I was banned for being in the same *thread* as the doge crew doxxers, this guy is viral on multiple sites confessing to vote brigading and isn't banned?
this is so funny lol. also sad because they can’t fathom others like them realizing their leader is doing wrong, or the ones who still support him are scared to be declining in number
Went in there to see if I could find any other posts like that, or conservatives upset with Trump's actions - a few posts, but wow, mostly posts demonizing the left in very ugly fashion.
Leftists: famous for never arguing amongst themselves. And, of course, in constant agreement with progressives, liberals, reluctant Democrats, enthusiastic Democrats, people who call themselves "fiscally conservative, socially liberal", and Even The Liberal New Republic.
As a reminder: any anti-citizen behavior you observe should be reported to Civil Protection immediately. Failure to do so is collision, and will be punished accordingly.
Most users there are bots anyway. That place is a breeding ground for bots, because no one there knows how to use the "ignore all previous instructions.." tip.
The whole sub is kind of appalling. They delete so many posts whereas r/askaliberal allows so much more. People constantly comment about being banned in the conservative subs for disagreeing and come crying to the liberal one 😂
I go there when something new happens, just to see how they collectively work through ways to justify the insanity. I am really curious how many flaired users are actually American citizens at this point.
Alas, more and more they just don't. Any sort of thing that could be bad is just straight up not brought up in r/conservative. Probably because the cult of 'purity' they got going on. Don't wanna have your flair taken away, now do ya? Or, worse, your posting privileges!
Back before the Trump sub got dropped for harassment, I got permanently banned for politely pointing a dude to direct proof that what he was saying was a lie.
The idea of banning someone from a sub for correcting an outright fallacy regardless of their underlying stance on an issue is wild to me.
I don't think someone can "get" comedy they don't get. You certainly can't work your way to it academically/intellectually. Maybe over time, a bit can wriggle its way in and make room for the comedian's other work. Celery Man kinda opened me up for Tim and Eric. Kinda
Has it though? Trump just fired top Generals. I don't think Americans especially liberals & progressives have begun to grasp what is happening. This is a long drawn out plan to end liberalism & individual rights & restore back what they believe to be natural order of society.
anybody wanna do the dull work of sifting thru OPs post history to find the inevitable "wimpy democrats left twitter because they can't handle opposing viewpoints, LOL" comments?
No sub is more obsessed with up and down doots than r/con. It's not enough that they only allow vetted and approved users to post, they're obsessed with other people messing with their social credit score, er, upvotes
They're eating each other alive in that sub. They've only allowed flared users to post for a while and it looks like even the bots are turning against them. It's hilarious.
Here is where my thinking takes me. I have a petition is at https://change.org. I call it: An Amendment to the US Constitution, Checks and Balances. Here is the link. https://chng.it/DBqPdkb5YV
Add to that recall petitions across the country. Recall Trump, the GOP Congress and for good measure Democrats as well.
On Reddit, you can choose a label to put next to your username to give additional information about yourself that is specific to a single subreddit (forum devoted to a single topic). For instance, in a video game sub, you might flair yourself with the character you play as.
In the conservative sub, they only award flair to users who have a sufficiently “conservative” comment history in other subreddits, and the vast majority of threads are limited to only allow comments from users with an appropriate flair.
It's not just r/conservative either. I pop into AskTrumpSupporters from time and time and a lot of the more moderate conservative (for all that's worth) voices seem to have jumped ship. The only ones left are the crazies.
See, the problem is that a large block of the population pussies out when things turn bad, but they were cowards and voted this shit in when they had the opportunity. Don't let these "moderates" off the hook.
No. Definitely let them off the hook for now. It would be a major strategic blunder to not allow the administration bleed support. Let them leave, the more that do the weaker the regime becomes. We don’t need our “told you so” moment more than we need to weaken the administration rn.
In no point in trumps colorful past does he present any opportunity for anyone sane to accidently fall in behind a confirmed actually racist rapist with whoops. You had truly have to be dumb.
My pet theory is last years API changes pushed off *a lot* of the long-term, tech-savvy users who saw the "righting" on the wall. Decade+ users. Left to Lemmy or just spend much less of their day doomscrolling and shitposting.
always love screenshots of the dying screams of the missing neighbors, telling each other "don't let any of them near the eastern gate, it's our least defensible position", "we're out of toilet paper and dying of rhino", etc etc
Similar thoughts passed through my head. There are conservatives with very real concerns about events, but any dissent must be explained as "the other side infiltrating" as opposed to people potentially waking up.
God, not even six months. These days, you're lucky to get a few hours of conservatives there questioning *anything* Trump does before they're either banned or fed a reason to feel positively about it.
