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Llenor, Cymraes, Cristion, Mam, Nain, Gweriniaethwraig,
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Please also don't forget Gwyn Loader, Elliw Gwawr and Catrin Haf Jones, reporting for BBC for S4C
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We are so used to this in Cynru
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Ddiddorol. Ddim yn hoffi'r system ethol newydd (ond medwn ei newid yn y Senedd newydd). Gwerth sylwi faint o ASau ac ymgeiswyr Plaid Cymru sydd wedi deud eu bod nhw am sefyll - gwahanol.iawn i nifer yr ASau Llafur sy'n ymgilio....
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Mae e yr un system a etholiad cyffredinol (rhestr caeedig o un gan bob plaid) a rhestrau rhanbarthol senedd cymru. Gwell gen i STV o lawer ond mae’n golygu y bydd pleidleisiau yn arwain at seddi …
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Why does this matter? One of the antecedents of Brexit was the Celtic nations getting their own parliaments and increasingly a sense of identity (often European) Many argued the English felt left out. So when Brexit came about, esp. after #Indy1, the English had opposition to Europe as identity 9
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What Wales needs, politically, is a shot in the arm care of a strong Government that puts Wales and the people of Wales first in all instances. A govt that works *with* other UK partners when necessary, and goes on the offensive when pushed. We won’t get this from an English nationalist party.
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Thank you!
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We need to stop the workforce discrimination that produces corruption at the highest levels of our society.
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Yep! During my brief period of working at a University, I soon became disillusioned when I realised that there was someone on a Professor's salary responsible for 'Quality Assurance '.
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“Ac hefyd, efallai rhywbeth sy’n bwysicach yw’r niferoedd o fyfyrwyr sydd wedi dod yn athrawon cerdd,” meddai. “Mae cymaint o athrawon mewn ysgolion Cymraeg wedi gwneud eu hastudiaethau yng Nghymru. “Ac mae hynny mor bwysig i Gymru, i’r iaith, ac i bobol yn gyffredinol.” 5/5
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Hope they tell the real story of a noble house ( Tuduriaid) who married into what was basically a jumble of warring tribes ( Lancaster and Yorks).
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Auschwitz-Birkenau stands as a haunting reminder of where hatred and dehumanisation can lead. On this anniversary, let’s reflect on our shared responsibility to challenge antisemitism, racism, and all forms of hatred where they appear. Take time today to reflect and learn more:
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Wel, wrth gwrs mae'n haws i Harry Hewitt gytuno i hyn, ond beth am bobl gyffredin fel rhieni Millie Dowler druan sydd wedi diodde'r boen yma?
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Cytuno. Ac yn eironig iawn, dwi wrthi yn hyrwyddo fy llyfr Yr Enwog Bererinion, am frwydrau clerigion Cymraeg y 18fed ganrif i hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a dysg. Un o'u llwyddiannau oedd sefydlu Coleg Dewi Sant. Yn wyneb pwysau gan sefydliadau di-ddeall. Plus ca change ....