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Je zal toch Elon Musk zijn en straks gedumpt worden door Trump terwijl je in de tussentijd twee van je succesvolle bedrijven, Starlink en Tesla, de grond in hebt geboord....

Trump on NATO: "If the United States was in trouble and we called them. We said, 'We got a problem, France.' Do you think they're gonna come and protect us? Hmm. They're supposed to. I'm not so sure." (Literally the only time NATO Article 5 was invoked was after 9/11 on behalf of the US.)

Amerikaanse volksvertegenwoordigers durven zich niet meer uit te spreken over Donald Trump.

"Washington has become the court of Nero, an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers, and a jester high on ketamine in charge of purging the civil service. This is a tragedy for the free world, but it is first and foremost a tragedy for the United States."

“The company is in talks with suppliers to provide both military-grade and standard terminals and would need “a couple of months” to provide 40,000, she added. That’s about how many Starlink terminals are used in the country.”

BREAKING - Trump team met with Ukraine’s top 2 opposition leaders to try to topple Zelenskyy The plan has FAILED - both opposition leaders have officially said they do NOT support calling an election to replace Zelenskyy while the war is going on

An update which I suspect you won’t see Musk and Goodwin and Vlaardingerbroek sharing: The man who drove into a crowd in Mannheim on Monday, killing two and injuring fourteen, was a neo-Nazi

The US spends much more on healthcare per person than any other G7 nation: $12,000 in 2021. This is more than 50% higher than Germany, the next-highest spender. Japan and Italy spend just $4,700 and $4,400 per person at the lowest end — slightly over one-third of US spending.

This fellow is really good. This has a very 1940s aura to it, from the golden era of political posters, but with a more modern 2000s-animation sensibility on the dolls.

De nieuwe hoofdaanklager van de Amerikaanse hoofdstad Washington DC, Ed Martin, blijkt sinds de inauguratie van Donald Trump intimiderende brieven te schrijven aan Congresleden van de oppositie.

Trump gaat vandaag het Amerikaanse ministerie van onderwijs opheffen. Gewoon, omdat het kan. Wie denkt dat goed onderwijs te duur is, die weet niet wat populisme kost.

De stikstofuitstoot van de landbouw moet véél harder dalen dan eerder gedacht: met 80 procent in 2035. De verwachting is dat de uitstoot dan met 20 procent is gedaald, blijkt uit ramingen van PBL. Dat gat dichten kan eigenlijk niet zonder flink in de veestapel te snijden

🚨🚨 #Russianassets: I cannot say I am shocked anymore but these incredibly evil, nasty and cowardly betrayals by #Trump administration is getting just worse by the day. 🧵

Well well.

Military-size drones have been flying night-time missions over strategic installations in NW Germany last 2 weeks. Sightings are confirmed by German armed forces. Security sources suspect they came from North Sea or possibly Baltic Sea and are of Russian origin. Targets: mil bases, ports, LNG.

Kleingeld in Nederland is elders het verschil tussen een hartslag en een grafzerk. Toch schrapt minister Reinette Klever (PVV) achteloos 39 procent van alle ontwikkelingshulp. Zo sloopt ze niet alleen de inspanningen van hulporganisaties, maar ook onze beschaving.

Mis logica. Klopt dat coalition of the willing relevanter is voor defensie dan EU, maar EU-leden in coalitie moeten er geld aan kunnen uitgeven. Ruimere begrotingsregels dan niet gek. Verder zijn 'eerst duurzame vrede' en 'we organiseren het in de Navo' wensdenken.

Vandaag beweerde Kamerlid Omtzigt ( ) dat "Voedselprijsstijgingen zijn hoger in Nederland dan elders." Klopt dat? Nee dus. De voedselprijsstijging sinds eind 2019 was in Nederland lager dan gemiddeld in het eurogebied en ook lager dan in buurlanden Duitsland en België .

Let me explain why I'm so confident that tariffs will cause higher prices.

Het langstzittende lid vd Europese Raad helpt Trump waar hij maar kan: ‘Hungary recently escalated its efforts to stamp out pro-democracy groups and media organizations that rely on foreign funding by naming a government minister to investigate USAID’s activities’

Putin’s Pals Say Trump Is Now Their ‘Ally’ vs. the West “The masks are off now,” a leading state media propagandist declared, urging the Kremlin to increase the size of Russia's armed forces to take all of Ukraine. My latest for

I think Russian intelligence services cannot believe their good fortune at everything that is happening right now. This is a bonanza across the board. The vicious attack on Ukraine, nutters at the FBI, Gabbard at DNI, shredding of CI capabilities. A monumental tragedy for the West.

No more abundant Hyro-Québec electricity for the US AI and bitcoin crowd?

Fun Fact! Tonight’s designated survivor is Vladimir Putin

"My fellow Americans. The state of our union is ... worse than last year, but better than next year."

Starting this week, we’ll all pay more at the store because of the Trump tariffs, even while he’s finalizing a multi-trillion-dollar tax cut for the wealthy. All the bluster is meant to get us talking about literally anything else.

Should be interesting!

Briljante geest, die Musk. ‘Musk could also have simply looked up the SSA’s own website, which explains that since September 2015 the agency has automatically stopped benefit payments when anyone reaches the age of 115.’

'De minimale inspanning om beleid te onderbouwen en te motiveren, suggereert dat het niet primair is bedoeld om problemen op te lossen maar om electoraal gewin te behalen. Dat beleid strandt bij de rechter, dient als munitie om die rechter partijdigheid te verwijten.'

Trump will build a mighty wall across the northern border to keep out eggs from Canada, and best of all, the chickens will pay for it.

We vergeten vaak hoe extreem Wilders is. Assad: okee. Etnische zuivering in Gaza: okee. Zelfs na MH17 Poetin: okee. Maar ja, hij houdt van poezen.

Anyone who claims that "Ukraine is losing the war" should look at the map. Ukraine will only lose the war if the free world allows russia to win.

If you're wondering what happens when a democracy slides into authoritarianism, here it is!


Being able to drop a quarterly US GDP prediction by 5.1% from +2.3% to -2.8% in a single week is one of the most impressive economic developments in the history of the world.

“Additional details provided upon RSVP. RSVPs will be accommodated on a first come, first serve basis. Space is very limited. $1,000,000 per person.” 🤯

Hybrid warfare in effect by the US against Canada as a sovereign state

Democracy dies in darkness - literally this time

Ik had echt lieve collega's bij het AD, maar deze kop (achter een betaalmuur) is echt heel erg misleidend. Want wat blijkt uit de twee onderzoeken? 97% en 95% van de Nederlanders heeft GEEN prikspijt. Kom op, dit is gewoon misleidend.

During the Vietnam War peace negotiations, the US used quiet threats to force its ally in Saigon to negotiate while fully supplying its military and bombing Hanoi to show resolve. In Ukraine the US is cutting off aid to its ally in Kyiv and handing free gifts to Moscow.

We love the Aussies!

De EU moet de hand uitsteken naar landen die getroffen worden door Trump’s tarieven. En liefst met hun nieuwe vrijere handelsafspraken maken. Dat is de kans die Trump ons biedt.

The average American voter thinks that the government is too big but that it should spend more money on everything it does. This explains a decent share of the political chaos of this country.

“I believe the reason that Donald Trump says this war would be over within 24 hours is because he would just give it up” - Kamala Harris, 11 September 2024

Interesting statement on Russia and Ukraine from leadership at the George W Bush Presidential Center.

Exciting news for tax evasion and money laundering!

A no-fly zone in other words. Not a bad idea
