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officially gave up hope for humanity in 2023, now just watching the collapse from the sideline hope the stuff we leave behind won't be too bad for the animals once they take over again
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Catherine from Zaporizhzhia. She spent 5 hours under the rubble of her house, destroyed by a Russian missile. All this time she has been hugging her cat. P.S. Sorry she didn't wear a suit.

We need to trust our eyes. Nazi salutes, racist purges, an ambush on the Ukrainian president by a far-right regime. If what we see aligns with what we know and is also in line with an established track record, our default assumption should be that what is happening is actually what it looks like.

This narrative must change. Trump has not paused military aid to Ukraine because of a bad meeting, but because of disagreement about the political substance. Trump wants Ukraine to surrender, and he thinks this step will do the job.

They’re learning about Budapest, tiktok is full-on libbing out

Falls jemand sich fragt, welche Alternativen bzw. Optionen es für US-Dienstleistungen gibt: Schaut mal hier vorbei: Vielleicht kann und will man nicht (sofort) alles verbannen aber ich schaue mich definitiv um! 🇪🇺

Ich wünsche euch allen eine schöne, endlich frühlingshafte Woche ❤️

I've seen three different articles on this, because the guy who owns the company that makes this stuff reached out to the press. He's got 400,000 boxes of life-saving goo sitting in a warehouse, and if USAID won't accept it, he's going to have to throw it out.

It seems to me that many have still not fully understood that Trump simply does not want to play the role that Europeans want him to play. He does not want to provide security guarantees for 🇺🇦, neither in the first nor in the second line. No 'strong US backing' will materialize.

In 1965, CEOs made 21 times what the typical worker did. In 2023, CEOs were paid 290 times as much as the typical worker.

The reason this is such a big deal is that Trumpism, an ideology of pathological insecurity and bullying, requires you to submit. When you don’t submit, it calls everything about them into question, and they can’t handle that. So don’t submit. Defy the fascist scum.

I also thought this when I was in third grade but I was 8 and also I didn’t cost 90 billion dollars to make

This is Winston Churchill visiting Washington DC to request assistance in the war against Germany. Notice he is wearing a "zip suit" and not a traditional suit. This was to honor the British troops--the same reason Zelensky dresses the way he does.

Interesting tidbit: "Research by the Center for Countering Digital Hate showed that 70% of Covid-19 anti-vax disinformation between February and March 2021 had been generated by 12 individuals with collective annual revenues of around $36m." There's always a theft angle. Always.

What we’re witnessing in America is what happens when disordered discourse captures a political party, then the state itself. The Republican Party was the first to fall - abandoning truth for conspiracy, ideology for grievance, and policy for performative outrage.

HEY EVERYONE REMEMBER WHEN TRUMP WAS IMPEACHED FOR DENYING AID TO UKRAINE BECAUSE HE WANTED ZELENSKY TO LIE AND SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT BIDEN AND ZELENKSY WOULDN’T DO IT? Maybe literally one fucking American newspapers could mention this in their, “think pieces,” about what happened yesterday.

Der kleine Maulwurf hat sich die Scheiße jetzt lange genug angesehen.

Wann Live-Übertragung aus dem Bundeskanzleramt, wo Merz und Spahn auf die Omas gegen Rechts einbrüllen?

I will never forget the photo of Zelenskyy’s face after he saw Russia’s war crimes in Bucha in 2022. He seemed to age years in an afternoon. Watching him constantly cross the world asking for aid that should have been thrown at him is one of the deepest shames of our age.

8 Personen haben so viel Vermögen wie Menschen. Ziemlich sicher sind aber Bürgergeldempfänger unser Problem.

Next year, the EU will require cars to have buttons & dials -- not just touchscreens -- to get a top safety rating. This is a great move. Drivers can fiddle with knobs & buttons without taking their eyes off the road, but they can't do that with touchscreens. (Even better: Tesla will hate this)

I don’t have an opinion on this action but I do know that terminally online people who critique a given action w/o proposing some kind of alternative of where people should focus their energy do more harm than good. It’s cynical and dispiriting and it encourages people new to activism to disengage.

In today’s Vatnik Soup REBREW, I’ll re-introduce the American-British social media personalities, Tristan and Andrew Tate. They’re best-known for their social media grifts, allegations of human trafficking and rape, and sucking up to authoritarian regimes. 1/22

Rubio terminated 5800 USAID contracts – more than 90% of its foreign aid programs – in defiance of the courts. Here’s a list of just some of the lifesaving awards that were terminated. Nearly all were Congressionally mandated. They’ve saved millions of lives. 🧵

Trump believes I won't violate a peace deal so much that he won't sign a deal that says US has to do something when I do.

