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The Bundestag’s top intelligence experts are calling for a European spy network, warning that Europe can’t rely on intelligence from the United States amid growing uncertainty.

🇩🇰🇺🇸 41% of Danes now see the US as a threat to Denmark, - Verian Poll for Berlingske ❗️92% believe that Denmark should prioritize Europe over the US when it comes to security.

Tāda sajūta, ka tas, kas pie orkiem vairāk nekā 20 gadu laikā notika, amerikāņiem- mēneša laikā.

Where is the outrage in America about this shameful betrayal by Trump? Where are the Senators and Members of Congress who cheered Zelensky when he addressed them, but are now too afraid of Trump to say a word in defence of Ukraine?

Kad Jūs pēdējo reizi pārkrāmējāt 72h somu?🧐

Mums Latvijā ir daudz brīvas vietas un neizmantotu iespēju.:) Arī droši varētu daži tūkstoši ASV demokrātu zinātnieki ieceļot. #backtotheroots

Trump may relocate 35,000 troops from Germany to Hungary, which has close ties with Russia, according to The Telegraph. This move would further strain relations between the U.S. and Europe.

As Musk was busy blowing up Space X rockets, Europe's new rocket Ariane 6 successfully carried out its first commercial mission, placing a French military satellite into orbit and confirming the continent's independent access to space and further cutting reliance on US systems. #StandWithUkraine

Somi ļoti pragmatiski ļaudis…

Krievija veikusi masveida dronu un raķešu uzbrukumu Ukrainas enerģētikas un gāzes infrastruktūrai, informē enerģētikas ministrs Hermans Haluščenko. Polijā palaisti iznīcinātāji un paaugstinātas gatavības režīmā nostādītas pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmas, informē Polijas Aizsardzības ministrija.

I am just going to leave this here, for the accounting

Landsberģis ģeniāli skaidro!

Kas mums notiek ar tūristu autobusiem uz Krieviju, Baltkrieviju un atpakaļ?

Just when you think it can’t get any worse - gratuitously cruel and vindictive from a bully and a thug

No country in their right mind should ever buy weapons from the United States again if our president can just shut them off as an act of treason or manipulation.

Kaut kā gribētos arī no kādas Latvijas amatpersonas dzirdēt runu ar vērienu un tomēr cilvēciski uzrunājoši. #nedaudzskauž #pietrūkstVairas

Vieglāk ir kaut ko iznīcināt nekā uzlabot.

Kāpēc mums tik izteikti pirmais impulss ir aizliegt nevis sakārtot? Kāpēc mēs neņemam vērā tās sabiedrības grupas, kam ir nepieciešama tieši šāda pieeja izglītībai? Ir tik daudz dažādu iemeslu. Taču tas neatņem iespēju mācīties klātienē pārējiem. Paraksti:


Trumps message to the people of Greenland is that we’re gonna get Greenland one way or the other

JUST IN: Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was removed from the House chamber for his protests during President Trump's speech.

‼️ Russia is seeking to assert its right to the entire Kherson region before peace talks begin, which is why the Russian Armed Forces are trying to seize a bridgehead on the Dnipro, — The Guardian

Ļoti gaiša doma!

Mantojuma tiesību reforma – kas mainījies un un kas jāzina mantiniekiem?

Latvijas politiķiem jāapzinās, ka šobrīd sabiedrībā vairs netic tam, ka ASV ir uzticams NATO partneris. Man nākas uzklausīt dažādus cilvēkus, kas nu ir pārliecināti, ka krīzes gadījumā ASV neiejauksies. Amatpersonu runas par ASV kā stratēģisko partneri šo sajūtu tikai pastiprina- #mani_novērojumi.

Of course. Anybody who don't see this is an utter fool, or a liar. Russia makes no concessions, Ukraine surrenders. That's the "negotiations" that are going on.

Tagad būs patiesības mirklis par Eiropu, tās uzticamību.

US suspends all military aid to Ukraine, reports say, in wake of Trump-Zelenskyy row

🇺🇸🚫 The Trump administration has stopped funding new weapons sales to Ukraine and is considering freezing arms shipments from U.S. warehouses, — WSJ.

French Prime Minister François Bayrou today declared the alliance with the US is seriously wounded and called President Donald Trump’s attitude toward Ukraine “an indecency.”

Trump’s ‘Friday Night Massacre’ just purged top military leaders—loyalty over competence, politics over national security. This isn’t normal, and it’s dangerous. Read why it should alarm every American

OMG, nu jau magisti pavisam aptrakuši

🇺🇦🇹🇷 The training of future employees of the Ukrainian Baykar plant is already underway in Turkey. 🦅 The company is training 20 students of the Kyiv Aviation Institute and 14 future employees, who are mastering the necessary skills to launch the production of drones.

Priecē gan Ata Švinkas, gan Daces Melbārdes kandidatūra. Varbūt tiešām sanāks uzrāviens.

Šobrīd tiešām nav īstais brīdis ņemties ar saviem sīkajiem starppartiju kašķiem.

Water supply of strategic Baltic island Gotland was sabotaged last night. Someone broke into the pump controls and destroyed them. The pumps serve a large part of Gotland (pop 61k) and had it gone unnoticed could have left all island without water. Security services are notified. Water is ok.

Labs raksts. Gribētos cerēt, ka valsts augstākās amatpersonas situāciju arī apzinās vairāk nekā var pateikt. Citādi tiešām veidojas sajūta, ka daļa dzīvo ilūzijās.