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Getting Started

🇩🇰 WINNING Denmark offers a high standard of living, key benefits including free healthcare and education, a great work-life balance with generous vacation time, a safe and stable society with low crime rates, beautiful natural surroundings, and a strong emphasis on gender equality and family life

"Velkommen til Superbrugsen og en jul med dårlig smag i munden". Det er Magisk Jul i #Superbrugsen - bare ikke for grisene. Ufatteligt, at en butikskæde, der aldrig misser chancen for kalde sig "ansvarlig" vil bruge grisen til at lokke kunder i butikken. #fellowcreatures #animalethics #Jul

Land doesn’t vote. Stop pretending it does.

Given that Russia isn't going to announce a withdrawal from Syria — it'll just leave, with as much ambiguity and chaos as it can in its wake — this is a pretty good indication its talks with the new People's Syria to retain its bases are not going well.

“Nye formuetal viser, at den rigeste ene procent af Danmarks befolkning ejer 25 % af hele den danske formue. Tidligere troede vi, at tallet lå på 14 %. Stigningen skyldes, at man i de nye formuetal har inkluderet unoterede aktier” S. 17 i “Hvorfor stiger uligheden - og hvad gør vi ved det?”

This is the biggest news story in the world, and there are 0 (zero) mainstream news stories about it. So we — a small-budget, non-profit media studio founded by a guy who made Anchorman — are left to put it in context for you, because 2024: 🧵

"And once you come to this conclusion you cannot remain silent." Location: Parliament Square, London (sound on)

"Kulturel baggrund er overvurderet, nĂĄr vi taler om flygtninges mulighed for at komme ind pĂĄ det danske arbejdsmarked. Det er voldsomheden af de krigstraumer, man bringer med sig, der for alvor betyder noget for muligheden for at komme i arbejde," skriver #dkbiz #dkpol

Hvid fredag!