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The item after this featured the benefits of sitting on your washing machine whilst on its spin cycle (a washing machine spin dryer is the working class equivalent of the Nanny using a mangle Sir Michael)
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Private schools typically have at least 10x the amount of land per pupil on their sites as state schools. They can easily sell off some of their land, as many state schools have had to, and invest the money to cover the VAT
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Two cheeks.....
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No, but some of the replies to this post seem to be assuming all US citizens are probably pro Trump and his acolytes. Just look back to the days of Bojo and Lettuce as PMs before blaming everyone over the Atlantic. I won't be buying a Tesla under any circumstances however.
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You really wouldn't take Bunty to the Hunt Ball in that outfit?
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Well it enabled Thatcher to see out her last months in a Suite at the Ritz Hotel
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Never made sense to privatise utilities - just adds cost to consumers for duplication of management across the various private suppliers
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That's disappointing, the vehicle relies on GPS and mapping data for speed limit information. There's a road nearby that was 30 mph when under construction but is now 70 mph - the car puts out every warning possible, including bathing the interior in red light, as it thinks I'm 40 mph over the limit
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Thanks for the response, I'm not sure there is an issue, just wondering if an OTA update was scheduled?
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It's just a little game I play.....
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Apologies if you're a first generation immigrant and English is not your first language but what exactly are you trying to say?
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Tesla in 2025 is the VW of 1939
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Never mind, although we're disagreeing about most things at least our sexuality matches sweetheart 💋
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Not a problem, I'm new to here so may have not made my intention obvious
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You've got this spectacularly wrong , I was replying to and winding up the guy called Dean
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I was replying to the chap who calls himself Dean - you've totally got this wrong
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You really should get on with your homework now, SEN pupils particularly need to work hard at school. A piece of advice - when you're old enough to go to a pub don't think it's like being on social media, if you talk to people like this in real life you'll probably lose quite a few teeth.
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Calling a charming anecdote a lie, with absolutely no basis to do so, then being unpleasantly sarcastic - sure you wouldn't be happier on Twitter/X
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As this tax only effects the very richest farms (>a few million dep. on status), you can avoid it totally by passing it on to your kids 7 years before you die and it is only 50% of normal inheritance tax with 10 year payment plan, its perfectly fine considering the state of the rest of the country.
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I think you're missing the point. The 'Family Farm' can be passed on entirely tax free to the children if ownership is transferred 7 years before the death of the owner. Additionally, as is well documented, most families can pass on a farm worth £3 million tax free in the event of an early death.
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My rough calculation is that an increase of £45k in their employer NI would indicate their total annual wage bill is around £3.8 million - are sure it was that much?
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