Kleiner Funfact: Weil die CDU in ihrer kleinen Anfrage auch und meine Recherche zu den "Rechtstreibern in der CDU" erwähnte, hat sich das Publikum für diesen Artikel noch mal vergrößert. Prognose: Wir überschreiten bald die 500 000 Zugriffe

Bitte sehr gerne teilen, teilen, teilen! Große Antwort auf kleine Anfrage von CDU: OMAS GEGEN RECHTS lassen sich nicht einschüchtern!

Geht es nach Markus Söder, soll ein Lobbyist und verurteilter Umweltsünder, der obendrein Falschnachrichten über den Klimawandel verbreitet, neuer Landwirtschaftsminister werden. Dass dieser kein Bundestagsmandat hat, ist dabei nur noch Nebensache.


Geopolitik bei Spahn bestellt? 🧵 Zwei Äußerungen Spahns gestern bei #MaybritIllner verdienen nähere Betrachtung: 1.) Er stellt Kürzungen des Entwicklungshilfe-Budgets zur Diskussion, da USA und GB das ja auch tun würden. Welche geostrategischen Auswirkungen hätte das? 1/10

Nach den Wahlen widerstandsfähig bleiben: Der Kampf für Menschenrechte kann ermüdend sein. Viele sind durch die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen mental überlastet. Resilienz, als psychische Widerstandskraft, kann helfen. So sorgst du für dich in krisenhaften Zeiten:

One of the most common arguments you hear from fans of generative ‘AI’ is that it’s not plagiarizing people’s work, it’s just learning like a human learns. So I’m going to break down why that’s just not true, and why it can never be true, with the existing systems. 1/

The fact that the USA has banned visas for trans people but welcomed rapist Andrew Tate shows how all this "defending women" stuff is total bullshit

Denmark's largest grocery chain, Salling Group, has started labeling all European products in their stores. This makes it easier for consumers to boycott American products and buy European ones instead.

Kleine Anfrage an die Union! 1. Welche Mitglieder des Vorstands waren als Lobbyist:in aktiv? 2. Welche Mitglieder des Vorstands sind als Lobbyist:in aktiv? 3. Welche Verbindungen bestehen zwischen Vorstandsmitglieder:innen und inländischen und ausländischen Thinktanks? 1/2

Elon Musk's only profitable company, Tesla, has created a cumulative grand total net income of $34 billion in its more than 20 years of existence. That's less than the total amount of US federal subsidies his empire has collectively received. The economics of Elon Musk are as bad as the politics. leaders on Ukraine: “… Putin and his troops have committed war crimes on a scale not seen in Europe since the Second World War. Their attacks are perverse and evil. They abduct Ukraine’s children, hunt civilians, abuse prisoners of war, and pummel the energy grid..”

Das geht wirklich einfach gar nicht!! Es geht einfach nicht, dass die Franzosen hier die Nase vorn haben. Strengt euch mehr an!

Ich habe die kleine Anfrage der Union für länger eingeordnet. (Und bin dankbar, dass mir die Redaktion "kokaingetrieben" und "lauchig" nicht wegredigiert hat, im Gegenteil)

Ein Grund, warum die CDU die Grünen mehr attackiert als die Linken, ist ihre Bürgerlichkeit. Die CDU nimmt Linke nicht ernst, das sind räudige Leute, die in Friedrichshain andere Linke tätowieren. Die Grünen sind die Kinderärztin und der Pastor und damit sind sie Konkurrenz.

In diesem Land werden eher die „Omas gegen Rechts“ verboten als die AfD.

Ach was? Die Union ist doch iwie ganz weit rechts? Die lupenreinen Demokraten greifen die Zivilgesellschaft an? Ja, wer hätte das gedacht, mal abgesehen von paar Millionen die intensiv versucht haben euch das zu verklickern. Die Hälfte von uns will es so oder schlimmer. Da ist das Problem.

„Wenn Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht.“ – Bertolt Brecht

three years ahead of the LA Olympics, our government is saying it will override international sporting bodies to decide which athletes are eligible to compete a government that does that should not be allowed to host international sporting events

The question I am really struggling with right now is: What is "law & order" and the entire American constitutional order *for* if it isn't a Go Directly to Jail card for guys like Donald Trump and Elon Musk for doing *exactly* what they're doing right now?

Das hier ist aus dem Szenario einer AfD-Regierungsbeteiligung, das ich vor 8 Monaten in meinem Buch "Machtübernahme" skizziert habe, S. 29. Und ich fürchte, ich habe mich geirrt – es wird ein CDU-Minister sein, kein AfD-Minister.

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m tired of living through pivotal moments in history.