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Apollo didn't have to do me like this. (Fret not, yuh favourite politicians doh have me to study. Dey know you doh care what dey do yuh.😉)
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As I said earlier this week, when I critique the govt's performance, folks think it means I don't "like" them, when the fact is that I simply require better from them. And I know they're capable of it bc (as the article mentions), they've shown us glimpses of greatness...

Me, whenever I see a Mark Bassant byline:

Considering how many of us are more likely to fall victim to DV than gang violence, you think it would've rated a mention in at least 𝘰𝘯𝘦 of the SoE pressers.

You can hate the messenger, but broadly-worded legislation referring to nebulous concepts like speech that's "prejudicial to public order" 𝘪𝘴 vulnerable to being abused by those inclined to abuse it. And the organisation empowered by it has a history of abusing its authority.

This is not a good look for a TTPS claiming that it's required to gather too much evidence before it can lay charges. Cause, if this is true, they laid the charges and the case fell apart in court when the video evidence they didn't want to reveal contradicted the charges.

You know, if a reporter was interested in clearing up some of the confusion around the TTPS' difficulties, they might ask the Police Commissioner to explain exactly what the org means when it refers to its "detection rate" and how that differs from the "conviction rate."

At some point, we have to face the fact that things can only reach this point with complicity (direct or indirect) from the authorities. This is what happens when you let crime fester until it affects you directly. And it's time to examine WHY we're still allowing this.

If nothing else, they know their audience. If the goal is to raise the detection rate (& not the conviction rate), then yes, phrase your challenges as though the evidentiary requirements are too high. Then you can claim you "solved" more cases even as they fall apart in court.

If a law is making it impossible for the TTPS to get warrants fast enough to be effective, I have more questions: 1. Which law is it? 2. What, specifically, is the issue with the law? 3. Did the same govt that declared the SoE pass the law? 4. Are they planning to change it?

Arresting dozens of people before clearly explaining the new legislation to the public (and while you yourself are still seeking clarity about some of it) is a 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦.

Yuh cyah tell me not to worry because I'm a law-abiding citizen even as you change the laws (and don't share those changes until many hours later).

The thing about calling an SoE to stop the most recent spate of gang violence when the murder rate has reached record highs is that it suggests that the govt doesn't know how to address the situation without suspending the constitutional safeguards that prevent abuse of power.

Never a good sign when a govt decides that a suspension of constitutional rights is the only way it can fulfill its crime-fighting mandate.

Every time one of these stories breaks there's someone lining up to cape for the person who opted to end their partner's life instead of walking away and 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 is why we can't get a handle on DV.

"I am not here to give you solutions." Yeah, that about sums it up, doesn't it? The govt knows precisely why our birth rate is falling and they know why they're not prepared to incentivise an increase. So if they're not going with the carrot, we'd better brace for the stick.👇🏾

Me, explaining why the Kiddo has to be in bed before Santa gets here: The kid in The Santa Clause was awake when he arrived and what happened? Right.

If your defense of your products can be applied seamlessly to illegal items, you should probably rethink it.

See the article about the Scott Drug Report linked in my previous RP.

The thing about hiding info is that it gives the distinct impression that you have something to hide. And, when it comes to "sinister" acts that cost us $20mil, I'd expect more from a leadership so otherwise concerned about what we can and can't afford.

Yikes. Fraud in the OJT? It's giving URP ghost gangs and I have questions because how does one get away with this for two whole years? P.S. it's always amusing when papers try to ratchet up the scandal level by citing hundreds of thousands of dollars as a fraction of a million.


This is why I cringe whenever someone tries to argue against misogyny with "what if it was your mother/sister/daughter/wife/etc.?" If that's where your empathy begins, as opposed to recognising that all women are human (not just the ones you care about), you have a problem.

Savvy of the DPP to get in front of the questions early before someone thought to ask why they charged her anyway when the original investigator looked at the same video and recommended no charges, only to turn around and drop the charges for what appears to be the same reasons.

They wouldn't have to go to the trouble of holding awkward press conferences to tell embarrassingly obvious lies if they just took the time to plan their communication strategies BEFORE they made their moves. Cause now watch yuh on TV admitting allyuh doh read de tings properly.

It's not PURE's fault, it's not the contractor's fault, it's not the ministry (which just promised a 2024 finish less than 2 weeks ago)'s fault...

If a $15,000 donation to an NGO gets a rapist a 2-year sentence reduction, does that mean (after the other two reductions he got) he could've walked free for the low, low price of $37,500?

The govt introduces legislation restricting pensions (not NIS benefits), the opposition leaps at the opportunity to capitalise on the inevitable backlash, and the public argues about whether it's realistic to expect the State to be able to care for some of our most vulnerable.

Something about watching the TTFS and PU Minister shift blame (while the Nat Sec Minister remains silent) in the wake of a tragedy doh feel right. Especially when the issues they're fighting over aren't new.

You know how sick you have to be to advise against curing diseases because it's unprofitable? And how sick a society has to be to let people who think this way amass huge amounts of resources and influence?

I'm not making any resolutions. I think it's time for years to be better, not me

You know what I notice? None of the people who insist that I mustn't cut these locs does be around when it's time to wash and retwist.