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22, he/him/his. I write erotic stories, usually focused on giant women. If you’re under 18, leave. Formerly @nozogod1 on Twitter
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I love imagining things getting even more unimaginably tiny, to the point where individual atoms are like boulders or even planeys
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Her socks look delightfully soft, I'd love to be crushed beneath their immense weight
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This is really fucking hot, damn
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I start all my nsfw threads with marked images and content warnings so hopefully that'll prevent them from ending up in unsuspecting feeds, but who knows lol
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Iono's attention turned to the remaining people grouped up on the table, trembling in fear. Her mouth curled into a sadistic grin, her tongue licking her bloodstained lips. "Now, who's next~?" END
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fter making sure to give her chat a nice long look Iono tilted her head back and let out an exaggerated GU-LUUURK~! And that's that! The taste of tiny people just never gets old! I need more!
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The sight would be sickening to any ordinary person. Blood stained Iono's teeth, bits of gore caught in her fangs. Hunks of meat could be seen on her tongue, the person she had chewed rendered utterly unrecognizable. What was once an innocent person was nothing but pulp now.
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Iono's teeth continued to work away at her meal, chewing and grinding them down until they were nothing but a pulp. With a flourish she opened her mouth, showing off the results of her work to the camera.
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Iono chewed with all her might, delighting in the feeling of the bones snapping apart. Nothing compared to the feeling of absolutely destroying someone with her teeth! She didn't know if the person she had chosen was a hater or a total innocent, but she frankly didn't care.
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Before you knew it you felt something sharp pricking against your chest. Iono's lower teeth. You screamed one final time but it was pointless. Nothing you could do would stop her. CRNNNNCHGCHCHRNCH
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You landed in her mouth with a meaty plop, but weren't given any time to settle. Within an instant Iono's tongue had begun tossing you about. You screamed and gurgled as the lithe muscle slammed you into the walls of her mouth, battering you mercilessly like the morsel you were.
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"Mmmmm, well don't mind if I dig in~! It's chow time!" With that you felt your body fall, the air whizzing past you as you screamed. Iono's mouth opened beneath you, her sharp pearly white teeth glinting in the studio's florescent lights.
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Iono's fingertips held you in a two-finger grasp, clutching tight onto your arms as she dangled you in the air. Looking down you saw her massive face, her sparkling eyes staring up at you as her tongue ran over her lips excitedly.
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Iono's chat only intensified, spurring her on forwards. "Wow! A donation from VoreLover69! You want me to chomp him up, eh? Well what kind of streamer would I be if I didn't give you what you want!" You felt your stomach lurch as you were pulled up higher into the air.
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"Now then, I am feeling starved, so how about we cut the preamble and get right into the main event!" Iono said, swinging you around carelessly, "It's time for Iono to get herself a tasty treat!" "Please, stop!" You screamed, but it was pointless. Nobody was listening to you.
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"Now, who's next... oh right, it was you wasn't it!" Iono said, your heart sinking as her finger pointed right at you. "N-No! It was her! Not me!" You shouted, but Iono just shook her head. "Trying to sell out your fellow hater. huh? That only makes you more deserving, stupid!"
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Iono dangled the man over his maw, holding him for a second before... "Buh-bye~!" Gu-luuurk~! The injured man was no more, swallowed down in a mere moment by the ravenous electric frog.
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The sight was brutal - from that brief splash his skin had turned a deep red, beginning to peel and bubble. He was screaming, a gutteral roar of fury and pain erupting from his chest. "Cmon now, open up!" You watched in terror as Iono's Bellibolt opened its mouth wide...
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"Aww, Bellibolt it wasn't your cue yet! Look, you wasted one! He's all boiled up..." Iono said disingenuously as she plucked up the unfortunate victim, the woman beside you being momentarily spared. She dangled the poor man in the air, giving everyone a clear view.
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The table rumbled as Iono's Pokemon jumped up onto it, shaking everything violently with its heavy landing. A sickening scream sounded beside you as the boiling broth splashed out of the bowl, landing on another one of Iono's victims.
