I am the #1 Bickley & Marotta fan! I have been listening to them since day 1 & listened to Bick back when he was on 910 Fox. This account is used for the sole purpose to participate in social studies. #@BickleyandMarottarevolution Tom from Phoenix SHUTUPJC
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Hey I was convinced that this was a nucleus of a team that was going to win the NBA. Title, when they lost that game 72 the mavericks, I pretty much lost all faith that these guys will win a title with people this core of players.So unfortunately, it's time to blow it up
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3 words, SKAT A BOO!!!!!!
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The temperature during the winter, everywhere else brutally cold 🥶, here it is like the perfect summer ☀️ all winter long. Where winter summers
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Come on, this is such an easy question. To answer. It's obviously Disneyland with my family. I mean it is the happiest place on earth, or any of the disneyland parks, disney world, disney, tokyo, shanghai
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I would give best actor to KD continually, pretending he cares. I would give best supporting actor to booker for acting like he is not mad and best director to matt ishpia for putting together such a horrible team
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I would 100% clean house I would trade KD & Booker. I would play Bradley Beale as your number one option and make him look like an All Star & then trade him. Even if I have to throw in several number one, picks,no one in the league, more than 3 years, except maybe an experience point guard.
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I start work every day and there is no guaranteed $$, no guaranteed contract, straight commission baby.
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This era is absolutely the most difficult, the worst, the most pathetic era in Sun's history. Because we were an incredible team, a great team, the finals in 2021, best record in 2022, then we gave up too much to get KD, & he is like a cancer spreading through the whole team, that has no known cure
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Sammy the Intern
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Not necessarily me, but maybe it's telling Jarrett something especially if the new intern starts doing the "Sports Kabob" on Friday since he has already taken over every other job of " SHUT UP JARRETT"
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Honestly, what I think is the most shocking. Is that apparently Kevin Durant? Listens to your show and is going to take the time to send not one, but two tweets complaining about the the Bickley blast and be completely butt hurt about criticism. That's not the only time he's chirped. In and replied,
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Mississippi Burning, legendary, super underrated movie! Based on a true story, incredible performance by Gene. Riveting movie, Dafoe was great also!!!
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Going to Disneyland anytime I want, traveling to Hawaii, or other exotic locations, buying any sugar cereal I want, buying expensive cars, basically living life like Dan Bickley 😅
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Professional Basketball players 😂😂😂😂
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Wow This is a hard pill to swallow. Since I am a huge enormous cardinals fan, but there fan Base is actually (drum roll please) The worst!!!!!!
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Is like going to a really nice expensive restaurant that changed ownership Expecting this great meal & the food to taste great only to be disappointed & then to continue to go to this restaurant over & over again. but the food is actually getting worse, and the last time you went, you threw up.
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Absolutely, home game for AZ CARDINALS vs Seachickens, game that Marshon Lynch grabbed his junk on the long td run in 2016. Paid $500 on tix from a guy on Craigslist, got to game only to find out they were fake. They said it happened to 1K people that day. This is what led to NFL to go 100% digital
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Extremely interested? I truly think there's gonna be a major fight. That's gonna start right. When the Puck drops, it should be on pay-per-view. It can't wait to see it! It's so exciting to see some guys that actually care about the sport, they play just the opposite of the NBA
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9-11 my wife woke me up shortly after first plane hit, I thought it was an accident and then I watched live the second plane hit because I was glued to the TV. Just a horrible day.
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I'd say at least in basketball. The players just do not seem to care. They just seem like they're playing to collect a paycheck, and the paycheck is unbelievably. Hi, I mean, 40 50 60 million a season. . back in the day, people really cared these guys don't it's horrible to just watch It unfold.
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Dan needs to stick to his role, his joke not funny lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Love it, my wife loves it. Can not wait to go out to dinner with the love of my life. If your single, it must be the worst day of the year, lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Getting KD, Suns traded all of our draft picks, traded away Bridges & Johnson, one was a shut down defender, could guard any player in the NBA (except 4 centers) & slow them down significantly & Kkkkkam (pause) Johnson was a fantastic off the bench with his 3's chemistry was awesome, downhill since.
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Cobra Kai, final 5 episodes!!!!
