I worked with a narcissistic bully once and the thing is… you can try to appease them for a while and be friendly and nice to try to get them to come along… But it will never be enough for them. It’s always better to just do what’s right despite them.
They can be charming when it gets them something, they will always show who they are. They will wear you down.
Standing up to them can be difficult, but it's the only way.
I can't see how anyone can like trump...
Ask anyone who has been married to one of these.
The difference is the Narcissist demands attention from others.
Real exchange:
Me: you work with x? Be careful!
C: Oh x needs me. I'll be fine.
Fastforward 1 year.
C: X yelled at me over the phone. Luckily, my boss was in the room as well and heard it all.
Lucky you.
But glad you learned.
There is much more to learn.