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Lithuania quitting the 1997 Anti-Personnel Landmines Convention banning cluster bombs etc for fear of Russia. Expect more along this route. A disintegration of a whole scaffolding of international rules, perhaps an unintended consequence of how the Trump admin is handling the Ukraine conflict.

Pasirodė pirmieji ženklai, kad "dirbtinio intelekto" (AI) burbulas nustoja pūstis - Microsoft tyliai atšaukia investicijas į duomenų centrų statybą, atsisakys ~1 GW galios duomenų centrų statybos ateityje. 

Visame pasaulyje liaudis tiki, kad valdininkai tik kavutę geria ir vagia. Todėl visus valdininkus reikia atleisti, tada viskas pagerės. Muskas Amerikoje padarys tai, be jokių stabdžių, poveikio vertinimų ar įstatymų laikymosi. koks bus rezultatas?

🚨 BREAKING: After torpedoing yesterday’s meeting with Zelensky, JD Vance fled to Vermont for vacation—only to be met by hundreds of furious protesters. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy!

Many of you have already seen it, but I wanted to wait until my version was complete. My version has my newly set up youtube channel, some minor fixes to the transcript &a bevy of links throughout the transcript. Also a PDF version. Thanks

american masculinity is so amazing. caring about clothes as a man apparently makes you "gay" but our position on geopolitics totally depends on whether you wear a suit

The Ukrainian government has a list of places where you can donate to the war effort here. I personally just donated $100: Slava Ukraini.

Savo parašymuose nuolat miniu sąvoką “pizdiožas” Paaiškinimas, kuo pizdiožas skiriasi nuo melo 👇👇👇 O gal žinote, kaip gražiau lietuviškai pavadinti “bullshit” (ne melas ir ne nesąmonė)? #knyga

Dear Europe, Trump completely melts under pushback. So push back.

Vilnius today. Thank you for standing with #Ukraine! 📹:@flyingcatdrone

We deny that we demanded the things that we have explicitly demanded.

Europai reikėtų smogti Amerikos technofeodalams - technologijų gigantams monopolistams

Friends, We must focus on remaining emotionally sturdy and supporting #Ukraine. There's a lot of work ahead of us.

Europoje ir kitur smarkiai krenta Teslos automobilių pardavimai. Bet Elonui Muskui grynai px, jam visai nesvarbu, kiek automobilių parduos Tesla. Muskui milijardus generuoja akcijų kainos didėjimas (mašinų galėtų išvis negaminti) 👇👇👇

The curious thing about billionaires defying the rule of law and the orders of the court, is that their wealth depends entirely on enforceable legal rights: contract, property, and so on. Those saying court orders have no value need to be careful what they wish for.

in the runup to the Ukraine war, US conservatives were jacking themselves off to footage of Russian VDV guys doing hand to hand combat. Then 90% of those guys were wiped out in the first day of the war because it turns out hand to hand combat isn't very important if they shoot your helicopter down

Norint paveikti Vakarų politikus, reikia suprasti, kodėl jie daro tai, ką daro ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #Macronas #Scholzas

🇱🇹 "Goodbye Russia, goodbye Lenin" – Lithuania’s president Gitanas Nausėda on cutting off from Russia’s energy system.

Switzerland Based Russian Grain Traders Sponsors of war dealing in stolen Ukrainian grain and russian trade. Free thread from Beefy - please share 👇

OTD in 1970 West Germany & USSR signed their 1st major gas deal. Less then 2 years after Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, it's part of 🇩🇪 gvt tradition of not caring that eastern Europeans live in dictatorships provided cheap fossil fuels flow. A the time FDR said...

In today’s Vatnik Soup, I’ll discuss how Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania cut the cord on Russian energy, further reducing their reliance on the Kremlin. At the same time, the Baltics set an example for EU countries like Slovakia and Hungary whose leadership still worships Putin. 1/24

Tas jūsų ChatGPT - briedo generatorius 😀 #glupstvos

“Roman salute” by Ukrainian carricaturist Andryi Petrenko

Paaiškinimas, kodėl kriptovaliutų milijardinės “vertės” ir trilijoninės “rinkos kapitalizacijos” - tai gryniausias oras, feikas ir briedas. Ir “kriptomilijardierių” vartomi milijardai yra iliuzija 👇👇👇 #kriptovaliutos

Let me make this clear: If you think all of the "Crusades" were against Arabs/Muslims, and were just in the Holy Land, you are gravely undereducated.

Resharing my article on cryptocurrency "market caps", since you'll be hearing that phrase a lot.

Lithuania "commits to allocating" between 5 percent and 6 percent of GDP on defense from next year to 2030, Foreign Minister Kęstutis Budrys said today in a post on X.

Dabar labai madinga kalbėti apie boomerius, millenialsus, Gen X, Gen Z ir kitas socialines kartas. Gal tai ir turi prasmę Amerikoje. Bet perkėlus visa tai į Lietuvą - gaunasi totali nesąmonė. Lietuvoje nėra jokių boomerių, ir nėra jokių Gen X 👇👇👇

For the uninitiated, this Elon Musk video game thing is like if he'd bragged he's one of the top chess players worldwide, went live on YouTube using a account with a top ten global ranking, and then spent 5 minutes calling his knights "horsies" while trying to move them in straight lines.

The night from Jan 12 to Jan 13, Soviet troops killed these Lithuanian people. They were not armed. Some were shot in the back - like the youngest victim Ignas Šimulionis. Some were driven over with a tank - like the young woman Loreta Asanavičiūtė. Never forget.

Konstantly Griftin featured in Private Eye

Attention, Lithuania! Russian propagandists reacted to Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda's statement that "Karaliaučius will never become Kalinigrad" with threats.

i’m at a consumer electronics show. this litter box comes with “multi-cat facial recognition,” which is a phrase i’ll be saying for the rest of my life

Joint statement by Chomsky & Mearsheimer on the situation in Disputed Kursk territory. "Kursk was, for a long time, part of the Ukrainian sphere of influence. The best solution is for Tehran & Pyongyang to stop arming Russia, force it to cede territory & commit to neutrality."