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Her roulette of certain death landed on the person beside you - a young woman who seemed to be bawling her eyes out. You felt terrible for her, but at the same time you had some hope - perhaps with enough luck you would survive this!
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You gulped as Iono's massive finger loomed over you, pointing down at the row of victims, yourself included. "I-o-no's co-ok-in sh-ow, who's go-nna be ou-r fi-rst tre-at~!" She sang, her finger moving from person to person with each syllable.
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"Roast them up-" "Slice and dice-" "Boil them-" "I love you Iono-" "Just swallow them whole-" The messages just kept coming, whizzing by at dizzying speeds. Unfortunately for you, none of them seemed even the least bit sympathetic to your plight. "Hmmm, lemme pick one..."
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"It's TIME! TO! COOK! As usual, you guys decide how things go - cmon, gimme some suggestions!" You turned your head to the side, noticing a tall screen next to Iono. Messages whizzed past, faster than you could possibly read. You only caught pits and pieces of them.
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Your memory went blurry after that, but from the unbelievable sight before you there was only one conclusion to be drawn. The girl looming over you was the one you had run into, and she was responsible for this. You flinched as she spoke with her booming voice.
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"F-Fuck!" You shouted, struggling with all your might against the bindings that held you in place. The past day had been a complete blur. You had just been shopping like any other day when some random girl dressed in a gaudy outfit had come out of nowhere and accosted you.
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The floor opened up and out rose a platform with everything prepared already. The shrunken victims were neatly lined up, tied down to the table with tight wires. Beside them roared the open flame, heating up the sleek metal pot as the broth inside bubbled violently. ... ... ...
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...A few of them miiiight have been innocent in reality. The long list of people hating on her was admittedly beginning to grow sparse, so Iono did have to pluck up a few innocents to fill out the numbers. Still, it was all worth it for the show to go on!
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Hater Hotpot was a staple of Iono's more illicit streams. Most of the fans assumed it was CGI, but they were far from correct. Every bit of every episode was as real as could be - Iono had actually managed to pluck up about a dozen of her haters, shrunken down to a minuscule size
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More text whizzed around the air as Iono raised her arms dramatically, her baggy sleeves swinging as she did. "Hater Hotpot! The show where your favorite streamer and her favorite partner roast up the roasters and show them where they really belong - in our bellies~!"
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"Today we've got a very special stream planned for all of you! Me and my pal here-" Iono said as her Bellibolt leapt into the air, "-are gonna put on a special show! It's unfortunate, but being a famous as I am means I get a looooot of haters coming after me, and that means..."
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Holographic letters rushed around Iono as the studio lights flourished. The Iono Zone Deluxe was a special stream, being exclusive to paid members and taking place on a separate website than her usual affairs. This was, of course, all with one purpose - not getting banned.
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Ladies and gents! Are you ready?!" The cute girl on the screen said, a wide grin on her face, "Your eyeballs are MINE - caught in my Electroweb! Whosawhatsit? Iono! Back at it again with another members stream, it's time for the Iono Zone Deluxe!"
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I fucking love Drasna, absolute gilf
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Your heart sank further as Frye continued to list off the things she was going to do to you. There really was no hope. You were going to be her personal little footslave, and there was nothing you could do about it... END
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"Mhmhmhm, good toy! I'm going to have a lot of fun with you~! Maybe I'll put you in my socks during the next Splatfest! Think you can handle my stomps as I dance~? We're gonna find out, ehehehe!"
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If the smell had been bad, the taste was absolute hell. Your mouth burned in disgust as tears began to drip down your face. Still, you continued. You had to survive. You had to live. You had to.
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"Mmmmmm, that's nice but I think you can do better! Come on, use your mouth! Eat it up like the bug you are!" Bile formed in your throat as you obeyed, bringing your case even closer to the rancid socks and giving them a slow hesitant lick.
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Your arms trembled as you brought the mu to the huge socks, grasping onto a chunk of dirt and pulling it out. The fabric of her socks was thick and strong, requiring a lot of force to remove the chunk of dirt. Still, you did, tossing it to the side.