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Self-published author of horror, Lesbian, witch, crocheter. Person just trying to live her weird little life with her weird little wife.
47 posts 160 followers 183 following
Prolific Poster

This design is now on my Redbubble, so name Rosered1982, as well as a Journal on Amazon 😁

I believe!

My ear hasn't popped in 3 days. About ready to rip the ear completely off. Do i really need two?

16 days into his presidency and he’s already committed multiple impeachable offenses.

I'm convinced the writers for season 2025 of Life on Earth are using copious amounts of drugs before writing the day's episode every morning.

“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.” Diary of Anne Frank January 13, 1943

Why are these ice and fbi agents complying with something so stupid and clearly unconstitutional?! I don't get it.

I won’t be watching the inauguration. Celebrating the birth of fascism in America just isn’t my cup of tea.

Rednote already has a translation feature up and running. This still continues to be the weirdest f*king timeline ever

We are not living in the land of the free. We are living in the land of slavery.

Can someone explain why TikTok is a bigger national security concern than a social media platform run by a South African technofeudal oligarch actively interfering in our elections and sabotaging our national interests here and abroad?

Elon Musk is being given an office in the White House, fyi. A South African billionaire oligarch is being given an office in the White House. Everyone who voted for Trump, voted for Musk. You voted for an oligarchy. America was purchased.

I've decided that nothing is real anymore so just gonna sit and wait for my brain to be unplugged. Hopefully the next "reality" is better. #simulation

Joanns may go out of business and that's the ONLY craft store in my town. I'll have to order online, thrift and hope I get lucky, or use the Mart of Wal. Someone, but it and save me! #crafterproblems

What if, during the Imperial March on Monday, people in the crowd just silently stood with their backs facing the Orange One? Picture it: the car rolls by and one after another it sees the crowd turn around in silent defiance. That could be interesting. #inauguration #thoughts

Okay, I have to admit something....I have at least 4 or 5 crochet wips, and I just downloaded a crap ton of knitting patterns off ravelry. #craftershame

Raise your hand 🖐️ if you will NOT be watching the inauguration so all of my followers can follow you! 🌊 Leave a comment and repost and you will get MORE followers! 💯 Don’t forget to follow me too! 💙 Who agrees? 🖐️

If brains were black powder, Marjorie Taylor Greene couldn’t even blow her nose.

Another Monday, another day I have to pretend to give a 💩 about "customer service".

Happy Full Wolf Moon to my Witches ✨

I have an alien cat

I forgot to add #witch to my last post! Any other #witches on here, especially followers of Persephone and/or Medusa, I'm your sister!

Looking for new peeps that love #books #writing #horror #lgbt #crochet #knitting Let's follow each other!

I'm exasperated with life and wish to become an Alien's pet. The kind that gets their own pet to keep them company so I can have my cat too.

All I want for Christmas is Musk to go back to Africa! Why is he even a party of the conversation?! #hedoesntevengohere

This message is for I have written a synopsis for an alternate story for Carrie. It would mean the world to me if you would read and consider allowing me to write and publish the full novel! Please, anyone who sees this, help me out! #stephenking #carrie #book #novel

Hey peeps, tiktok is giving away money to creators who have people click their "purple ticket" aka, the link below! I get the most of your downloading tiktok for the first time. Help a girl get some extra cash, please! #help #blue #hope #love #friends

I added a new design to my Redbubble Shop: Rosered1982 #revolution #denydefendepose #unitedhealthcare

The Muppet Christmas Carol will always be the superior Christmas movie. #fightme

I found out yesterday that my wife had never seen the End of the World YouTube video when I said, "But I am le tired" and she didn't immediately reply with, "Then take a nap, then FIRE ZE MISSILES!"


My plan for the foreseeable future is to be an absolute feral gremlin who makes everything and everyone weirdly uncomfortable.

How inappropriate is it to shush the early morning chatterbox that dumps word vomit all over you the second you get in the door? #shutup

It's been 4 years today since my dad passed. I don't think I'll ever get over it.

Just finished a five hour crochet marathon. You'd think I'd be almost done with my project after that long. You'd be wrong. #crochet #fiberart #crochetproject #crochetartist #ittakesforever

Any other #crochet fam working exclusively with blue this holiday season? I think I'd rather freeze than wear anything red anymore. #blue #onlyblue

I'm sick and can't sleep. Meanwhile, my wife is laughing in her sleep like a psycho. #yikes