Gay, Progressive and artist/designer just looking for gigs and finding my way in life (and on blusky)
dms are open willing to talk about basically anything if you need a friend hit me up
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Is that eurovision or this dude's fault? San Remo is tough. It would be unfair for someone else to have a lower rank. I'm disappointed Giorgia didn't win though.
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My favorite of the night. I hope they do well in the finals.
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They gonna slay. I hope top 10. but Malta will win it all
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It's family friend Kant was a very important thinker. This song is for him
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best song. I'm sure he'll slay no slay no stay to the final :(
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not my intention to come across like that. My bad. Well it's new to me. Learning is good. If only my adhd and dyselxia didn't hinder that
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little older. why ? lol
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Do you think being a career politician should be a job.
how much do presidents make like 100,000 ? sure they're rolling in the C notes but that's still a lot.
I do think money corrupts. in fact i don't think money should exist ngl.
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Pretty sure they weren't always paid but could've just been congress.
Yeah but who votes on it them or us ? Either way isn't them becoming rich a little wrong ? No other country to my knowledge does it. Even presidents seem rather humble in the Nordic nations.
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by supporting the bill. Also this is creepy like do you want to have to use some digital ID or whatever to access the internet and be traced? That's where this will lead. It's already in the works in some states and laws in others. No thank you.
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in short they don't actually care for the american people because have a system that allows them to get rich instead of serve like leaders should. I don't think senators or those in congress should get paid. Didn't used to be like that. Even Bernie is alright with it. In Vermont they don't make much
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Yes people vote against their own self-interest but i do believe most politicians are in it own for their own gain. Most politicians, CEOs, Bankers, likely score high in ASPD. For sure in low in altruism, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism, high in extrovism & conscientiousness
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I'm from the North East so deep deeply "Liberal"
Propaganda again is everywhere. Just look at what the media is doing right now. Ik it's lies. I really don't listen to the MSM. I avoid conservatives media as well usually. I just find most righties cruel or lacking compassion
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The media is justifying the murders by United. Ben Shapiro said ''He was just doing his Job" Just like every other evil act in history 'just doing the job/following orders" Violence is wrong yes I agree. I wouldn't say I like seeing people suffer and being spiteful is bad too.
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I don't. I mean i agree with a lot of what both sides say at least on certain things. I lean more left. Anti-war, pro-LGBT, Pro health care for all, ect.
but Americans are the most propagandized people on earth. It honestly is hard to tell fact from bs sometimes. no cap
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Trump isn't my fault my state went blue and of course truth has nuance. Besides when/if i get healthier i'm gonna go to Norway or idk Latvia seems nice.
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Hasn't that been all of history ? Religion was rather popular. A lot of modern christianity is straight up distorted and not true. The idea of God in general might not be true at least how we understand him.
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I didn't vote Elon. I don't mind Tulsi Gabbard or RFK but i'd rather had Jill Stine or Cornel West. I think the reason people support them is not the lies but the disgust of the elite in Hollywood. It is popularism.
Corporatism is more evil than socialism. Socialism is good
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Yes it is. When one place gets to dictate the truth and tells us what is truth that's really scary and dystopian. we have the right to hear all sides. Todays lies are tomorrow's truth. and vise versa. people should do their own research.
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Has anyone in the news been held liable for pushing the lies over the last like forever. It's been nothing but lies. Growing up in 2010s it's been nothing but lies from Iraq,any so much more. Before my time but Vietnam was a lie. They pushed lies about Cuba, Russia, ect. Its all jingoism
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Why don't people learn to critically analytically think ? If it's sus i usually look it up. Thats just the thing though many lies have been pushed by both sides & people have been hurt. Who is the one doing the fact checking? Because i don't trust them either.
The news is never punished for lies
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Of course it's wrong to cheer somebody being off'ed but where is the outrage for the victims of the health insurance companies this isn't left vs right. It's not very christian to have such a system. If this happened anywhere else we'd call that dude a war criminal. He's a drug cartel boss
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unemployment is no big deal either. Self-employment exists the 9-5 thing is soul-sucking and bad for our health. You have any idea how many lives that man ruined? He enabled a system that kept people sick or just sent them to an early grave and denies care towards with issues they can't control. 1st
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Taking glee in people's misery isn't right. People have feelings i've been canceled by the fuaxgressives left. Its not a really fun feeling. It hurts. I don't think anyone deserves the trauma. Taylor is a person too with feelings. She matters. She's not right on everything but she isn't wrong either
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Soy milk is disgusting but like who cares if somebody wants to be a single cat lady ? Life isn't all about sex. I'm male and gay but i never think me being single as bad. but to be single and happy and married and miserable. Also i'm not liberal stop using buzz words. we should be on the same side
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Also the only ones who lie are the huge media companies, the government and unethical journalist (Ben Shapiro.) CNN lies lies lies. They don't get taken down, or face backlash for when they feed the lies and fuel the flames dangerous narratives. Pushing for disunity devaluing lives others
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And Elon being head of DOGE twitter's huge market cap won't suffer. Other sites will just devolve into echo chambers and that's not healthy. Monopolies are bad and anti-free market. we need for sure anti-trust laws break up twitter, google, and META. While we're at it Health insurance companies
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So the government should be the parent? Yah no thanks. Tech companies get huge grants. Well modern twitter or bluesky i guess. Is where most debate happens. Youtube shadow bans comments do not there. but it being a monopoly is an issue
No one is punished for lying. Only for being honest.
part 1
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Do you really think this bill is a good idea? "'Think of the children' is such a stupid reasoning, to enact this. It's just like the patriot's act or anything else that brings the promise of 'safety' because when it's promised destruction always follows.
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I disagree. it's the public sq. They're basically funded by the government. Of course don't like don't watch it but to be banned and censor is wrong. If it's illegal sure remove it but being critical of the system should not be called into question. Also parents should keep track of their kids
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You're the very thing we should be against. Cancel Culture. happy about people losing eveyrthing ? Do you support this bill because it's anti-free speech. Stop pushing this left vs right BS. It's oppressor vs the oppressed, Warden vs Prisoner, rich vs the poor.
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But, also how can you not be upset about those murdered by the health insurance companies? So many lives cut short, families robbed out of their loved ones, or had to see them suffer because of the system that enables cruelty. If this was anywhere else USA would declare it a war crime.
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Yes, & i'm sorry for your lost. Also i don't think anyone is happy about a murder but again how many has United Health Care killed ? Did a whole series on this last year. People r fed up my friend. Also why this murder ? innocent people r murdered everyday no 1 cares
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Yah ? So did the people his company denied coverage of. You're not the hero or the good guy here. No one is supporting murder. However, you're upset about this but not those murdered by the corruption within United Health insurance is very hypocritical
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Thank you Taylor <3. Ben, is heartless as somebody who would be denied and screwed over by health insurance companies. I understand why people are fed up with these evil companies. Brain Thompson, and every other health insurance CEO is a murderer too but Ben won't say that.
♥ Taylor