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Getting Started
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I got on a plane with a Kindle and it froze as we taxied down the runway.
It was an hour and a half flight but now I always take a phyiscal one as well, just in case.
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Oh is THAT where all my contributors get the 'everything on the internet is free use!' idea? (even when it has a watermark). Not that I was exactly keen on the Mail to start with
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That selection looks like the old Family Choice selection boxes that turn up at church teas (though I admit to a fondness for Nice biscuits, which you don't often see these days)
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I didn't know they were over here, thank you!
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I'm an editor in a very niche field and every so often I look at the job ads for the big publishers, look at the salaries, and nope out fast.
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The question is, will they be avoiding *you*?
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But why would you highlight them in turquoise so you can't see what colour they really are when you get dressed?
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Ooh, I keep meaning to watch that. FIrst episode good so far?
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My current pet hate is "solutionise"
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I think you should leave that hat on. "Belay that proposal, me hearties, according to the minutes of the last meeting..."
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We went on a Monday mid-morning and it was pretty jam-packed even then, but not quite to murderous levels.
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So many opinions. Also about *other people* using AI which I then have to edit.
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My father in law wondered where his gardening clogs kept going until he caught the fox stealing one from inside the kitchen when the door was open. Ours seem fond of rubber gloves (also electricity cables).
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And he can't even get his sophomoric snark right, at that! The guy with the chariot would be Apollo.
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"and only one needle"
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My grandfather, on HMS Petunia, writing to his family: "Life on the Pansy class boats is so far a bed of roses"
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Read Swordheart, you'll love it! (and then all the others)
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T Kingfisher's Swordheart et al. I've forgotten their *name*. (Homeward commute, brain turned to mush)
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*And* the White Rat.
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I for one welcome our new cetacean overlords
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A very timely reminder that I need to actually book to get in at the same time as my friend or there won't be any tickets left by the time I get round to it, thankyou!
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I had started to dislike the phrase 'storytelling' for various unrelated professional reasons this week; this confirms it.
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Do NOT use Thor: The Dark World as a guide to the London Underground. Just saying. (though the one that nearly got me and a friend thrown out of Iron Man 3 was the scene in the container yard. Flying people? Fine. SOLAS violations? nono, that shouldn't be happening. And rhat ship's NOT A TANKER.).
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My mother is that cohort and does not remember it
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Related: you get things like the Elgar cello concerto under 'relaxing', because it's classical! It's slow! Of course it's relaxing! Er, no.
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It's dramatic but it's no DYNAMIC PLATYPUS
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Have you seen the many, many MANY rewordings for various other sectors? Some are more, er, successful than others. (original remains the best)
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See also Herbert Lightoller, who sank a submarine by ramming it. (Yes, *that* Lightoller. The one who was 2nd Officer on the Titanic, AND on Oceanic, which ran aground and had to be abandoned. I always wondered if anyone he picked up at Dunkirk said "Thanks, I'll wait for the next one").
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The only reason I haven't deleted mine (apart from having to remember the login info) is all the conversations with S, who would undoubtedly tell me to delete it anyway.
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Big weird cargo anything is interesting! See also "thing developed for weirdly specific infrastructure task"
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Was thinking pretty much the same thing
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Ours not only dig tunnels, they have dragged someone's patio chair cushions in front of the tunnel to sunbathe on. (The cushions are next door's end of the tunnel, so it's clearly Their Fault)
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Oooh. Thank you
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The glasses box. Have a distance pair, a reading pair, sunnies? Put a dedicated Glasses Box or bowl in the hall (hell, one for each floor, even each room). Any time anyone finds a pair lying around, they go In The Box. Saved so much time, trouble, broken glasses on group holidays.
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ARRRRGH. Further attacks: why is left GREEN on a BOAT?)
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Yes! And I've heard other people saying the same thing.
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Conductor Hive Mind. We always knew it.
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Sport = The Soviet Union
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"haunting" in the text suggests perhaps they're meant to look like ghosts?
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I wish somebody had told the participants in the OCEAN project that (no, the other one! No, the *other* other one...)
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Indeed. That bit where they're all settled on the trees either side of the road...
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Your safe cozy novel which is absolutely my comfort read also includes the single most spine-chilling scene I know, so there's that.
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I take it you're conducting like that later on? (do it!)