I find it a bit interesting that an entity that doesn't post as an individual claims dissention by others as fraud accounts, when both are. If past comments ( history ) is only now seen to formulate a cohesive opine for better clarity, it should very much hold value and weight.
"Not a real conservative" translates directly into "Isn't a hateful, racist, piece of shit". You CAN be a conservative without being a repressive MAGA conservative. My uncle was one, amazing person, and fiscally conservative. He hated Trump, MAGA, and their racism/misogyny/bigotry with a passion
"Allowed to disagree on a few topics" 🤣🤣
These heros of free speech are such fucking clowns.
What I wouldn't give to lace cheap beer with self awareness.
Awe, is their safe space being invaded? Poor little snowflakes. They thought they could get away with full-fledged Nazi sadism and not get any pushback at all? Time's up, mofo's. No space is safe for them and r/conservative should be the least of their worries.
1/2 Hahahah one of those "fake conservatives" was definitely me. I wanted to see what kind of slop they were posting there and just went off on every one of their posts, calling them out. These people aren't conservatives;
Most of the posts on that board you can’t comment without their approval and 5 out of 6 replies are deleted. The remaining comments are all bashing Canadians, or liberals, repeating talking points & celebrations of “winning” when it comes to cutting service. That their “Freedom of speech!”
2/2 they're MAGA - not conservative in the least. People were losing their shit on my posts/comments/replies. I wasn't stalking them/down voting them, just fighting back with facts and evidence to their drooling over Trump/Musk destroying people's lives.
Am I misreading this or is the OP saying that they are going thru people’s old posts and downvoting them and then calling people who do just that lunatics?
FWIW, I’ve noticed an uptick of posts like this across Reddit. A lot of subs have people worrying about infiltration. Saw it yesterday in 50501 and a few others.
Lol can't have outsiders chime in because offering a single example of the many, many acts of right-wing violence would cause their worldview to crumble
Instead they circlejerk about how morally superior they are to their liberal friends, and how they're somehow also not as moralistic as liberals
Root out conservatism. Conservatism is pure hypocritical evil. Hunt down all MAGAts/cuntservatraitors. Conservatism is antiAmerican. Reductionism & Antinatalism are the true American values. But also support our allies: Liberals, Leftists, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists, SCs
“Thank you for calling the Conservative Victim Hotline. Your call is very important to us. There are currently … 10,714 … in queue ahead of you. All calls are answered in the order which they are received, even the real whiny ones.”
"Nooo! You're supposed to care more about the 10 total trans athletes being banned as opposed to the economy going to complete shit due to mass layoffs, tariffs, and immigrants being deported! You are paid shills of George Soros!"
...Not against people who upset or scare them (anyone not aligned with them)—ha ha. These are the servile morons and chumps who ban books and want prayer in school, AND deny science and modern medicine.
I'm the absolute queen of shit talk and only got banned for beating up on a maga bitch. But I repealed and won it. I was posting screenshots of what he said to others, then he reported me, lmao 🤣 😂
It could be that your favorite sub was somehow over the last four weeks mass-infiltrated by "fake conservatives" who were sleeper agents lying in wait who have been there for years pretending to be MAGA.
Like 1 million Jason Bournes just hiding in plain sight waiting to unleash nuclear negative comments at your felon president in your favorite subreddit - we are good!
He goes through someone's posting history to determine whether they are one of those lunatics who would stalk someone by going through their posting history?
That last bit! "These people are stalking our post history, I know because I went through all their posts and downvoted them even the ones on other subreddits!" The brain rot is real.
If you're being obvious about it, that's fine. If you're cosplaying as a middle-of-the-road conservative who's vaguely concerned that Trump is just a little *too* racist, that's weird and unhealthy. I shouldn't say "nobody" would waste time with that, because it's the internet, but come on.
I mean they don't know what the left is, they call everyone right of them "the far left" when they're literally the furthest right you can be. And I'm just here like "dude that's three Ronald Regans in a trenchcoat, he's not a leftist."
That's when violence is going to start. When they realize they've been lied to the past 10 years. Longer than that but I don't expect them to understand how the rightwing media has been lying to them for 25 years. But when they realize the past 10 years were a lie they won't know who to lash out at
Confirmation bias looking for that hopium dose but I've been seeing a lot of good omens.
Kanye west taking back being a Nazi, tabloids are pushing conspiracy theories about Trump and Putin's relationship and conservatives are increasingly policing speech and thought.
For real though, that is the saddest subreddit I've ever seen. Like no idea how many of the users there are real, but it is *wild* that they're like "400 disappeared comments on this flaired-user only post. Seems fine!"
Not saying liberal echo chambers don't exist, but holy shit.
