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Ça fait 2 semaines. Le seul média dont j'ai lu un article (très correct) sur la vague de transphobie et misogynie du milieu esport c'était L'Équipe. Pas un média JV en a parlé ? J'ai loupé quelque chose ?

📣RAPPEL : j'ai sorti une méga-chronique hier ! Venez-la voir si vous êtes fans de One Piece. Ou même si vous n'aimez pas/n'en avait rien à faire de One Piece. Et partagez-la surtout si vous aimez les critiques/analyses en général ! 👇👇👇

Important that people recognise this was published nearly a year ago. You're only just noticing it now because the media completely buried it because it's not convenient to their narrative. Tell people about it.

If you wanted to explain how the police protect the interests of capital in a single picture

Les gens qui veulent nous empêcher d'exister sont une réalité et il faut leur faire comprendre qu'on se laissera pas marcher dessus. C'est les mêmes personnes qui ont dévoyées le terme woke qui à l'origine était mélioratif, à nous de rappeler qu'on est fier•es de se dresser face aux injustices ✊

Si vous vous êtes senti•es offensé•es quand Emi a dit "on emmerde ceux qui veulent nous faire disparaitre", vous confirmez que vous voulez nous faire disparaitre ? Vous pensez que c'est grave d'insulter des gens qui en veulent à notre existence ? En tout cas moi j'ai adoré ces deux discours ! ✨✊

Les chad de ont eu deux pris aux Pégases (bravo à eux !). Et en méga chads, ils ont utilisé leurs discours pour : -Rappeler les conditions horribles de l'industrie -Promouvoir le Hopepunk -Cracher à la gueule des fascistes -Soutenir les LGBTQ+ Les best !

Merci a tout le mondes et les messages de félicitations pour le Pegases, damn Et un plaisir et félicitations a tout les vainqueur et les vrai prises de positions notamment au plaisir de vous revoir, vous et tous les copains de l’industrie 💖 CHAMPION DU MONDE !!!!!!! đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’– BRAVO LES COPAINS !!!!

They’re going to steal as much as they possibly can from us until we stop them.

Oh, you're telling me you've upgraded yourself? You're telling me you're re-navigating the world around you with newfound understanding? Sounds familiar, idk, idk đź’…


I thought it was extremely cool watching a speedrunning video recently that talked about how one of the versions of scarvio is better than the other because one of the MOUNTS YOU USE THE ENTIRE GAME will DROP THE FRAMERATE and there are severe memory leaks Gamefreak never fixed that force restarts.

Holy cow, EA is releasing the source code to a bunch of #CommandAndConquer titles *under the GPL*: C&C, Red Alert, Renegade and Generals.

Today's my bday, and i would like to share my gift to all. Composers, Music Producers, Sound Designers, Audio folks, this is for you: I built THE OIIAAOIIA Cat VST on Kontakt.

once again, execs ruining it for everyone - everything in the industry. A legendary studio closes, an innovative system is locked away, & people's lives are ruined. The analysis is the same. It's woefully predictable. Friends affected: Rage. Seethe. Cry. Heal. I'm sorry. You deserved better.

Experience the electrifying chaos for yourself. Once you check in, there’s no escaping unscathed. This is Hotel Barcelona! #HotelBarcelonaGame #IGNFanFest #Steam #IndieGame #HorrorAction #Roguelike #Metroidvania #SWERY #SUDA51 #SlasherPhantom #2_5DAction

More of this energy, please. States should withhold all federal tax money until Trump is out of office. Bleed them dry.

If you're gonna go to a protest PLEASE remember your protest etiquette. Otherwise it's literally safer for everyone if you stay home.

This is the most wretched campaign of deliberate, explicit persecution the United States has perpetrated against a minority group in decades. Many of the most important people in politics and journalism are busying themselves trying to figure out how little to say or do about it.

CE SOIR ! La 6ème Nuit Gamecube ! On joue à des jeux GC tirés aléatoirement, et c'est VOUS qui décidez de quand on passe au suivant ! Début du stream à 20h30 ! (les partages sont toujours extrêmement appréciés 💜)

Just in case people don't know the context, this is a policy called splitting the letters, developed by fundamentalist Christians to use feminist and queer language and culture to split the T off and then turn the others against each other. You can watch their 2017 conference planning it.

Commissioned to make me a set of my lovely crewmates from for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ALREADY ! They are going ALL CITY! If you need some 3d stuf commissionned, think of her, Great work and communication

Le jeu vidéo français vit sa toute première grève générale, ce jeudi 13 février ; une révolution dans cette industrie culturelle qui brasse des milliards d'euros chaque année. ➡️

François Bayrou persiste hier, Mediapart signe ce matin ⤵️

Le juge saisi de l'affaire Betharram confirme que François Bayrou a menti. Mais apparemment tout le monde s'en fout. Je suis sidéré que ce ne soit pas à la une des chaînes d'info en continu.

AI-bros use the term 'AI' to refer to LLMs and AGI because they WANT to confuse you; they want you to associate the term 'AI' with those products. AI just means artificial intelligence - anything designed to execute logic. That word has a wide range of uses that aren't generative or derivative

To any Game Designers out there, if anyone tells you not to focus on Game Design Documents, or says "nobody reads those", Choose Violence. Create the most comprehensive and helpful documentation you can. Be the virus that infects others, and changes in the way your team handles development.

People out here like “Kanye’s music always sucked.” I am begging you to deeply internalize that terrible people are capable of making profound and incredible things. If we cannot hold these conflicting truths, monsters will always be able to hide behind their talent

slowpoke and psyduck

whoever decided that “righty tighty, leftie loosie” was going to be the universial standard was cooking. i’m very glad we got that sorted out that potential dilemma ages ago

my tiny son and his big japan adventure

new poster :D #mgs Idk which color palette I like better

Bref, je recrute dès que possible ! Auxiliaire de vie 24h/semaine (en une seule session) en CDI, débutants bienvenus !

ARTISTS! Let’s do an art share! There are now nearly 31 MILLION Bluesky accounts! In a world that feels particularly chaotic, let’s take a moment to find each other and celebrate one another. Spread the post to reach the most! 💙

On ressort les classiques.

Voilà pourquoi je suis fondamentalement opposé au suicide assisté dans un monde capitaliste.

they want you to forget about him and the healthcare system so do the opposite keep talking about him, keep talking about the healthcare system

Prenez note de ceux qui hurlent habituellement Ă  la censure et qui sont actuellement bien silencieux.

This is where we are now: A city in Northern California isn’t just making homelessness illegal—it’s criminalizing those who *help* people living on the street. Under a new ordinance, “aiding or abetting” an encampment would be a misdemeanor, punishable by a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail.

Ça s’appelle une déportation vers un camp de concentration.