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Letter (perhaps in questionable German) to the president of the Constitutional Court.
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When thinking more broadly about defence, it is time to abolish Art. 12a of the Basic Law or to make it gender neutral. It violates international law, and it is a form of gender-based violence and gender persecution, a crime against humanity. See
comment in response to post When you refer to arming Baltic States and Finland, please be aware that their defence forces are built on human rights violations and gender-based violence. See
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Ik heb de uitzending met belangstelling bekeken, met veel sympathieke inzichten in wat de mannen meemaken. Toch stel je niet de centrale vraag waarom vrouwen niet opgeroepen worden. Dienstplicht alleen voor mannen is een mensenrechtenschending en gendergerelateerd geweld. Zie
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Finland had a 'feminist' government with a majority of female ministers for many years, but didn't abolish male-only conscription.Why do you think that wad the case?
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Response to Bluesky's attempt to suppress this post: "This is a pertinent contribution to the discussion that contains a link to a complaint submitted to the EU with supporting legal argument based on international law. It pertains directly to the legality of conscription in the US."
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Does this include native American women? If not, this statement is incorrect.
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If conscription is reintroduced under whatever conditions, it should apply equally to all, irrespective of sex or gender. Gender-selective conscription us s breach of international human rights law.
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Women are at least half of the population of all countries that have male-only conscription. They could vote to end gender-selective conscription or campaign against it. However they don't generally do so. "My body, my choice" is also a right that applies to men.
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Does this law require girls/women to register? If not, "conscription for schoolchildren" is misleading. It should be "conscription of schoolboys". This is sex discrimination, a human rights violation under international law, and a form of gender-based violence against boys.
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Male-only conscription should be stopped. It's a human rights violation and a firm of gender-based violence.
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No-one seems to be demanding the end of genderselective conscription, a human rights violation under international law.