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Way too many people seem to think they don't need NWS because they can get all the forcasts they need from an app on their phone. *headdesk*
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Is the embrittlement weather-dependant? It seems whomever designed the thing did not take into account it might be driven anyplace besides southern California.
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There are people who really really REALLY do not want to EVER, even indirectly, help someone else, even if it does not cost them anything. And they will go to great lengths to make sure it does not happen by accident. And pat themselves on the back for being morally upright.
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it might be more craven than that. They got money under the Biden Infrastructure bill to build energy-efficient homes, and one of the few legal ways to take back already-appropriated money is to declare the recipient a terrorist organization. Vampire squid seeking money time.
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There is an old morality test: "If you were presented with a button that, when pressed, you make a million dollars but a random person you don't know dies. Would you press it?"
People like Muskolini and Loser 47 have chairs, beds, and red carpets made of those buttons that they dance on.
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From Loser 47 and Elon Muskolini.
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Swasticars, brought to you by Elon Muskolini.
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Was any of that 43 lbs being smuggled *into* Canada?
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This does show that the progressive side needs to figure out how to talk to and be attractive to young men. They wouldn't end up being used by the fascists if they had more alternatives.
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Hopefully this means the purity spiral is accelerating. One of the only ways public pressure will let the GOP impeach Felon 47 is if they go too far, too fast; at this rate they will be wearing swastika armbands and displaying Hitler pictures by May.
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And am pretty sure that '500 billion' figure is, at best, how much the stuff might be worth ignoring extraction and refining costs. Entirely possible it would cost more than that to mine it- i.e. the stuff is not economically viable. LOTS of places have non-viable rare earth deposits.
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If that was anyplace BUT CPAC, I would think it was meant as an over-the-top mocking of Felon 47.
In a small way, this is a positive development- one of the few ways he could be impeached is if the GOP goes too far too quickly with a purity spiral and torques everyone else off.
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WA state here. PLEASE!
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They took away school funds from high school with courses that teach basic home economics because they tend to have names like "Transitioning from School to the real world".
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It's not even known if the minerals are worth the cost of extraction. They may have a theoretical value of $500billion but what does that matter if it would cost $2Trillion to mine and refine them. I don't think Felon 47 is capable of thinking in such nuanced terms.
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There is plenty of Israeli coastline north of the Gaza strip, right up to Tel Aviv. That isn't lined with hotels and resorts. If there was really a demand for high-end resorts you'd think someone would have already built some in the place that ISN'T a war zone.
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DODG itself doesn't have legal authority. The President can't stand up new departments on his own.
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Let's not forget the CT is a Deplorian.
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Looking for fraud consists of more than plugging ChatGPT into a server and asking "Show me the fraud"; which appears to be the level of technical competence the DOGE people are capable of.
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If he thinks the judge's order is illegal or unconstitutional, then he he appeals it. The subject of a court ruling doesn't get to ignore it just because they don't like it.
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Include Obama. The MAGAs might *actually* explode.
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I wonder if he knows Vietnam is the name of a current country and not just the name of an old war? Have seen plenty of old folks who think the word *has* to be about the war.
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Particularly when they, and just about everyone else, breathlessly talked about the coming recession of 2022/3 to the point it was pretty clear they were trying to spook the market into making it happen on Biden's watch.
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How about add "First Lady Convicted Felon Donald Trump" to the header?
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Perhaps he thinks they are still putting out Notra Dame.
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My assumption is that the conservative majority want to show him favor but not *so* much favor that he thinks he doesn't need them. And they will keep thinking that right up until the SC building starts developing the same faulty windows that Moscow has so many of.
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A lot of last minute design changes to the Cybertruck (and many of the reasons it's such a lousy truck) is because he would spout off anything that seemed neat on stage and expect his engineers (you know, 'the little people') to just make it happen.
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Elon has Nuralink, so a brain can think at a computer. Swap headgear for a plushie with a more pointy end and call it Narwhalink. Even BETTER at poking holes in super yachts than orcas.
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I suspect the graveyard of people killed by lax safety systems and overzelous AI driving on his vehicles is bigger.
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A lot of them are planning all the cool stuff they will be buying once after Trump & Musk kick all the 'freeloaders' off of SS and use the saving to increase their 'well earned' SS checks.
Who gets to tell them?
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The whole point of the the Twitter/X thing was conservatives need an environment where 'libruls' have to deal with them. Naturally they are upset when bsky 'the new Twitter' doesn't have that feature. To them, it was the whole point.
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Way too many of the MAGA plans require the military to be more loyal to them then the Consitution. Or at least to hate the same people they hate more than they love protecting the country.
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Even the wealthiest oligarch should realize it's much more pleasant - and even cheaper- to live in the world that we've been in, where most people at least do okay, instead of needing armed guards and armored vehicles to venture outside of exclusive compounds. *EVEN* *FOR* *THEM*.
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I suppose he's more topical than the one from TAS.
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I always thought Luthor was supposed to have more class than this version did.