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"Sorta" have guns?
Isn't that like being a little bit pregnant?
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I can't imagine why the EU has consistently refused Turkey's applications to join the Union...
Shame that such a beautiful country has such awful governance.
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There goes the American tourist trade up in smoke.
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Psych wards have straight jackets, medications and strong attendants to prevent excesses of outrageous behaviour.
Unfortunately the White House has none of the former and an abundance of the latter.
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Yup. Get Trump out of office and restructure American democracy so that there are emergency powers in place to deal with presidents who go berserk and ignore the rule of law.
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Has 'woke' become a dirty word because it began its popularity in support of black people's human rights that were being abused?
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That's not f*cking weird.
That's f*cking stoned.
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Nixon once claimed (in an interview with David Frost) that because he was the president that what he had done in the Watergate scandal was not illegal.
How wrong he was too.
No need to look at British history. America has it too and much more recently.
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To vote smart voters have to BE smart.
Good luck with that one.
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In the old days before cell phones I had a telephone line installed in the bathroom.
Those of us who have to answer phone calls need phones in the one room in the house that you can't always leave in a hurry.
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Oops. That was meant to be 'plane' not 'place'.
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I find a spoonful of honey dissolved in hot water and topped off with one shot of port and one of cognac does the trick.
If the 1st doesn't work I have a couple more and then no longer care about the pesky cold.
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Doesn't the bacon overpower the delicate flavour of the shrimps?
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Oh dear. Space Karen's battery is definitely on the way out.
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They stand a better chance with the Romanian legal system than they do with the American courts. The Tates can do the math.
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It's a long flight from Bucharest to Miami and there are charted flights over shorter distances that cost more than $185k. It depends on the kind of place.
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Brilliant as usual Russ. Thank you.
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People underestimate how lethal domestic cattle can be too.
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All Putin has to do is tell Trump that he is the greatest American president ever and Trump is his slave.
It cost Space Karen millions of dollars to buy Trump's favour while Putin can do more in that direction with just a few words.
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Yup. Whatever is coming up next, based on what has happened so far, is unlikely to be good.
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Isn't the absolute core of being a good teacher getting your students to enjoy their lessons?
The teachers who managed that during my education strangely enough taught the subjects I achieved the best results in.
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Two of my four cats are belly rub addicts and assume that position every time I look at them.
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Now that's what I call a real challenge for his pit crew.
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Fly to France and from there get a flight that lands at Stansted airport.
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There is indeed an intrinsic immorality at the core of right wing politics.
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Anyone else boggling at the concept of a vehicle that is GLUED together regardless of the kind of glue?
What happened to the weld/bolt concept?
Too expensive in labour costs?
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Russ is the undisputed king of hysterically funny but horribly accurate lines. That is only one of the thousands that he comes out with.
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Begging your pardon. Fullest apologies.
Misidentified breed.
My comment stands for working cockers however but not Baxter obviously.
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He's a working cocker. Unless you have a job for them to do or you are ultra energetic they are NOT a breed recommended as a house pet. Their unbelievable cuteness has led to an awful lot of unfulfilled unhappy spaniels.
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The British still haven't woken up to the fact that paying attention to politics is as important as remembering to breathe so can we really criticise America? A majority elected Johnson ffs.
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You see my dog is jet propelled
He seems to think it's smart
Achieving forward motion from
The power of a fart
My dog is brilliant company
And that is just as well
My friends no longer visit me
They just can't stand the smell
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Not a particularly well known own cause of flatulence. It is after all just half digested grass.
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Nope. The US is still the biggest military power on the planet which makes them far from being irrelevant. And now they have handed control of that power to a raving dribbling sociopath. That makes them very relevant and very scary.
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It's not about getting useable data. It's an exercise in curious irony.
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Just one? All twats invited round to my place are in a 6x2 box within days if not hours. I do VERY tasty chicken and 'mushroom' casseroles...
Depends on their immune system response to various fungi how long it takes for the funeral.
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Aww. Poor Baxter. You beast.
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Please tell me I won't have to do weight training to hold it while I read it like your last (so bloody funny and worth the muscular effort) pretty please with sweetened whipped cream and cherries on top?
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If only someone (like Zelenski perhaps) had warned him that breaking ceasefire agreements is something that Putin has a record of doing hmm?
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What blistering and selfish nonsense. People don't battle with congestion and potholes when walking is an option.
Public transport and walking aren't safe options after dark and in some areas not all that safe in daylight either.
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25 cats or 25th birthday?
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I had sympathy for the reasons behind the formation of the IRA too but that didn't make their methods acceptable.
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It's possible that he was CAPTURED from a disabled tank - that would explain the burns - and I agree that Israel hold thousands of Palestinian hostages in inhumane conditions but just because Israel are worse terrorists than Hamas doesn't make Hamas innocent.
Israeli propaganda is ridiculous bs.
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Rubbish. Where is your evidence for such a ridiculous statement?
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It is the precise OPPOSITE to a solution for car exhaust pollution.
It is no deterrent to walking to have to wait a minute for a green crossing signal.
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Civilians were not taken hostage by anyone from the Warsaw ghetto.
False comparison.
While I fully understand the reasons behind the Oct 7 attacks by going after civilians Hamas showed themselves to be almost as bad as the Israelis.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
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Not all Jews are Zionists by a very long way and not all Zionists are Jews.
That is a very stupid thing to say Gaius.
Are you antisemitic or just ignorant?
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The Oct 7 attack was unacceptable of course but Gaza had been under seige for a long time before that and unable to have a 'legitimate' government or elections.
Also worth remembering that it was Israel who funded the initial setting up of Hamas.
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It's the 21st century version of burning books.
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Anyone in any doubt about the revolting and damaging nature of salmon farming should look at the results of it in Scotland where the practice is extensive.
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Remove the right to due process for one and it sets the precedent to remove it for all.
This is not a joking matter.