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Poland has a rich history in Aviation, and a history of being underestimated by their adversaries. They've been waiting a loooong time for this.
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Whoring is far preferable to a career in HR. That's where all the sociopathic "mean girl" types end up. The ones that majored in Leadership.
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I will second this. I am not a fan of the RCC. But despite that, there are still some good people doing good things there, and he is one of them.
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Yup. If somebody gets locked up for doing something many perceive to be a public service/necessary evil, then the people he's locked up with are gonna look out for him. Think about how many people who've been ripped off by UHC. They're everywhere.
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It's some seriously dangerous stuff.
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You know how the country was called "Panem" in the Hunger games? Comes from Panem et circenses. "Bread and Circuses" in Latin. It's alll designed to distract and obfuscate.
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Only thing crap like this does is make me want to use the nearest bible as rolling papers.
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Who cares if they aren't ready? The proletariat is ready. Seeing a biopic on St. Clair would be awesome.
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Boudica, too.
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I guess they will all look and act like Homelander in "The Boys" The Villians will probably look like us.
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He had considered going to college for Psychology or Astronomy, but decided to focus on his music instead. To be a successful musician of any kind almost always means 10 or so years of very hard work, and he wanted to get a head start on that. I have zero doubt he could learn about policy.
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KL graduated HS at the top of his class with a 4.0 GPA. He was the first member of his family to do so. He has won a Pulitzer. He was able to use words like audacity in correct context from the first grade.
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Das ist sehr wahr. Es ist ironisch, dass sie ihn als Cäsar darstellen, denn selbst im antiken Rom konnten Diktatoren nur für einen sehr begrenzten Zeitraum regieren, höchstens ein paar Monate
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Die einzige Möglichkeit, dies zu stoppen, besteht darin, dass das Militär sich weigert, Gewalt gegen Zivilisten anzuwenden, wenn die Proteste größer werden. Ich denke, die meisten von ihnen würden es tun, aber man weiß nie. Ich hoffe, dass die Deutschen sehen, was hier passiert.
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Er könnte also verklagt werden, weil er versucht hat, für eine dritte Amtszeit zu kandidieren, um dies zu verhindern. Aber weil die Exekutive die Judikative durchsetzt, könnte er sich einfach dafür entscheiden, die Gerichtsentscheidung nicht durchzusetzen
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Aufgrund von Änderungen, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg eingeführt wurden, ist dies nicht zulässig. Aber unser Rechtskodex geht davon aus, dass jeder in gutem Glauben handelt, und P2025 sagt, dass sie die Gerichte einfach ignorieren werden
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That is just beyond the pale. Jon Stewart is gonna be pissed.
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Ain't that the truth. And I genuinely don't know what is more upsetting, them invading this space to ask moronic questions, or Democrats doing nothing to stop this.
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My SO works for a company that does get grant money. Not a ton, but enough. He already took a 20% pay cut to take this job two years ago. He has not gotten a raise or a bonus in two years. Kindly fuck off!!!
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I have somebody very close to be that is working on a cure for cancer. She makes $17 an hour. Before taxes. She has a doctorate.
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He makes Q-anon look sane.
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I suggest you call Sanders, Buttigieg, Khanna, Pressley, Tlaib, Omar, Crockett....Hell, light the fires of progressive Gondor. Every safety measure to protect the public from this has failed. Rule of law is being largely ignored, and it has to stop.
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And if it comes down to it, that group of leaders is going to have to organize a nationwide general strike the likes of which have yet to be seen. That is the only way to stop this.
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Our lawmakers are at a loss because there is no contingency plan in our policy to address anything like what is happening now. People are angry, and scared to death. A group of progressives from all over is going to have to join up and keep the public updated on what is happening.
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So, I think this whole ongoing coup may be close approaching the point of no return. The Justice system doesn't move quickly enough to stop this. There are decent people in positions of leadership that may be able to, tho.
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Oh jesus fucking Christ, no. That man is incredibly stupid, wealthy and vengeful. Dangerous combo right there. Driscoll better wall himself up in his office and hold the line.
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He'd be a huge step up for us in NJ.
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Simone Segouin, very nice! She just passed away a couple years ago. If these people could get through 1945, we can absolutely get through this.
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!!!!!!!!! Have fun, I think?
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Indeed. Dolly is the type to say "To hell with it, I'll fund it myself" but she has done so much for so many she really shouldn't have to.
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You should tell the fool about sundown towns and how Oregon didn't allow black and brown people in the state at all.
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Even if it is flagrantly illegal(and it is, 100%) I think it's painfully clear he doesn't give a rat's ass what the courts say. The whole issue is, the court system doesn't move quickly enough to put a stop to any of this. He knows it.
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And I have been known to do a bit of it myself, but I do weird-ass stuff from TV shows. Do you remember "Killing Eve" with Sandra Oh and Jodi Comer? I had one of Comer's craziest looks down pat for Comicon 2020.
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There are like 100 different Cosplay subs on reddit, r/BlackCosplayGirls and r/Cosplayforeveryone my sister also recommends. She says that for her, the real fun/joy comes with figuring out how to make a costume from a comic book into something real.
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You would be utterly breathtaking as Storm! Many cosplayers DIY their stuff, and have SM accounts that take you through the process of how they did everything, start to finish. There are tons of subreddits, too. r/Cosplay and r/CosplayHelp are good to start.
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He needs to go down like a lead balloon. NYC will not be able to defend itself properly against the creeping fascism with him in office. We would almost be better off with Bloomberg. Almost.
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Nooooo, don't let the leopards eat the wrong faces!!!! When leopards get hangry, there are no wrong faces.
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There is a popular song about Boers in South Africa, no? Don't worry, when we bring him to Justice, we will exile him to St. Helena or something. You guys have already dealt with enough BS from people like him.
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Now, you are correct. They have not said anything about removing women's financial rights. Yet. But I categorically don't trust these people. I will reiterate, that it is perfectly legal to open a bank account in another country if you're a US citizen. Just report it to the IRS if it's over 10k
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Give it time. Believe me, if we don't collectively put a stop to this soon, they will try. It is prudent to plan for every possible outcome, and when it comes to what we are dealing with now, expect the worst. It is 100% legal to open a bank account in another country.
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In the US, we also have other precious metal reserves stocked away at the US mint facilities in both Denver and Philadelphia, and the bullion reserve in West Point, NY.
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Ft. Knox has no Gold. There is some of it at the facility next to Fort knox. Nowhere near enough to cover the debt. The Federal reserve bank in Manhattan has over half a million bars at any time, but only 5% belongs to us.
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They can try. There has not been any gold stored at Ft. Knox for decades.
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Trinity health is a catholic based healthcare system, avoid them like the plague if you can.
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He looks at her the same way Kevin Costner looks at Cher, and I love to see it!