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Also would have been told by medical personnel who work with transgender women the penis shrinks greatly and you become infinite after a couple years of cross sex hormone and that doesn't include GSA surgeries. One look at crime statistics will tell you that cisgender men are the ones that do SA.
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Okay I'm going to explain this voice I have several female friends or transgender I've also spoken with medical people including psychologists and psychiatrists. Male aggression is generally fed by testosterone and when estrogen becomes the dominant hormone aggression is greatly reduced.
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Apparently whoever did the transfer screwed up it's one of the reasons why you usually have the psychiatrist or good psychologist who works with transgender people to make sure they are transgender. However a prison system is so bad when it comes to medical. Yes I've known a couple prison nurses.
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That was not a transgender woman that was a cisgender man posing as a woman there's a big difference. If you know what effects are of taking estrogen with testosterone blockers you understand that male aggression greatly reduced, there's a great deal of shrinkage and after time it doesn't work.
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Yes transgender women are very likely to use a woman's bathroom Just wasn't heaven's name do you think is going to happen to transgender woman using a men's bathroom. Transgender women are already four times more likely to be beaten, SA and killed than cisgender women.
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Incorrect I actually know a couple women that a cisgender men have try to rape just going through the women's bathroom door.
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Congratulation You found the 1% of course my question is were they taking estrogen and testosterone blockers or was the access to these items removed from this person. However the fact that the guards didn't check or Do a follow up is even bigger concerned.
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Congratulations you found the .1 percent But you should note that this was a straight cisgender man not a transgender woman.
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We women generally don't go to the bathroom alone there's a reason why we go in twos or more It's for our safety from cisgender straight men. Not transgender women.
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You do realize that transgender women don't rape cisgender women. All you need to do is look at the crime statist ics the ones doing the abuse and SA of women are cisgender straight men. And they don't dress up as women they do it men have always done Just push the door open and walk in.
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Very true.
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To MAGA congratulations you're going to be an accessory to murder because these transgender women will be raped, beat and killed in a men's prison. Not to mention apparently Trump has no respectable law apparently he thinks he's above the law. I hope you feel the same way when happens to you child.
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Here's an idea Why don't we hold every one of these groups criminally responsible for the harm that they're caused?
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People need to understand the Trump doesn't care about anybody's rights or law except for his own. If any of those transgender people are harmed Trump should be facing criminal charges.
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That would depend on what you consider boys being boys.
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Thank you Governor for standing up to Donald Trump.
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Here we go again more lawsuits
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I'm sorry but he didn't want everybody he was going to be a dictator, did you really think it was only going to be 24 hours Have you ever known a dictator to give up power?
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How about trips to Little Epstein Island.
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Same thing as in 1930's Germany first it was the LGBTQI+ people the it was women's rights and the Jewish people. History repeats it self but this time it is in America.
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Thank You.
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They do care about a public opinion and sponsors.
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Once again we have politicians voting on something that they know nothing about.
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So apparently we're not allowed to challenge the president's rule welcome to the new Nazi regime.
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Time to take the Olympics away from the US.
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The Olympic committee need to cancel all Olympics in the US as well as disqualifying any World Cup winners from the United States.
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From some of the news articles it appears to be true. Hopefully the Olympic committee refuses to hold any of the Olympics in the US.
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Time to file discrimination lawsuits.
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I suspect that Trump and his little Entourage are going to spend most of their time in Washington for the next 4 years defending themselves from lawsuits.
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Sorry I use a lot of speech to text meant it should have been transgender not transition. Not to mention I have a bad cough for a couple of weeks. Still I should have been more careful.
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I see once again Trump has forgotten his place in the world. He apparently is confused he needs to be a servant of the people and the government is to serve the people Not the people serving the will of government. If he doesn't like that he's welcome to give up the job anytime he wants.
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Proper term would be transgender just the same as you use cisgender. However the term transphobic is a reference to somebody who has an irrational fear of transgender people which according to some therapist in psychiatrist can be cured long-term course.
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I believe the whole rigid concept of gender being binary was created by English churches. Here are some references to other civilizations or other cultures that have had more than one gender.
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The term transgender was coined around 1943 I believe by a German institute that was later destroyed by the Nazis. Transgender people have been called many things through the centuries but they have always existed. An in most cultures they were held in high regard in their council was valued.
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Transition people have existed for over 10,000 years according to historians and anthropologists. Listen up long after Trump and his transphobic Republicans and religious transphobic people are in the ground and long forgotten transgender people will still exist.
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Trump is your standard narcissistic little dictator who thinks he was sent by God to set everyone straight and he can do nothing wrong. Unfortunately this is typical of Hitler and other dictators.
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Personally I hope Maine and all of New England joins Canada.
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Drag queens as you in Kings have existed for a very long time also. In many societies women were not allowed up on stage for some men dressed as women. Maybe you stop watching FOX and less Republican propaganda. Maybe trying reading some real books maybe something on ancient history.
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First transgender people are not mentally ill per DSM-5 SOC8 revised addition trying reading. There are historical records of transgender type people of course they want call transgender in that time period they were called two-spirited and many other names.
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Congratulations Republicans and Trump you have more blood on your hands.
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Once again you're confused and have no idea of what you talking about. According to historians and anthropologists transgender people have existed for over 10,000 years. Also apparently living in the cave where you live you've never heard of intersexual people.
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And you are just one half a## expert on nothing try reading a book like DSM-5 SOC8 latest revision or WPATH then spend a few years studying human genetics. After that you May actually be entitled to an opinion That would be valued Good luck with that.
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Caitlin Jenner has basically sold out to the antitransger groups. She probably thinks it'll keep her safe from the hate the Republican party has. Bad news they will come for you at some point when you no longer serve their purpose, remember according to them your just man playing dress up.
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Children going hungry, children and adults who need health care, people homeless, people jobless and what is the most important thing to the Trump administration does that girl have a penis. Congratulations Trump cult members you just proven to the world you're obsessed with children's genitalia.
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In addition those ancient languages don't always translate into English very well. There are about 450 different Bible in the world and there are about 10,000 religions in the world. Sorry but children are more likely to be abused and SA in a church so please stay from other people children.
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You do realize that your God created those children as they were meant to be and your the one who committing a sin against God. By the way unless you're able to read and understand 1/2 dozen ancient languages like Sumerian any of the Bible you read have been translated incorrupted by humans.
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Sorry to tell you according to historians and anthropologists transgender people have existed for over 10,000 years and they will be around long after you and your transphobia friends are worm food.
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The fact the someone wants to check what's in someone panties should not surprise anyone. The people say they are only trying to protect cisgender girls are the ones who set it up so the girls can be abused and SA.
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Not a surprise Republicans love to tell you how they protecting women when what they're really doing is abusing them and stripping them off their rights.
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Once again the GOP shows were there true values are in stead of addressing people who are homeless, children going hungry, jobless people or lack of health can we going to worry about what's in everyones panties.