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Finnish entrepreneur & investor specialized in falling knives; geopolitics & defence enthusiast
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Buddy. Just bring the nukes. We’ll take care of the rest.
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Ja mikä määrittää sen, että NATO kestää? Mielestäni se, että viides artikla aktivoituu Washingtonissa välittömäksi ja ratkaisevan voimakkaaksi reaktioksi. Ilman kiemurtelua, kaupankäyntiä, pelkoa, kaikkien osapuolien tarpeiden ymmärrystä. Onko tähän todella luottoa?
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Kannattaa toimia pahimman mahdollisen skenaarion kautta, sekä Eurooppana, että Suomena. NATO saattaa kestää, mutta hajotessaankin se ostaa aikaa meille ja Euroopalle täyttää pahimpia kyvykkyys- ja peloteaukkoja.
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Lot of meetings, summits and photo opps. It's ok as long as there are brigades, production lines, grenades and fighter jets getting done too.
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There was a lot of babies being made after WW2. I suppose families were happy to be alive and went back to basics. Maybe Ukrainians, after successfully securing national survival, want to fill the land too?
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I am not sure he is capable of receiving awakenings.
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Definitely. The defending side doesn't need numerical superiority but the sheer geographical size of the potential front and a sea in between requires depth and redundancies.
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Just sayin' we should look beyond the existing posture
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Your math is very generous but the amount of brigades mentioned here is also low. Russia fights with bodies if need be, and its grinding tactics require lot more bodies on our side as well.
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If I was sent to a pointless assault, I would rather drive to my death in a warm truck cabin than walk through mud, slush and bodies.
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US has never belonged to a more ridiculous list of countries
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Trump has told them to get in line with the message
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This is the most important question. In conventional arms Europe still has time and resources on its side.
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I wonder who is whispering him this stuff. Not that he's never been too right about Ukraine, but this consistently this wrong is new.
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If European leaders are not already making emergency plans to adapt, they are not doing their jobs. All plans that relied on US are probably useless.
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It's all about nukes. That's what he means, that's what matters. Regarding conventional weapons, Russians today use pack animals.
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Partly agree. While legacy might be his priority, he probably knows real results are needed.
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Voisiko nykytilanne olla Suomelle myös mahdollisuus? Aseteollisuudelle ja siihen liittyvälle osaamiselle; mutta myös koulutetulle reserville? Voisiko Suomen paljon keskimääräistä korkeammalle valmiudelle löytää markkinoita koulutuspalveluiden ja jopa palkattujen joukkojen muodossa?
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Lead us Kaja.
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What if they prefer a strong ally, instead an indecisive weakling that Europe has become? If China is their primary threat, that would be most logical conclusion.
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Eiköhän näistä kohta aleta palaveeraamaan, kunhan tuo Saksan stressifestivaali päättyy ja saadaan porukat kotiin.
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This man right here will be remembered for generations to come.
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Talk is cheap, and cheaper it gets.
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I do feel sorry for the DPRK guys. Pretty certain they never had a choice like the Russians.
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Sean Penn has also supported the synthetic creatine industry.
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US Navy could take on ten Russian navies and be home for dinner.
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Kuulostaa mekanisoidulta taisteluosastolta. Sen tyyppinen ultrakevyt pikkuprikaati varmasti olisikin sekä tehokkaampi että helpompi operoida ja johtaa.
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What bad has NATO done to Russia? Other than limit its ability to bully others that is, but that doesn't count.
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It would be called G2
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Trump can only directly decide on behalf of Americans. He can only leave Ukraine, Europe & NATO, that is his limit of influence. Once it is used, he is out of the table.
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Europe should make a lot of conclusions about the new world order and include themselves in it.
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Kiitos nostoista. Tämä Trumpin suoltama ”Putin humaanina rauhankyyhkynä” -läppä hieman ottaa pumpun päälle
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Surely talking about himself.
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European leaders have to step up, and do it fast. Next few months will be critical not just for Ukraine, but for everyone east of the Atlantic Ocean.
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Assuming population as well, as Russia has a birth rate disaster in its hands.
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Well said.
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As for Finland: Daily coverage on front lines and strikes to both directions, realistic, analytical & leveraging experts, uniformly and strongly pro-Ukraine when opinions are part of reporting. Finland as a whole is resolutely with you, daily grateful, knowing it could be us, getting ready.
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Diplomatic genius, as always.
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Something that allows the two countries go their separate ways permanently; the other to heal, grow and develop, the other to fester, fade and implode.
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Kellogg’s employment will now come under pressure from the Russia fanboys within Trump’s inner circle.
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Don't worry. 35 is the new 25. Happy Birthday!
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While he can clearly detach US from the issue, he can't make peace where neither party is willing to go along.
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Europe - USA -relationship is like an old marriage that has gone stale. One begs for support and security based on old vows while the other is bored and unaffected. Renewed relevance is the only way up & out: Focus on own development, not on what US is doing. Trump is drawn to strength.
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Maybe he is just saying aloud the part that would be left silent by a more regular politician.
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Is it confidence, or necessity? The vibes are pretty Feb22-ish in that big changes can happen suddenly in a short time.
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Europe still can get its act together.
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That not an insignificant force, considering how advanced machines they are.
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I don't give Trump that much power over my emotions - I did on his first term but have realized my life is too short for it. He is a bit like weather; what comes, comes, and we need to deal with it. Weather patterns can be annoying, dangerous, or beneficial, yet there is no point in stressing them.
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I appreciate his strong posture in the matter. Strong US is a necessity and remaining strong requires a renewed sense of deterrence. But I wonder if he sleeps enough considering the importance of his position...
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A great deal of valuation and future growth expectations did get their pants pulled down by the Chinese AI thing. Might take some time to unravel everything. ”Oh so we don’t need that, or that, or those people…” Then again, all narratives seem to get old, even this, sooner or later.