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All the people in town everyone having a good time. The weather is absolutely perfect. I used to come here for 4 years in a row on our Tennis team, college Tennis team and play spring break matches in March and this is why I moved here. I absolutely love march in arizona plus spring training
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Matt Ishbia, this team is not as good as he thought it would be but he doesn't have the guts to admit it & face reality. We are probably not even going to make the playoffs. Collectively the entire team is having a horrible season, fortunately not as bad as the Mavs though. Beal having the worst
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Kareem, you could throw a triple team at him & he could get the sky hook up over a double or triple team, impossible shot to block. KD, he gets his fade away off in the mid range area over everyone, too bad he isn't a shut down defender like MJ, KOBE, Marion or Bridges Suns would win an NBA title
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When calling into 98.7 & other stations when you guys have prizes I call the at the exact moment the sounder hits & 95% of the time I am the 1st or 2nd caller. Metallica, Judas Priest, Nascar, a weekend golf trip Suns, Cardinals, Backs tickets are some of the prizes I have won. Now everyone knows!
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Unfortunately, there is absolutely 0 chance. they've played 52 games. They are who they are, no matter how bad we want them to do. Well, how could they possibly change things around the suns? Just are not any good this year. These players just don't fit well together.They don't play well together
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When I was in my twenties, a lot of people used to tell me, I look like tom cruise
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Make a great trade getting rid of KD and Beal
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I don't care, I wish it was the AZ CARDINALS
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Star track into the darkness. The Sun season is like going into the abyss, like going into a black hole. It's like a horror movie with science fiction twist It is absolutely gut-wrenching, and the fact that we wasted all this time talking about Butler and didn't get him. What a joke it's up
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That's a crazy question, but I sure hope so I'm not getting any younger. I got a lot of problems with these sons. If they don't finally win a championship, hopefully, it'll be in the next ten years
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Fear, intrepidation, anger, every emotion associated with a person that has schizophrenia, basically I feel like Jarrett does every day. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Ultimately, no matter what happens, the sons are in a lose lose situation.No matter what , it's probably gonna epically fail
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Eeehhhhhhhhhh, woh, he is the original, he invented being cool. Just ask Potsy & Ralph. It is absolutely Henry Winkler as the "Fonz"
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F, nothing positive about what he's done so far other than with the mercury
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Fear, agitation, probably every emotion associated schizophrenia, basicallyhow Jarrett feels every day. I am freaking out, thinking no matter what they do it will fail miserably. They are truly in a lose, lose, lose situation. I hope I am wrong but I doubt it.
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Look, I know. This is not gonna be a popular answer, but it's sir. Charles charles barkley.He came in and in his first season, he brought the suns to a championship, almost beating the greatest player and team of all time the chicago bulls
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They should trade for Jimmy Butler only because i'm desperate for the Suns to save this season, they need to also get rid of Nurcich & get a decent role player if they could make a run, if they fail blow the whole thing up this summer including trading Book. He deserves to be on a better team.
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My favorite team was The Vikings & they traded with Dallas for Herschel Walker, & I thought it was the coolest thing ever, first time he touched the ball he ran a touch down in from a kickoff, the second time he touched the ball, he ran for 50 yards. We'll it was all disappointing from that point
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Cleveland, just to rub it in Matt Ishbias face.
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It's horrible. The lakers are gonna have our number for the rest of Devin Bookers career, that is even if he stays a Sun This is bad for suns. The lakers continue to be our kryptonite Luca & his smug smile laughing every time the lakers beat the suns by 25 points, Suns worst nightnare, get Butler
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Well, I do not drink so I would like to play a round of Golf with Michael Jordan, Larry Fitzgerald.
And mcbride, from the cardinals, I'd ride with mcbride, and we would just play around the gulf, I wouldn't even have to talk to him, just chill
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Pay the positives Ari comes in and he's available to play every game of the entire season. We turn things around, we get into the playoffs &we make a run at least to the conference finals, give Oklahoma City a push. The negatives are he pulls the same antics He does at every team when he wants out
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There are so many to choose from. I have a daughter who is 16, and I've seen them all. But I'll just have to say frozen. The original just has sentimental value. She was six years old when we first saw it.And the music makes me cry every time
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Yeah, I went to the dentist. They put me under and I think the dentist, the nurse that dental hygienist had sex and violated me.Oh, wait, that was a seinfeld, episode.
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The As thr World Turns, your on the edge of your seat every day wondering what will happen next. There season is like a soap opera
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Why would anyone want to be anyone other then the Suns. That would be like asking someone would they would want to be a good person or be Satan 😈. Not to mention we are better then both the Lakers and Warriors
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Jarrett of course, he has style, that look, a contemporary Cosmo Kramer. He has it all, grace, flash. He is a trend setter, a true fashion icon, a legend in his own mind. NOW, SHUT UP JARRETT 🤬!!!!!!!!