Okay, biskies! I meant to ask this earlier in the week, but I want to preserve some sweet memories of Christmas gaming in the bumper festive issue of my 'zine, Scanlines, coming out on Monday.
What's your favourite memory of gaming over Christmas? When you got the console you hoped for, etc.
What's your favourite memory of gaming over Christmas? When you got the console you hoped for, etc.
I love it on my switch!!!!
It became my mission to beat that game, which whoof, that game is hard! Finally did years later at a lan party with my friends cheering me on 😁
I remember being so happy at checkout, knowing I'd get a PS1 in a few days on Christmas morning.
Spyro was the first game I played on it.
But since I have bad eye sight it was actually a new PS3 lol
It was his last big present for me, just as I'd graduated from high school.
30 years later my mom told me it was actually for my cousin. I was just so attached to it that my parents got me one the next day!
As a complete surprise my parents got us a PlayStation that Christmas. Blew my mind.
When I was 5/6 my parents got me the GBA with pokemon: LeafGreen for Christmas, and I remember jumping around and being all giddy inside
*sigh* simpler times back then
It’s nice to be able to share some of the good memories of being a lil guy, especially when it comes to happy feelings ab videogames back then lol
What a day.
It lasted until February.
This is the Commodore 64C. I got it... I think it was on my 5th or 6th Christmas (so we're talking 1989 or 1990).
What we have here is a microcomputer with a 1 MHz processor, 64K of RAM &, for the most part, it loads it's software from... 1/3
To a modern computer user / gamer, this might seem like a museum piece.
Not to me, it isn't.
This was my introduction to computers. This is what got me into gaming. This was the computer that taught me coding (BASIC as it was).
This was even the first computer I typed &... 2/3
I still feel a rush of warm nostalgia when I switch her on & I see this screen. 👇
Because, you see, she's still with me. 😊
Easy to forget pain and frailness when you're zooming through a game that big!
Mom + Dad would buy us one or two NES games we asked for ahead of time. We knew which boxes those were. We'd cut the tape, play the game almost every day before they got home, then retape the wrapping paper.
Still rocking all of them & restored. Here is (box NOT mine).
Forced muscle memory and trauma. I could complete it and I know some tricks/secrets also.
I could do a little feature on your GB collection in one of the upcoming issues of my 'zine if that sounds like something you'd be interested in doing? Could talk about your history with it and favourite games, etc.
Worth it.
I believe it was in XMas 1991 I got this Master System II pack. That was totally unexpected and it changed my life!
There's a race going on? Nah, I'm taking in the trees and the snow.
I remember the fallouts for the warnings for "CLIFF!!"
One that holds a very special place in my heart is my mom gave me Sonic Mega Collection Plus for PS2 on Christmas Eve as an early Christmas gift.
This was the same year our old Genesis died and we couldn’t fix it
my parents must have gone through so many batteries those next few days…
However, and even if I was already fully in my teenage years (must've been 15/16)
I remember the launch of the 360, 2nd of December in Europe and the deal was that I could go buy it on launch day, but no playing before Christmas!!!
And I waited until Christmas and then, to hook it up to the brand new TV, connect it online!!!
But PGR3.
I think I will FOREVER remember launching the game, being 🤯😲🤩
It definitely was the "oh I understand all this talk about HD gaming and next generation and all that"
Just the intro still gives me chills to this day
I remember actually saying "Santaa... I wished for a whole NES, not just the controller!"
Me, my brother and my two cousins sharing two controllers between us.
Non-stop, for hours, never getting bored, always screaming about this death and that kill.
Pulling hair and taking forfeits for sucking hard at the game.
Needless to say on that day my and a couple of my buddies played for like 6-7 hours straight.