rule of law in shambles. Tech ideology is really that kind of caricature of itself.

Thanks for the cookies

These are the same picture.

Full well knowing that I am a cishet man I still need to say that if you blame anybody other than republicans for what’s going on, you are fucking stupid and you are fucking evil

I would like to report a murder (this is deadmau5 calling out DJ 3lau for playing Trump's inauguration)

Because of the TikTok ban, a friend of mine has been talking to a trans girl from Shanghai. She asked what stereotypes exist about trans people in china: "rust + archlinux"

Elon Musk veut étendre le trumpisme en Europe avec ce nouveau slogan « Make Europe Great Again », et ça a déjà commencé avec ses interférences dans les élections allemandes. Il va falloir s’organiser pour résister collectivement face à ça, et vite.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde Hero.

Book burnings all over again but digital version. As minorities, we saw this coming, and we raised the alarm. I fear future generations will study this era in history books the same way we studied Nazi Germany's atrocities.

it’s becoming increasingly clear the goal of the far right is to defund and buy up every source of reliable information until there is no more objective reality to counter them

Vincent faut vraiment être con pour pas voir que les deux sont liés.

We’re going to see any expression of virtue in the face of vice depicted by legacy media as a vicious attack on an innocent victim

Nazis: "that's a nazi salute" Historians: "that's a nazi salute" Average person: "that's a nazi salute" The Media: "Elon Musk makes odd gesture throwing his heart to the crowd."

Je fais partie des ceux qui ont alerté sur le risque fasciste du trumpisme. On nous a reproché d’être politiquement orientés, « d’exagérer ». Là ça fait des saluts nazis, ça parle d’envahir des pays et de déporter des populations. C’est bon ? On peut parler de fascisme ou c’est encore trop peu ?

Littéralement ce meme

Sarah Vaci, a "gender critical" artist, set out 3 years ago to paint 100 portraits of "detransitioned women." The GC movement claim there are 15K detransitioners on one Reddit forum alone, that they are touch with 100s in the UK etc. To date, Sarah has failed to find 100 subjects, worldwide. 1/

The Telegraph contructed the environment in which this kid was stabbed. They put the excuses in the mouths of her attackers. This is how they report that

Killing trans women has been historically protected under law. The trans panic defense remains valid in most countries today. No shit we hide ourselves : framing it as a 'lie' is f**king disgusting. Journalists who frame it this way share responsibility for the murders.

In the media trans people are always presented as "deceptive", but who really hid something here? The trans person just existing, or the cis person who failed to mention they are a murderous transphobic freak who films sex without consent?

The comic that got us demonetised on Facebook back in August. (We’re no longer on Facebook).

La quasi intégralité des médias et de la scène politique fait du révisionnisme, euphémise le fascisme / nazisme ou redore le blason de Jean-Marie Le Pen à travers une sémantique immonde et c'est totalement logique dans un État qui préfère le fascisme à la gauche. Aucune surprise.

Décès de Jean-Marie Le Pen : mort d’un antisémite, tortionnaire et patriarche de l’extrême droite ➡️

the world’s foremost experts on genocide say it’s genocide.

We've reach the stage of genocide when people cheers when the leader talks about erasing a minority. They want us dead.

Think twice before gifting someone an M dwarf this holiday season

"Gender Critical" is such a contradictory mess - irredeemably logically broken - but when they are confronted with something that undeniably makes no sense to their worldview they just confidently say "exceptions don't count" and carry on

I honestly don't even know what to do with this anymore. The baseless narrative that every mass shooter is trans is completely solidified on the online right. It's completely memeified. No amount of fact checking breaks through. It's so incredibly dangerous at this moment.

Bayrou a oublié que Mayotte, c’est aussi en France. C’est peut-être pour ça qu’il s’en tape, il est tellement fainéant qu’il ne s’est jamais renseigné sur la question.

Quel vin choisir pour accompagner une discussion sur le wokisme à Noël ?

À Mayotte, si les habitants des bidonvilles ne se sont pas mis à l’abri dans les structures d’urgence, c’est parce qu’ils ont cru que c’était une fausse alerte pour les expulser. C’est la politique inhumaine des Darmanin et Retailleau qui tue, pas l’immigration.

Pure cruelty

Every conversation with "concerned" cis people about trans healthcare

This should be grounds for account suspension. Jesse has explicitly white knighted for kiwi farms. These are exactly the kinds of people he associates with. His presence on this site inherently makes it unsafe for trans people.

Where are you on the scale of opinions about trans healthcare?!

Trans people do not just deserve the right to survive, we deserve the right to thrive - just as everyone does. To live long and prosper.

Dust Storms at Nord Rupes 🔭 Full size video: Credits: Processing: Andrea Luck & Simeon Schmauß CC BY Raw Data: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin #planetaryscience

Now they just want to make people believe that they have some kind of moral high ground, and that they are helping us by saying what is better for us without even caring about what we say, and know, about us.

The Assad regime has fallen. Pour one out for the tankies.