WoW Content Creator | Enjoyer of Lore & Story & Stuff | Person w/ Inconsistent Branding
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Immediately second-guessed myself and worried you'd misinterpret that joke so I'll add...
Be a good tagline for a Warcraft Dating App: 'Find Someone that describes your junk as Mythic Plus'
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Sounds like they spend a lot of time thinking about your 'M+ Junk'
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I think his asshole-ishness will play really well opposite (hopefully) boyscout Superman. Plus he has a bowlcut
People will often bring up how he got knocked out in one punch by Batman but he became a Red Lantern in New 52 and was weirdly cool for a bit. Plus he has a bowlcut
Also Bowlcut
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Streamline my process - More of a draft goal; need to figure this one out still
Learn & Develop - I need to stop coasting. Out of all of the things; voice acting is the part of the process I enjoy the most. But real roles aren't just gonna land in my lap. First step towards that is acting classes
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For me; the worst thing about 'true' narcissists is that they can know you are a person with low self-esteem that internalises and has struggled with major mental health dips and they STILL gaslight you into utter self destruction
For lack of a better word; that's evil
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...But then, not gonna lie, it's not the worst thing in the world if people who start every sentence with "ACKCHUALLY..." stopped being a thing
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I'm not an expert on Vtubers but according to Reddit (that's right; i did research for you!)... If you're particularly fond of that name - Just spell it differently.
That should cover you just in case there's someone else out there already using it. Maybe you could call them... Ban'omalies 😂
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A lot of our food is just stodge. It's either meat and two veg or "just put beans on it"
Ironically - I was labeled a fussy eater as a kid because I didn't like fish fingers or baked beans
I think we deserve more credit for our puddings / desserts though
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I kinda damaged my hearing listening to and playing live metal music when I was younger so I just don't even hear that stuff anymore. I mean I'd probably notice yardwork but... surely ppl aren't gonna send you recordings with a full-blown lawnmower going in the background?!
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Might be misunderstanding & I'm no sound technician but... what you could do is ask ppl to send you raw audio & then treat it in Audacity yourself to somewhat match it all(?) That's what I would attempt to do, I think. Though I literally voice every character so I dunno what I'm talking about
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Following mostly. Although Discover can be nice sometimes...
Pictures of cats. Art. Creatives saying relatable things about imposter syndrome. Turns my frown upside down
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Yeah that's a good shout. I'm excited to see how far they take it. Knowing nothing about game development; I am imagining streets. You'll have neighbours (and you hate them). You can sit on your stoop like a really cool person
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That's the messy, complicated part isn't it? I don't envy them - Do they make player housing purely cosmetic? Or do they allow players to unlock things for their house like a Mailbox... and an Auction House...
^gestures wildly towards the Brutosaur^
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"Maybe if you didn't spend all your gold on Chippy Tea and Hallowfall Chilli, YoU'd Be AbLe To AfFoRd A hOuSe!"
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My grandfather was (kind of) a spy too! But cold war era. Something to do with Able Archer. He was in The Household Cavalry til his late 20s. Then he took off that stupid hat and went to GCHQ
Probably not supposed to just blurt this stuff out but whatevs
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In an effort to cancel out that weirdness(!?); Lord of the Clans is very meaningful to me. It's difficult to explain exactly why without oversharing. Seeing the Orcs overcome addiction whilst the villain surrendered to it. That theme came at just the right moment in my life. So thank you very much
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Sometimes the fairest outcome is for no one to be happy. And for that reason... they should give him a mullet
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I think he should've just gone bald and stayed bald. I think everyone in Warcraft should go bald and stay bald. Azeroth seems like a pretty stressful place to live
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I agree. It's just as 'defeatist' to write people off as inherently evil. Sweeping generalisations are easy; nuance is hard
But then I do empathise. Some folks are gonna externalise and lash out whilst they process. They don't mean it
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I saw Jon Stewart on Conan's podcast say, early in his career, he decided to just start enjoying the process instead of being constantly miserable with imposter syndrome all the time
That kinda resonated with me so I think that's my goal for next year
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I do want to give DnD another go at some point. Tried during covid but it was really awkward trying to do it over Discord voice chat
My plan is to start with a cliché, low intelligence, brute force barbarian type that's a man of few words. That gives me an excuse to be more of an observer
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Sorry to jump in on your convo but I agree. I really envy the courage it takes to properly craft an OC. I go over the top with humour and silliness as a bit of a defence mechanism because I'm terrified of giving it a real go. Which pisses off other RPers because they think I'm mocking them
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The bloke's either a troll or a narcissist. Either way - best bet is to ignore. I know that's easier said than done but just trust that they have no real influence and there's nothing they can do that will reflect badly on you
They're a small, petty willy and that's it
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Sorry this is happening to you. Having 'spies' in a persons Discord is ridiculously childish. Like 'Habbo Hotel' Mafia sh*t that I was doing when I was 11 years old 😂
Maybe, just maybe... it's crap like that which is costing him these completely made up opportunities
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Silliness of that take aside; I don't even understand why that would be a good contingency...
"Oh No. Patch 11.0.5 is considered 'bad / buggy / whatever'. Quickly! Piss them off more with a $90 store mount!"
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I'd like to know how they settled on the price. You could buy Dragon Age in a weeks time for 60
But why do that when there's a big ol' ornate, four-legged penis with an Auction House and a Post Box for 90?
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I reckon it will succeed. There's always the fear that it will get 'ensh*tified' over time; obviously they're going to have to find some way to monetise. But for now - it's a nice platform
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I like it. Was considering returning to Twitter just to get back in the loop of what the community is talking about but also really didn't want to go back to Twitter. Hopefully Bluesky takes off and stays pleasant