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What a knob
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I could listen to this man talk all day.
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The platform for free speech, everyone. 🙄
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No worries. Some people have nothing better to do than to start arguments over a simple question.
I don't know the local geography, but I'm sure there are reasons they're choosing to refill where they are.
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These are a great design. A lot of the other fire fighting planes require them to land to refill, while these can just scoop up water from any source large enough to dip into.
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Have you?
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The effects would be negligible. It takes a lot of salt to prevent things from growing. Only the most sensitive plants would have problems, and they're all burnt anyway.
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I hope things look up for you.
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I'm not sorry to see him go, but I am sorry about who will likely replace him. Poilievre doesn't have a single real answer to give when asked how he'll run the country, and that's really not a good sign.
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It's going to be 4 weeks for me starting next Monday.
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I'm actually all for idiots putting themselves in harm's way. It's high time we put the "selection" back in natural selection.
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I followed you on Twitter originally after coming across your YouTube channel a few years back. When I jumped ship from Twitter, I followed as many accounts as I could find over here.
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Don't be silly. You can't become a billionaire in Monopoly!
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I just got your bundle. I hope things go better for you.
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The other was getting a Playstation 2 and... Grand Theft Auto 3. This time by brother and I fought over who got to play. There were a few other games, but GTA3 was the one we were dead set on playing. It blew my mind having such a wide open world to explore.
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Two days come to mind. One was getting Donkey Kong Country on SNES. My brother and I played together, and it's one of my fonder memories. We had several extended family members over on boxing day and traveled together to a rented farmhouse for an extended family Christmas.
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They must not have even watched it. They probably saw it was animated and just assumed it was fine for kids.
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You don't have to follow me; I rarely post anyway. I just wanted to say I love the memes, and thanks for everything you do.
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I remember doing this a lot before open-backed / modular designs were more widely available and the only hole was a single 2" opening for power and cable / aux connections.
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We're trying to, but the people who call the shots are hoping it all blows over and they can go back to repairing 50 year old equipment.
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I feel like that could make a good psychological horror game like the backrooms. I've been in an empty IKEA after hours, and it is genuinely unsettling.
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I'd like to uninvited you on their behalf.
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That's some physics lesson
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That means a lot, man. Also, my ears are kinda bleeding?
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It's so interesting getting to see a bit of their lives like this.
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Most of my favourite accounts have already come over, so I don't have much reason to keep Twitter at this point. I haven't even opened the app in days.
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Ok, so it's under the "Labels" button at the bottom left.as long as you use that, I think the moderation team should leave you alone.
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If it's the videoof the slime on the woman's breasts, I can still see it.
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I love how his pitch when buying Twitter was that he was going to protect free speech and "bring back comedy."
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Nudity doesn't seem to be an issue. I've seen lots. The posts are almost always flagged as "sexually suggestive" or "non-sexual nudity" or something to that effect so people with moderation settings turned on will have to tap "show" to see it. Not sure how this actually works - might be automatic.
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I can see the video.
Video files occasionally won't load properly. Reloading the page usually fixes it.
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Yeah, no gif support. I don't get why.
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I'm not sure how the censorship works here (might be AI-driven?), but I do know I've seen full, frontal nudity and even video of hard-core sexual acts, and those accounts have been left alone.
I think there are file size limits, and video has to be limited to under 60 seconds.
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This looks like a fun story.
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I really want some carnival food now...
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This looks like him after he befriends Buu and chills out a bit.
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I've seen tonnes of adult content, I think they just enforce having it marked as such.
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They've added a lot of missing features over the last while. It feels a lot more like twitter used to be.
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I guess the x app is just particularly broken for me. Sometimes it just decides to stop loading media for a while.
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That looks like pure diabetes in a box.
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I prefer that over x showing me something cool and refreshing before I can tap on it so that the thing I saw is lost forever.
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That film will never lose its magic for me. It really is one in a million.