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Brain worms. I have them too with various games. I only feel like I'm missing out if I'm actively playing the game while the limited time event is happening and I miss it, not if I've decided to put the game down for a while.
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There's too much stuff to be upset about in this world, it's exhausting to be negative all the time. Someone who is an endless stream of negativity is just tiring.
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These comments are informing me for the first time that there are a good number of people who don't love water chestnuts. Incomprehensible.
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There's a DLC that brings back the old portraits, but it doesn't fix her in-game sprite being altered, which sucks.
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To be fair, the painter started it themself by being the first to post an edit with the face on it.
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Someone on the subreddit painted it and shared it there yesterday, and now people are using it to make memes. (Including the original artist)
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Since Wilds apparently has a more involved story than the others, it probably has a more clearly defined ending. I haven't actually played that many MH games though, so I can't speak on it too much personally.
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Reviews I've read are saying you can finish the main story in just a couple days, and the endgame on release isn't that meaty since they're planning on adding more content over time.
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For a moment I thought you meant you were going to put Woolie in Caboose's bag.
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I thought the same so I've been looking into it, but I can't find anything saying it'll be in 7.2x. Until I get corrected, I'll just assume it's in 7.2.
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Or Roman god?
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Yeah, they absolutely shouldn't be expected to report everything when they haven't promised to, but they should say SOMETHING every once in a while, even if it's just "we're alive and working on it". Keeping silent when they're obviously aware of how it's affecting their reputation is not great.
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As long as you go in expecting the sheer amount of cutscenes, it's great. If you were expecting more gameplay though, I can definitely see being dissatisfied.
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Lords and Ladies is a great book.
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I think he's just doing the ones in the collection.
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Just watch out if the baby starts setting up an SPD.
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I assume it's because Netease is a big corporation like EA and has a wide variety of devs under them, they're not just a single studio.
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She's Athena Cykes from the Ace Attorney series. Specifically AA5 and AA6.
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So your character will just gaslight the rest of the party by saying they've been a cleric all along? Nice.
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Even if it wasn't a Nier game, after Automata's incredible success you'd think they would be locked in with other companies falling over themselves to work with them, but somehow that didn't happen at all.
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Most of the sane people are steadily migrating here, so it's only going to keep spiralling as it becomes more of an echo chamber.
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Canadians in different provinces may disagree about a lot of things, but hating Toronto is the great unifier.
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Hell yeah, double Ace Attorney this week! That'll definitely help considering how much you end up needing to remember in this case.
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"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission!"
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Edge is just a branch of Chrome at this point, it works fine if you can stand the Microsoft BS. It's not like IE which was holding everyone else back by being awful.
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Humans are always the plain white bread of every fantasy/sci-fi setting, lol
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For the sequel fair, but I highly recommend the DLC. I actually enjoyed it more than the main game.
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That Sons of Calydon trailer really was the worst example of that. Cool action only to end it with an egregious shower scene that doesn't remotely resemble how the characters are portrayed in-game. I feel that does nothing but push away anyone who might have been interested from the first part.
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Yeah, they've said they don't want ads if they can help it and they'll instead be trying to make money by selling certain additional, non-essential features.
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The TGAs are always about who has the biggest marketing budget, after all.
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Like seriously, who even are any of those others? Who are they popular with? I've never watched anything Pekora has done, but I've at least heard of her, which is more than I can say about the others.
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I feel like rather than it being the "intended" path, it's more like they wanted it to be possible to beeline everything without doing side content, for a bizarre, specific type of person plays a game in a genre defined by side content and ignores it all.
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If you didn't vibe with at that point, it's probably not for you. By 1.5 hours you have experienced the main draw of the game, which is the vibes and writing. If you weren't sold by that point, the new powers you get probably won't make the difference.
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As a Canadian, don't be so sure. We have our own nutjob working out of the same playbook who looks poised to take control next election.
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That's been the assumption for a while, but it's relieving to get official confirmation. Looking forward to finally getting through some of my backlog of Switch games on it.
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We did in BC too, and it's still happening because they said they're waiting for the west coast US to stop so the time zone all matches. So even us Canadians have to blame the US government.
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God I hope BC stops using daylight savings soon. We've already voted to abolish it, the government has said it's just waiting on west coast USA to do the same so we all match up.
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Only the far eastern parts, IIRC. They just choose to stay on Alberta time all year instead of switching.
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I'm still mad that I fought Radahn in the brief period where they nerfed him into the dirt before they buffed him back up a bit.
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Ooh, Lake House on Sunday. Hopefully I'll actually be able to catch it live. Just finished it myself, it was great.
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I always say, polls are biased toward the type of people who actually bother to answer polls.
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Not something I've personally heard of, but the Japanese seems to say "New Nessie".
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I desperately hope all the replies were just people taking the mom's side a giving legitimate-sounding reasons like "nightly maintenance".
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Not a game dev, but as a different type of programmer, yeah. When you sync up with the music and hit flow, it just feels great.
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Yeah, the combat got kind of repetitive after a while due to there not being enough different options, but the vibes were so good that just wandering around the city was fun.
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I typically go with the JP voice acting for JRPGs, but the English VAs are killing it so hard on this one they pulled me over.
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I wanted to wait for 1.0 myself, but what I'm hearing about this patch is VERY tempting.