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To bom nalimala vsako leto, lp

Forgot it was women’s day yesterday but actually women’s day is every day when you love women in a feminist way and in a gay way

Today in Milan, a student activist group hung a trash-filled effigy of Musk upside down on a gate outside of piazzale Loreto, where Mussolini's body was displayed in 1945. They left the message: "C'è sempre posto a piazzale Loreto, Elon" (There's always room in piazzale Loreto, Elon)

od kdaj se dnevnik začne 18.57

Prisotni so pretihi, ker bodo sicer naslednji. Žrtev gre k psihologu in na drugo šolo. Storilci (p)ostanejo zvezde, kasneje bodo v stranki, v upravi ali svetovali o davčnih utajah. A morda ta akcija reši vsaj nekaj otrok.

Happy international women's day. 👇

Rainbow road 🌈🎞️#35mm

Če ste v Ljubljani, ga lahko danes in jutri ujamete v Kinodvoru. Sem ravno gledala program. :)

In bodečo nežo 2024/2025 dobi ... Igor Saksida!

od Oskarjev mi je pa najbolj ostala izvedba Lacrimose, ki jo po novem uspem prepoznat.

In other breaking news, magnolias are in full bloom around here.

Mislim, da je skrajni čas, da nam nehajo vladati crazy fragile emocionalni stari deci. In da vajeti v roke prevzamejo ... na primer ... nore ženske. Recimo jaz. Danes se počutim čist sposobna potopiti ameriško ekonomijo.

British crime shows are that special place where the cozy story has a bodycount that's about 5X higher than the dark gritty story

delim, če kdo slučajno lahko pomaga

This is always the most asinine argument. “Diet and exercise will protect you from communicable diseases.” Right, like in the past where everyone did hard physical labor every day and ate only organic food with very little meat and had a life expectancy of like 35

I worked with a narcissistic bully once and the thing is… you can try to appease them for a while and be friendly and nice to try to get them to come along… But it will never be enough for them. It’s always better to just do what’s right despite them.

It’s hard to dunk on cyber truck owners any worse than what they regularly do to themselves

No problem! One of my favorite things to say on this topic is, we were practicing compassion and empathy before we were even homo sapiens. This h. erectus skull is toothless, with reabsorbed sockets. That takes YEARS, and it meant someone was chewing their food FOR them. Now THAT is CARE.

ah I see that bring back the 90s was not about maxi skirts and Doc Martens and was more about overt misogyny and gaybashing in every public space

Ask yourself this: Do you think an emotionally intelligent man who's secure in himself needs to defend his masculinity while also denigrating women? Do you even want that man around? Alright then. Moving on--time for lunch.

Friendly advice

Dan redkih bolezni je. Nasvet, za kterga me ni noben prosil, je: bodite prizadevni & radovedni. Ne pustite se odgnati. Zamenjajte nezainteresiranega zdravnika, pojdite do 4. zdravnika, če je treba. Šele 4. zdravnik je slišal: "Mislim, da ne gre za virus. Mrzlica je zelo neobičajna." Bila je sepsa.

Po treh tednih spet na bojišču.


every day I wake up feeling Mean and it's a long days journey into Kind

Anger is useful, but it burns hot. Use it before it burns up.

I wrote this as a reminder to myself when I’m becoming too pessimistic about the world. Despair builds no movements. Hope however builds entire futures.

Petek je dan za ... glasovanje na bodeči neži!

David Ignatow

As someone who has been on mood stabilisers, I would say that anyone who wants to take away mood stabilisers should know we are precisely ONE missed pill away from becoming a very very big problem for the same people who are taking those mood stabilisers away.

Pozor, tudi v moskih sanitarijah ne mecite menstrualnih izdelkov v skret! Tam je prostor za mnenja transfobov.