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We all know this will be the last of our rights Trump will go after. What a surprise it will be for the right when Trump turns the military against them and they realize their guns are kind of cute trying to fight the drone dropping a 2000lb. bomb on their gated neighborhood.
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We bought a gun.They’re right, our founding fathers predicted this very thing would happen. They probably didn’t think the guns would predominantly be owned by the fascist’s followers.I think it’s time we let them know that the “radical left nut jobs” are armed with something more than witty signs.
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People want authenticity. After I listened to Harris’ interview on Howard Stern I knew she was done for. Stern is famous for his ability to get people to share and open up, but not her. She came across as the ultimate politician who refused to go off script.
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For only $1500 a month you could save a poor billionaire from becoming a multimillionaire. Please. Don’t wait. Act now.
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Arsonist sets fire causing the loss of hundreds of lives, homes, and thousands of acres of forest: Well, if Gavin had swept the forest, maybe arsonist wouldn’t even exist.
Teslas Burn: Don’t they know people leave their children and pets in cars? (actual quote)
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I kind of feel like it’s time to cut to the chase. We all know history and Trump is following the fascist handbook to a tee. We already know the ending of this story. We need to organize beyond holding signs outside of Tesla dealerships.
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It shows you that Americans see being rich as the apex of character traits. If you are rich we will excuse the evilest of acts, but if you’re poor and you so much as cough without covering your mouth, you better believe we will hunt you down and make you pay.
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Yes, and Trump threatened domestic terrorism charges to anyone who reported it.
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It should be investigated and people should be held accountable. The sad and scary thing is that I don’t trust Trump’s people to do anything in an honest or fair way