My husband is an artist who makes orreries (clockwork planetary models) out of metal and glass. When I was struggling to finish my novel, he made me a deal: if I finished the book, he'd make me an orrery based on the world of my novel.
It's freaking BEAUTIFUL.
It's freaking BEAUTIFUL.
He's also on Instagram at
Puts me in mind of a favorite novel, 'Little, Big' by John Crowley
2. A binary moon?? 🤯
Voor wie er niet genoeg van kan krijgen beveel ik het Planetarium van Eise Eisinga in Franeker aan.
In 1774 gemaakt en het werkt al bijna 250 jaar.
and now I am really interested in your novel
Also: congratulations on finishing your novel! 🎉
'Bespoke Solar Systems From Scratch!'
or his website
Now that I learned what orreries are, I have to know the title of your book!
Congratulations on your novel
Also, the idea of making an orrery for a fictional universe, or rather solar system, is so sweet it makes me all warm and fuzzy. Kudos to Mr husband!