Profile avatar I believe in the power of technology and software to enhance personal growth and achieve a fulfilling life. ☕🚀
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We are using Mailtrap and we are very happy customers of it. Definitely recommend.
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This is relatively new feature for me as well. It doesn’t exist for arc search for sure, the rest idk
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hope that makes sense
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settings -> safari -> open links -> In background should be selected this way the flow looks like this: - you search something in google - you want to open like 5 different links in new tab, sort of like you do on laptop - double tap on each link and it will be opened in the background
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2-finger tap is definitely the most unpopular one. I've recently discovered it, but when you know it, this makes the research experience a bit next level. you just tap on the link with 2 different fingers at the same time (I do it via 2 hands) and it will open tab in background
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Please open source it. I'd benefit from what you have built. I also wonder about some details of Apple Health data retrieval and interpretation of it. I have a bit different use case and wonder how hard this could be
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As of now, I have to manually keep updating my health record. Ultimately, I think there should be a system that automatically pulls the data, including from Apple Health. Other sources could be your blood work results or some manual user input: "Estimate calories from this picture and log it."
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Also I swipe bottom URL bar to top to open tab list view.
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… (2/2) - swipe between tabs. On Safari I can swipe left bar left and right to switch tabs - tap on the link with 2 fingers to open in background tab - in tab list view, swipe to left to close the tab. Right now you have to specifically click x button for this
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I really like and support your product. I genuinely think this is the best browser out of these on the screenshot. Unfortunately, the best for me is Safari (even thought Quiche has a lot of better things) There are just 3 little features that make me use Safari: …(1/2)
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What about iOS? I know it is in the works, but I’m afraid of having that status as it was with floating notes.
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I hope it’s about better quality. Better, less buggy, snappier software that you develop, use and enjoy
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(2/2), особистий todo список, посилання на google docs etc. Я можу вести свою систему нотаток як мені заманеться. Також веду там свої особисті нотатки на різні теми. Тому згоден що це не для всієї компанії
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Мені складно уявити як це може бути інструмент для всієї компанії. Нема ніяких фіч для колаборації. Це чисто інструмент для особистих нотатків в тому числі і для роботи. В моєму випадку це може бути нотатка проект з посиланнями на jira issues, нотатки з мітингів які я хочу залишити собі (1/2)…
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Apple notes все ж таки не є професійним інструментом. Друг якось випадково затер важливу нотатку (типу cmd A, del) та не зміг відновити (cmd Z пробував). Obsidian в цьому плані гуд, там історія є та можна в гіт все кидати. Це просто приклад, але obsidian як на мене найкращий для роботи
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I have written a bit about my existing workflows that help me learn new language —
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Answering your question: I'd build something that I need for myself. For example, I'd build an AI language partner. I already have this working for me at about 50% of what I want by integrating ChatGPT. But it is way too sophisticated to build for a non-tech-savvy person. So I'd build that
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I like this question. This is kind of "make your partner guess what is in the gift so that you can hear all the things he/she wants." Only in this case, you can hear what people might want for themselves.
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I wish compact smartphones existed and such a form factor is still being developed. I still use an iPhone 13 mini.
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What I sometimes do right now to create events in my calendar: I compose query from my laptop (I have snippet). I copy this and input to my iPhone’s spotlight. From there it process it as NLP prompting to add to calendar. This is just an example, there can be so much more
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To continue my message. Raycast already has a lot of working extensions and integrations so this can be leveraged by function calling. I have a chat, maybe let’s summarise it and ask it to add to notes. Action point to add to reminders Also this would be nice to have such functionality from iOS
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Function calling for AI. Let me explain: I have ChatGPT workflow to add words to my flashcards app via API. As a result I have completed flashcard to review and learn. Another use case would be calendar or reminders. I want to ask what I do tomorrow and if I’m free at 7 pm then add an event.
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I wanted to say that I’m so impressed by how the iOS app is working. It’s so fast and snappy. And when you open it, you insta have a fresh recent feed. I’m glad to have such experience here
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I used it 3–6 times over the past 7 years. I have 2 backup disks that I plug in once a month to update backups. I feel confident that if I lose my laptop or it breaks, I can recover pretty fast as soon as I have another machine. It just works perfectly.
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I haven’t seen any tips when I restore a new Mac from a backup. And you get a lot more from that
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I use Apple Reminders. Suits my needs and can’t think of more features to be honest. I use it in combination with Raycast