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Environment, nature, science, anti-fascist
174 posts 53 followers 100 following
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“Birds are breathing in high levels of airborne microplastics into their lungs—and, likely, so are we, with unclear effects on our health.“ Ending the age of plastic is an EMERGENCY. The world needs an ambitious Global #PlasticsTreaty that drastically cuts plastic production.

do you want to see a hypocritical bigot? 👇

"come se non ci fosse un domani"

Please listen and share—this is a very serious situation. This is extremely alarming! The Trump administration, across two agencies, is considering bringing criminal charges against employees simply for doing their jobs.

Learn more about the extraordinary model of Delhi where women are passing from not stepping outside home to using public transport freely. 👇 #SystemShift #mobility #WomensHistoryMonth

#Trump ha offeso gli abitanti del #Lesotho

Buses in Heidelberg, Germany.

🚌 Transportation costs or safety concerns can act as barriers, limiting women’s mobility and reinforcing gender inequality. ⁣ ⁣ Delhi’s scheme to provide free bus travel for women challenged those barriers.⁣ 🎧 Listen to the full episode of the latest #SystemShift podcast

They have banned #environmental #Justice programs in the #USA

Il leader della #Cgil Landini a #Latina: "Con il referendum decidiamo noi, senza delegare nessuno" -- Il leader della Cgil a Latina per la campagna referendaria "Cinque Sì" © LatinaToday

Il piano di #Bolsonaro per uccidere #Lula, incriminato l'ex presidente

Climatepride cop16 la natura si riunisce per la #biodiversita '

#Sudan, l'inferno in terra del tutto invisibile ai media europei

Scientists aiming to bring back woolly mammoth create woolly mice

Armaroli: «Le centrali che vuole il governo non esistono» #nucleare #italia

Bonelli (Avs): «Nucleare? Più costoso del gas. Il governo ci prende in giro» |

La visita di Salis al #CPR di Milano: "è un inferno che non dovrebbe neanche esistere"

whitness of a Palestinian prisoner tortured in #Israel

Come funziona l'occupazione della #Palestina da parte di #Israele

Situation in #Palestine

Inchiesta di #Greenpeace e #Rai3 Italia complice della flotta fantasma russa?

⚠️ Wolves need to be protected! Despite their numbers growing, they are still endangered. The EU recently lowered their protection, for no reason. 🐺Wolves are vital to healthy ecosystems & pose almost no risk to humans 💚 We must protect nature. 💚 We must protect wolves. #WorldWildlifeDay

Thanks to everyone who participated nationwide!

My husband was injured in his foot due to the Gaza war. He, like many innocent people, is suffering, but still holds on to hope. Your generous donations will help him receive urgent medical care and get back to his life. Please support us:

TONIGHT (2/3/25): in response to the current action by the Israeli govrenment, protestors in Tel Aviv are demanding the restoration of humanitarian aid to G4za and an end to the ethn1c cleans1ng of the P4lestinian people. @radicalbloctlv #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow

#IsraelTheIllegalState #IsraelTerroristState #IsrarlGuiltyOfGenocide

Dove hanno bombardato gli #USA ?

Cosa succede a chi critica Israele? What's happening to who criticize #Israel ?

Just in case you think Russia is way on the other side of the globe

lunedì 3 marzo 2025 alle 9:30 presso il teatro D'Annunzio di #Latina #Referendum2025 -- Il leader della #Cgil Maurizio Landini a Latina

Non esistono civiltà inferiori esistono solo culture diverse Non esistono Paesi sottosviluppati esistono Paesi sovra-sfruttati. There are no inferior civilizations, only different cultures. There are no underdeveloped countries, there are over-exploited countries.

Cosa sta succedendo in #Africa (#Congo , #Sudan , ...) What 's happening in Africa?

They are trying to destroy #Greenpeace #USA

Great job MAGA.

Per chi può donare per una famiglia in #Gaza, vivono in una tenda e soffrono la fame. Sostieni questa campagna GoFundMe con donazioni o condivisioni: ogni piccolo gesto di aiuto fa la differenza. #Judaism Is not #zionism #Israel does not represent the #jews

#BrexitIsAFraud #RussiaFundedBrexiteers #Brexit Fix it now and sod the Brexstremist Parasites and Criminals behind it and the lies, fraud, corruption & divisive propaganda! Time to end #Brexit and #RejoinTheEU NOW 🇪🇺

WHERE WILL YOU BE ON MARCH 7TH!? Head to or the link in our bio to find your closest event—or add one if you're hosting one! #standupforscience2025

BREAKING Greenpeace Africa delivered a global petition on behalf of more than half a million people, calling on governments to force fossil fuel companies to “stop their climate wrecking activities” and “repair and pay for the damage they have caused.”

If you know Gene Rodenberry and Star Trek, you know about eugenics and what followed after. If you studied modern history you know what happened in the 1930s and what happened after! Updates from #Palestine Aggiornamenti dalla #Palestina

It's impossible to get real #news about #Palestine from western news, they Just spread israeli propaganda

#Manifestazione per un'altra #universita #Bologna

Saluti #fascisti a #Roma

#Parma #manifestazione #antifascista contro c@s@p0und

We stand in unwavering support with Ukraine and its brave people against continued Russian aggression. Now more than ever, Europe must stand united to achieve a just and lasting peace for Ukraine. #SlavaUkraini

#research in the #USA Is under Attack by #Trump administration

🕊️The flag of the Republic of the Marshall Islands flies at half-mast aboard the Rainbow Warrior, in remembrance of the devastating Castle Bravo nuclear test. #MarshallIslands #NuclearJustice #History #JusticeforMarshallIslands #ClimateJustice #JimweImMaron