"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices ... to be found only in the minds of men... For the record, prejudices can kill ... and suspicion can destroy ..."
"... and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own—for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is ... that these things cannot be confined to The Twilight Zone" - written in 1960
it's so funny. a few weeks ago they were posting the same shit during the news about tariffs. they're all telling each other that their ideas fucking suck. it's a circular firing squad, you dumbasses!
I'm fully aware, and I'm aware that there are people who attend church, and people who follow Joshua of Nazareth's teaching.
Strictly speaking this a problem of ambiguity rather than vagueness, between two meanings of ‘Christian’. I use the term for those who follow the teachings of Joshua.
This is what always happens with fascists. They can’t maintain coalitions because their ultimate goal is a “pure” monoculture. No dissent can be tolerated, so they eventually end up turning on each other.
Purity tests, but with all the speed of digital processing behind it.
Look at what happened with Twitter. It's a hermetic cave of cannibal corpses, now.
There was a funny post recently that said something along the lines of “We’re not the left, we don’t censor speech” wearing the “Flaired users only” badge of irony.
Contending with terrorism and extremism has consumed my first career (military) and second (academia). A common thread to successfully defeating such threats is to help them foment division from within. The mafia state and MAGA are increasingly vulnerable.
It reminds me of how TCOTs kept insisting they were being targeted by leftist bots after 2017 & it was always just some republican grandma in their replies like “You understand him having a playdate with Kim Jong Un is embarrassing right?”
“I cannot fathom a conservative not liking Great Leader! It must be a far left infiltrant! After all, thats what I’d be doing if the roles were reversed, and my innate lack of empathy means every accusation is a confession, since I lack the mental capacity to imagine myself in someone else’s shoes!”
That's it really. They spend an unbelievable amount of energy trying to "win" every space on the internet so they assume the other side must do the same. Realizing that someone could treat them like that scares them shitless, and incubates the manic paranoia as they scramble to find a new scapegoat.
And it’s because they don’t realize that caring for/about each other is an inherent part of being a social species, that they’re fighting the tide with buckets. It’s why in the end they will always lose, even if they’ve currently brought out a really big bucket.
He also likes wrestling and Stryper's most recent music.
Styper is still, like, a thing??
I suppose we know whose ring reddit is kissing.
We are out to get you!
“They do allow some disagreement, but you can tell they don’t like it.”
Dispute any post they make with facts and they ban you.
The idea of banning someone from a sub for correcting an outright fallacy regardless of their underlying stance on an issue is wild to me.
If only there were an actual fact driven political sub on reddit.
The future of Western Civilization depends on it"
Expert tip: they hate it when you refer to King Donald with proper royal courtesy. We're meant to be outraged, not taking it seriously.
- J Galt
all will be burned
Add to that recall petitions across the country. Recall Trump, the GOP Congress and for good measure Democrats as well.
Can't even handle someone with a different opinion (still garbage, but different) having a different digital sparkly....
It's wild to see in real time.
There is nothing “conservative” about what they are doing.
These heros of free speech are such fucking clowns.
What I wouldn't give to lace cheap beer with self awareness.
But also I'm now going to access this guy's post history and downvote EVERYTHING.
What a bunch of snowflakes.
Instead they circlejerk about how morally superior they are to their liberal friends, and how they're somehow also not as moralistic as liberals
If Dems had any strategy whatsoever they would be constantly exploiting this flaw to drive distrust amongst them.
It could be that your favorite sub was somehow over the last four weeks mass-infiltrated by "fake conservatives" who were sleeper agents lying in wait who have been there for years pretending to be MAGA.
It could also be that I'm Napoleon.
They never even saw it coming 😏💪
Going to downvote
u/PartyofFore 's entire post history & point out that they are a Nazi on their content from 7 years ago. 🫡
There's not a single lefty on America's side.
Honestly, i think there's about 50 different posters totally, with a bajillion sock puppets.
Kanye west taking back being a Nazi, tabloids are pushing conspiracy theories about Trump and Putin's relationship and conservatives are increasingly policing speech and thought.
Additionally the malicious rhetoric they used to muddy the waters is becoming more and more obvious.
They seemed like real accounts in the rest of his post.
Not saying liberal echo chambers don't exist, but holy shit.
How many sand grains make a heap?
Strictly speaking this a problem of ambiguity rather than vagueness, between two meanings of ‘Christian’. I use the term for those who follow the teachings of Joshua.
Look at what happened with Twitter. It's a hermetic cave of cannibal corpses, now.
Fake humans.
Apparently the worm is eating it's own tail in r/conservatives
Conservatives are literal misogynistic regressive cuckolds (not kink shaming)