father, husband, gardener, cook and chief bottle washer.
QPR, Argos, and Blackhawks supporter.
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you gotta source for "nothing going to happen?"
Because without one, you seem like a troll or bot defending the 'normalcy' of trump's regime.
Your country may survive, alone without allies in a world with 3' of sea level rise, that may be so, but what did you mean?
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punching requires stepping forward not back.
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how are those sharp angled corners legal. you might kill someone with those.
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you're from alberta, deal at home would you?
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"despite," is there something in ontario electoral law that prohibits gov't action in rural areas?
Foreign relations including trade are federal responsibilities. What's doug done for hospitals or family doctor supply, or public transit? you're chasing dragons.
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338 is fiction btw.
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not liking a potential electoral result, is not necessarily a reason to denigrate democratic procedure.
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In my brief experience, sometimes the best pruning jobs, actually look like your nemesis got loose in your garden with clippers.
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I shovelled snow out of my wee back garden, just to speed the process up, and avoid 2 inches of water melting on frozen ground.
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sorry, my bad, was reacting to a toronto based post.
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are you joking, the cutoff would happen in days.
good day to you,
I'm just going to block you because you are clearly unserious.
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toronto has plowed sidewalks in suburbs that are never used, before tackling neighbourhoods that depend on sidewalks.
Its a complete joke that riverdale park has clear sidewalks, but the neighbourhood around it does not.
you are mistaken.
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agreed, but suicide, painless as it is, is not an option. No fooling as biden would say, all gasoline in southern ontario comes from a pipeline to sarnia's refineries which runs through the USA. Environmentalists are already trying to close it. our economy would be crippled.
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One of 47's beefs with Canada is our supply system for vital farm goods. we maintain this system for sovereignty in times of war.
Our eggs are 3.49 a dozen. That'd be Canadian dollars, so 50c for you guys. Our dollar was higher but 47 attacked us, nice neighbourhood we have lately.
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toronto is a mess too, with rain on the way, but noone expected this from Montreal.
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Ontario will do its best, even with trumplite doug ford premier.
It's a mess without cooperation on our lakes.
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I'll vote for the coal tit as I am Canadian, and these fellas are everywhere here.
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good for you, when are introducing your motion?
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nafta would be clear on this, if its made in north america, we can't fart around like that. We're toast if the yanks walk away, but that action won't help. Its like stopping energy exports, they'd close line 9 and Ontario would have no gasoline in 6 weeks.
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like many other false distinctions, I believe this one has been dropped. like our dark eyed juncos, my slate coloured do not look like the west coast birds, but same same.
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you'd be classified as a refugee.
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you're nice, no stereotyping at all.
good day to you.
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I would never vote for them, but the NDP claim to have released a costed platform. Have you found a problem with their maths, (not that it would be surprising?)
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dude has a white supremacy symbol on his profile.
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actually its the fast food you yanks eat, its you that smell funny napoleon.
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I wouldn't sit at any table with the likes of you.
your handle anti gentry, too clever, do you want to brag about how smart you are, like elon perhaps?
all the best.
good riddance
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all parties have open membership. Learn your lesson, join a party , bring a policy resolution, change that party's policy. That way you may not be saying this in four years again.
It is unrealistic to expect party leaders to throw over the very people that elected them leader.
All the best
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trump invited governor trudeau as well.
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Please define, seems on the edge of unseemly views that the b'nai brith speak out against.
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What's the CPBH DEI policy?
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It's nice that you like it, it needs to be definable to pass the courts.
With the NDP making jokes within their platform, are you sure they take this seriously?
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non voters are traditionally excluded from these types of arguments, because they are irrelevant.
An uncast vote does not exist.
We cannot ascribe meaning or motive to non voters, (or voters for that matter.)
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I've got hoops over planters under this snow, I expect the parsley and chard to bounce back next week believe it or not.
may involve some shovelling.
Remember last winter toronto had one cold week.
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toronto had sunnyside.
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Folks without a parental downpayment missed this market, and so are now locked out forever.
Many of us see further economic division in the future, not good for a community or country.
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absolutely, toronto is riding a real estate bubble, without protection it would have crashed already making toronto more affordable.
Unfortunately if it crashes people get hurt badly.
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he's a kid, a kid who should not have made political acts publicly making him fair game.
but really leave him alone about things that are not political.
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like sweet bickle says.
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NH? that 'live free or die' thing is a bit... but mt washington is awesome.
Leave NH, and we get Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota.
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no, and we'd prefer you'all had voted instead of watching sports last November.
The hockey win is sweet, but the anger lingers across this great northern nation.
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ofcourse it did.
Probably Canadian made.
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What no colour scheme for loosing the war of 1812 to Canada?
Someone burned your white house before it was white in revenge for burning toronto.
btw, most american casaulties in the attack on york happened when your grenadiers fell through the ice at what is now grenadier pond in High Park Toronto.
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Give him a break, he worked at a library.
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Please join a team in canada, or europe or somewhere reason is still celebrated.
...and sue them.
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They are circumpolar apperently as we have several thousand nesting at a waterfront park in Toronto.
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we have a safe 3rd nation agreement with our neighbour, so we'd have to return to the usa unfortunately.
Our courts are open for appeals.
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i get it, in that case, off the lil beggars.