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Postdoc at Leuphana University Lüneburg | PhD from Gothenburg University | Political behavior, gender and politics, radical right, young men.
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Authoritarianism and conservative gender attitudes go hand in hand.🤝 Amy Alexander and I wrote a Cambridge Element on exactly this relationship and, as of today, it is officially accepted for publication! Will share more soon :)

Im Rahmen meiner ersten live Gesprächsrunde durfte ich für den Aspekte der Bundestagswahl einordnen, z.B. die Normalisierung von rechtsradikaler Politik und das Wahlverhalten junger Wähler*innen.

🚨 Job Alert! 🚨 I’m looking for a postdoc to join my Emmy Noether project on the New Climate Divide! 🌍 🔍 It is a 3-year position with a likely extension for another 3 years & no teaching obligations 📄 Check out the job call: Thanks for sharing! 🤝

Der Aufstieg der Linken fasziniert mich. Ich hatte da so eine Vermutung und tatsächlich ist es so: Die Linke gewinnt dort wo die Grünen verlieren. Der Zusammenhang ist bemerkenswert, der Zusammenhang zu Gewinnen/Verlusten der SPD andersrum und zu denen der CDU nicht vorhanden.

Kandidaten und Parteienbindung spielen nach Selbstauskunft bei der Wahlentscheidung kaum eine Rolle.

Even more distinct among young women:

#BTW25 My take on the #GermanElection: Social justice wins votes! Especially among youth, and young urban women in particular. Even though this campaign barely addressed social justice and was dominated by debates on immigration, domestic & international security, and economic growth, ...

Die Sprache ist ja gerne von "diesen jungen Leuten". Ein kurzer 🧵 zum Wahlverhalten nach Altersgruppen und meine Einschätzung zur Veränderung seit 2021. Wieder einmal zeigt sich, dass junge Menschen zwar volatiler wählen als andere Altersgruppen, vor allem aber eine sehr heterogene Gruppe sind!

Started reading this very long but interesting piece on "Both-Sideology": "Both-sideology shields people, including social psychologists, from recognizing and responding appropriately to the looming threat of right-wing authoritarianism."

I see a lot of desperation about German election. #BTW25 Let me provide a perspective from Trumpland: AfD will win at most 25%, which means that 75% do NOT vote for far right! That is still a strong democratic mandate. Use it to strengthen democracy! Don't empower the far right unnecessarily!

Any talk you hear from the current administration about making the US more competitive in science and technology is utter bullshit. What they are doing is sabotaging our country for years if not decades to come.

#Germany's federal criminal police office, not exactly known for over-counting such things, reports that at least 41,000 crimes with a right-wing extremist motive were committed in 2024, a 1/3 increase compared to 2023. 2023, with a 23% increase on 2022, had already marked an all-time high #farright

Das große Rästel dieses Wahlkampfs: Innen- wie weltpolitisch geht es drunter und drüber, aber wir sehen nahezu keine Bewegung in den Umfragen, abgesehen vom Last-Minute-Surge der Linken. Juckt die Wähler das alles nicht? Ein paar mögliche Erklärungen im Thread.

For this week's edition, I talked to Tanya Falenczyk on young men's attitudes towards feminism and gender equality. Really happy to see this out, also in print!

Letzte Woche haben und ich basierend auf den Kandidierendenlisten & der Wahlrechtsreform geteilt, dass der neue Bundestag deutlich weniger weibliche Abgeordnete beinhalten wird. Unsere Überlegungen dazu könnt ihr bei nachlesen. 📚🕵️‍♀️

Danke an die Kolleg:innen von der Open Expert Survey, die für Daniel Morgenstern, & mich Fragen zur Brandmauer aufgenommen haben 👏 📣Auf gibt es alle Ergebnisse & pre-release Daten! Kurz: Es gibt klare Unterschiede im Ausmaß der Brandmauer Lang: 🧵👇

Do citizens stereotype Muslims as inherently homophobic? In a new paper w/ & we answer this question using a double-list experiment across 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇳🇱 Spoiler: Yes. 🧵

✨New publication in Populism & Politics✨ Do minority voters tend to vote for Populist Radical Right Parties (PRRPs)? And why? Though Dutch Muslim minorities are much less likely to vote for the PVV, French and German Muslim minorities are actually just as likely to... 🧵

The falsehood came from the right. How (radical/ extreme) right shares mis/ disinformation more online. Good to see colleagues and’s research featured in #polisky

Vote choice by birth cohort and gender in the 2024 European election in Germany: - Increased gender gaps among young voters for several parties. - AfD share more than twice as high among young men (21% vs. 10%). - 49% of young men voted for the right-leaning parties, but only 32% of young women.

Is there a gender youth gap in far-right voting and cultural attitudes across EU countries? 🚻🇪🇺 With Amy Alexander and Nicholas Charron, we have a new Gender Update out in We find much cross-country variation, but... 🧵

You wonder how the CDU/CSU playing with the "Brandmauer" to AfD last week has influenced German voters? & I have you covered. We surveyed sample of 2,000 German voters. 🧵with first results 👇. Spoiler: It did not go down as well as CDU/CSU hoped.

Extremely happy that my first single-authored paper is now published (open access) at @EJPRjournal: “Asymmetric backlash against structural economic change: the electoral consequences of the coal phase-out in Germany” Here's a summary thread... 1/n

🚨 Women will disappear from the next Bundestag! While national news reports close to equal % of women candidates compared to 2021, the upcoming election on Feb 23 will lead to an even more male-dominated parliament. Here's why the new electoral system is pushing women out—🧵

I have a new article in 🎉 It uses conjoint experiment in the UK to test how important the culture war (statues, LGBT+ representation in pop culture, DEI, transwomen athletes, curriculum diversity, and university free speech) is to voters Link👇 & results 🧵

"Ich kenne kein Land, in dem die Strategie der Übernahme rechtspopulistischer Themen [durch Mitteparteien] langfristig erfolgreich war - schon gar nicht in der Migrationspolitik." - im Spiegel

Anfang 2024 ging eine Protestwelle gegen #Rassismus durch Deutschland. Welchen Einfluss hatten die Demonstrationen auf Wahlen? Eine WZB-Studie zeigt für die Europawahl: Dort, wo antirassistische Proteste stattfanden, büßte die AfD an den Wahlurnen knapp ein Prozent ein.

Öffentliche Salienz von Zuwanderung (gegenwärtig das wichtigste oder zweitwichtigste Problem in Deutschland laut Umfragen) und AfD-Stimmanteil in Sonntagsfrage. Daten von Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (Politbarometer).