Integrative therapist and Trauma Specialist trying to provide hope in times of darkness.
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Your argument of them bringing it in fast is what people said about UC when all that scaremongering was going on. The High Court has ruled the original tory plans as inhumane so they can't do those or there is a precedent for legal action.
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I agree they've stopped being a socialist party but we already knew that when they chose not to have Corbyn as leader. We still don't know what their plans are though. We can't possibly oppose that which we have no detail of. They could choose to do all manner of things so we need to wait
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Should say, it will just be myself and my 18 yr old son 🙂
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Had the 22 other therapists have allowed me to have that, I wouldn't have repeated the same patterns of behaviour that led me to be stuck in DV relationships and taking risks every weekend just to feel like someone actually fucking cared in this world.
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Sorry but I wholeheartedly disagree. I was touch-starved when I found my ideal therapist. She was therapist number 23. I asked for touch to be part of our work and we did it in a safe way. The first time she hugged me was the first time I knew I could stop running and start healing...
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1) we haven't seen the Green Paper on it yet, 2) it would take several years to bring in and roll out, 3) UC migration hasn't been completed and won't until 2028 so DWP doesn't have the staff levels required for mass implementation. You have to know what you're fighting in order to actually fight it
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post says it well when he says “Oh, I didn’t mean you” when debating immigration and how people rationalise their hatred of immigrants whilst having immigrant friends/family…
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Maybe we have in terms of seasons but not politically ... feels like something's coming 😢
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I wish more would celebrate Candlemas. Our local Churches don't even bother though so where is the opportunity for those without understanding to come in from the cold and both explore and celebrate the message?
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Awww, no way. She was so lovely. I never knew her personally, except the brief exchanges we had but, for obvious reasons, I saw her online as we networked in the same professional spaces. Sending love and kindness to her loved ones and all those affected by her death. RIP 🙏🕯
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63 🤣
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Accuweather is pretty good.
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Ah, reparenting at it's finest. Glad you had that experience #blessed
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Thanks. I think I'm just fraying round the edges a bit and today really pushed all the wrong buttons. Will be fine once I get some downtime over the weekend. December is always a hard month for me so that feeling of familiar dread is also hanging over me. Feel kind of OK with it though ...
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I know, it's like all of a sudden there is a place where you can go to just breathe away from all the negativity. So much calmer. And you can randomly connect with people on a human level rather than have the feeling of needing to "stay in your lane". Hope you have a great week 🙂
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Or having a rule that all CPD must be on a self-select fee so therapists don't churn out CPD workshops as a way of making more money (bearing in mind that many of the Onlinevents workshops I've been to have attracted as many as 300 attendees. If each of those were paying even £10, that's a LOT)
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CPD providers can charge.
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We do also need to stop allowing therapists to get away with just reading a book and claiming it as CPD. I've seen it happen way too often where a therapist has just read a book/article etc then claimed they could offer it in practice which then caused harm. There should also be a max limit for what
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We don't need protected titles. All that will do is promote elitism even more. We just need the government to make it illegal to practice without being registered with a membership body. That way clients can check the therapist is legit, know what they can expect ethically and where to complain etc
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No. I'm too nice. I even let the guy who was convinced we were going to get married and have Aryan children down gently. Even if I'm going to block someone, I politely let them know in advance 🙈
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Let's agree to disagree. I've already stated my position on it and I'm firm on that position. If you truly want community, then "locked" anything leads to the polar opposite and is how hierarchy is formed. That's a basic fact.
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Enjoy ... quality time with your daughter anywhere in the world would be awesome but Salzburg sounds pretty amazing. Have a wonderful trip 🙂
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I never thought you were grumpy. I thought were an awesome guy who was calling out political BS. It was because of you I started taking an interest in politics. So glad to see you're on here. Hope you have a great week 🙂
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Hey, nice to see you! Don't often see you around. You always put a smile on my face 🙂 But yeah, he came home with the prospectus for Durham Uni in the first week of High School and said that's where he was going to go one day. Went to the open day and it was a clear as day perfect fit ❤️
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Oh yes, that looks AMAZING! 😋
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And I say that as someone who has a private account on twitter. All that needs to happen is the creators/admins need to be more stringent in removing those who engage in harassment and/or discriminatory behaviours.
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I wholeheartedly disagree. The hierarchy often comes when you create locked accounts, ie "look at me, I've got a locked account." This is supposed to be a community. Locked spaces take away from that sense of community, which then encourages hierarchy.
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Musk has clearly realised you can't just buy an online community 🤣
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I didn't rate it at all. I was just bored and couldn't stop seeing Coogan as opposed to Savile.
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Wow!! I've always wondered what they were called. That is SO cool!!! Please can you pass my absolute adoration onto your husband for me?? He sounds like a truly awesome fella!! 🙌