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James Webb Satellite took a fantastic shot of the Planet Saturn with it's Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). This is just an Amazing shot that shows the planet and the rings in brilliant detail.

Chandra Sees the Peacock's Galaxy.🔭 Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Schmidt, L. Frattare, and J. Major,Chandra.

NASA has designated today as 'Remembrance Day' You can read my thoughts about it here:

Reversing Type 2 diabetes A randomized trial of an SGLT-2 drug and moderate caloric restriction (vs placebo drug) led to remission in 44% vs 28% in the control group

Orion´s Belt ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #stars

In a very large dataset of people with diabetes treated with GLP-1 drugs cf other medications, there were benefits seen for reduced clotting disorders, seizures, neurocognitive disorders (including Alzheimer's), by and colleagues

The Kuiper Belt contains the frozen leftovers of the formation of our Solar System. Using ALMA astronomers can observe similar belts around other stars, and they come in all shapes and sizes! What do they tell us about the formation of planetary systems? Find out: ➡️ 🔭 🧪

If primordial black holes in the mass range of 10^17 to 10^23 g are the source of dark matter, then tracking shifts in Mars' orbit (...on the order of 1 meter!) might help discover them! #pbsspacetime #space

Very important point for healthcare providers in’s newsletter this morning. Bird flu shows up positive on our standard flu A tests. If someone is flu A+ but has conjunctivitis, is more sick than expected, or had exposure to birds/cows, consider bird flu.

Bonus effect. When a drug for diabetes significantly reduces kidney stones, results of a randomized trial of empagliflozin (Jardiance), a SGLT-2 inhibitor, in people without diabetes

Love this infographic of the evidence of ETNO clustering! Looking forward to looking at the Vera C Rubin dataset From:

Spectacular save by Charlie Lindgren, little bit of Flower in this one (via NHL)

#Severance #SZA

We've just joined Bluesky 🎉 Follow us for research, news, comment and opinion from Nature journal 🧪

Getting rid of toxic chemicals from plastics On the annual 100,000+ lives saved, trillion+ dollars benefit and ~10+ million IQ points lost to maternal exposure

As astronomers, we're always looking for clear blue skies! Hello, world! Hello, ! ✨ This drone picture shows the construction site of ESO's Extremely Large Telescope's (ELT), the world's biggest eye on the sky. 📷 ESO/G. Vecchia

Good morning with good news: Three states had EV sales exceed the 20% milestone in Q3 2024! Colorado led EV sales at 25.3%, with 82% full electric! Top Seven in Q3 2024: 1. CO 25.3% 2. CA 24.3% 3. WA 23.5% 4. DC 19.4% 5. NV 16.3% 6. OR 15.7% 7. NJ 14.4% #energysky

First ever image of another multi-planet solar system captured by ESO Telescope

Once weekly insulin seems to have similar outcomes to degludec - could help with patient compliance, but wonder what the $$$ will be #medsky

🔭 TAO is the highest observatory in the world! Its extreme altitude even allows for infrared observations. The 26m-tall dome hosts a 6.5m telescope. I barely saw it from the main road tonight. Just a tiny white dot... (ALMA is on the plateau, just below. Not visible from here 😥)

Just simply wow 💫😲💫😲💫😲💫 Millions of galaxies using real data from the DESI telescope (Dark Enegy Spectroscopy) mapping entire superclusters of the observable Universe.

Our hormone system is a 'lock and key' system. Now there are a whole bunch of extra keys floating around in there that shouldn't be there. What could go wrong if your house had 50 different keys that 'worked' (or at a min could jam the lock?)

Nice visual description of an often used depiction of a Black Hole by NASA. #astronomy #cosmology

Good morning with good news: Chile generated 82% of its electricity with renewables in November 2024, nearly doubling since 2016! Renewables' share of Chile's electricity: Nov. 2024 82% Nov. 2022 69% Nov. 2019 52% Nov. 2016 42% Wind & solar jumped from 9% to 38% from Nov. 2016-2024. #energysky

EVs are cheaper than internal combustion engine autos in China! Why? Colin Mckerracher wrote: "...the price for lithium iron phosphate, or LFP, battery cells in China has dropped 51% to an average of $53 per kilowatt hour," EVs are at 52% of China's auto sales.

Fox in the leaves ~ my favorite stitch from this year I think

Vaccination significantly reduced #LongCovid in children and adolescents among ~300,000 kids and teens

A friend sent this article to me today. It feels like a good moment to remind us: the LLM outperformed physicians on STRUCTURED cases. Someday the AIs may perform better than us in the unstructured, messy, real-world patient encounter...but that day is not today.🩺🛟

“Positive social change results mostly from connecting more deeply to the people around you than rising above them, from coordinated rather than solo action… Our largest problems won’t be solved by heroes. They’ll be solved, if they are, by movements, coalitions, civil society.”

I just read a suite of papers including Crocker and Weiner 2019 ApJ, the 2 Farrah et al papers in 2023, and Crocker et al 2024 from #DESI I think Crocker figured out Dark Energy. I think he really did it (in collaboration with a whole lotta folks). Holy shit.

In a world where you can be many things, be kind.

“Patients with acute brain injury and anemia randomized to a liberal transfusion strategy were less likely to have an unfavorable neurological outcome than those randomized to a restrictive strategy.” I’m kind of surprised but this study

In >60,000 UK Biobank participants an association between higher cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and less Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia during 12-year follow-up, mitigating genetic predisposition (w/high CRF, reduced by 35%) open-access; PRS-polygenic risk score

Upcoming important dates to know for #Severance fans: Saturday, December 7th: Severance panel at CCXP24 in São Paolo, Brazil Tuesday, December 17th: Season one releases on Blu-Ray Friday, January 17th: Season two premieres on AppleTV+

Moon dressed up as Uranus

More data supporting the cardio protective effect of GLP-1 targeted therapy (this time Tirzepatide led to a lower risk of death from cardiovascular causes or worsening heart failure than placebo

This is not a mandate.

Study linked on Twitter/X : approximately mid-July, the algorithm was modified to subject users to more pro-Trump content whether they sought it or not. Link to the study

WOW! Filament are gigantic arcs of material lifted off the Sun's surface by powerful magnetic fields. Here, we're looking along its length. You could easily pass Earth under it.

Is it cool if I post videos here?