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Chaling (ptcpl. vb.) Trying not to be driven up the wall by the opinions of someone whom circumstances will not allow you to argue with.
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She can't be any clearer: Conservatives will be only too happy to belly up to fascism in the USA.
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To just slightly deliberately misquote Die Hard: John Mclane: Powell? Powell? Talk to me, what's going on here? Sgt Al Powell: That's the Government. They got the universal capitalist playbook and they're running it, step by step.
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LPC will explain it away as Carney is just 'learning on the job.'
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And the same people who voted to remove bike lanes now expect me to fight to save their country.
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And some people seriously think he's leading the 'resistance.'
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A lot of Canadians are gonna find out that the version of Canada they have invented in their heads is very, very different from the real one also.
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When you stand next to a line of Lisa McLeod's, you're Lisa McLeod too.
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If conscription works so well, why haven't we been forcing people at gunpoint to be doctors, nurses, social workers, teachers, artists, writers or musicians? At least those professions actually benefit Canadians, strengthen our real sovereignty and make us better off.
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This article should be doing a comedy club tour. Old white guy general describing 'abuse' of minorities in the military as being getting the side eye. "if you want to celebrate Diwali, or you’re wearing a turban, you kind of start getting side eyes about different things" Yeah that's it.
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It's almost like Canadians and Americans are pretty much the same, and the border is almost like an imaginary line just drawn on a map.
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This howler from the article as well: "we’re trying to tap into women a lot more effectively.”
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...and fellow politicians, but we can make it easier for people forced to join the military to get security cleared. Plus - I can only imagine what the current military will look like (already self admitted huge problems with white supremacy adjacent fans) after we make it easier for more to join.
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From the article: "Digitizing the recruiting process so people can apply online and making it easier to apply for security classification could help" And yet we have a leader of our official opposition who can refuse to get a security clearance, and he gets a pass from almost every media/pundit...
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"If it looks like fascism, swims like fascism, and quacks like fascism, then it probably is fascism." Someone, sometime.
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environmental destruction and non-renewable resource extraction. The mode might be superficially different, but the message is crystal clear. I'm wondering how long before we see the first commercial with Carney in a sweater?
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Carney is gonna use, or a sniper assassin cold eyed killer vibe like Poilievre, or Singh with his 'but I'm not those two' AI scripted vapidity - but it's the same message - merciless cuts to social/education/healthcare programs, huge spending on military/police and renewed full speed ahead...
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Political leaders from all Canadian parties haven't been hiding from us what they intend to do - they've been saying it outloud since I began to pay attention to politics in my mid-teens in the 1980s. Our most recent leaders might be using a vaguely Heathcliffe Huxtable smarter than you vibe like...
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If it means that suddenly we can call literature from Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Nabokov, Babel, Grossman, Tolstaya, Chekhov and Pushkin ours, I'm for it.
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"A Good Walk Spoiled: Days And Nights on the PGA Tour" was so well written it made golf interesting.
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Unhesitatingly supporting the United States in everything it stood for since he was elected is a pretty big tell.
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This AI would be happy to violate any or all of Asimov's Laws of Robotics.
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Until the members of other unions start striking in solidarity strikes won't work. Unions better figure out really quickly that an attack on one union is an attack oo all unions (and workers) - and act accordingly.
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"Liberal' Bluesky is full of this, and it'll get even worse, even faster than Twitter took a crap into the toilet bowl.
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'Liberalism' in the west has turned into a constant purity test. With Blair, Clinton and Martin they baked a cake and decided to eat it - and anytime someone steps out of line they run the test and slice of another piece, now they've got a plate of crumbs and their wondering how they got here.
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Which are levels of magnitude simpler than Nuclear command and control. We can't even get a high speed rail line built and it takes nearly 20 years to build a few miles of Subway in Toronto.
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Possessing, controlling, storing, safe guarding, testing, training with nuclear weapons require huge infrastructure and resources the likes of which Canada has shown no interest in even seriously thinking about. About the only large infrastructure Canada has built in decades are Hydro dams...
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If you can direct me to the Can. military units, commands or personnel fine, the only group I'm aware of with any relevant area of expertise is the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU,) which is associated with after effects response, not command, control and security of nuclear weapons.
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Sorry - to clarify - no Canadian military personnel, commanders or political leaders have any training, practical experience or even most likely university level education - degrees in nuclear science, engineering that would make them competent in nuclear weapons handling.
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One of the root operating imperatives of a successful capitalist society has always been normalizing death. Nothing shocking or unusual that that was baked into the response to Covid.
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What's another of those sayings? Follow the money. Or another one of those sayings? Actions speak louder than words.
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Slow walking with your head in the clouds or plummeting off the cliff at 100 mph with either option still only having an apocalypse/abject ruination as the landing zone still eventually gets you to the exact same place in the end.
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More generally - since beginning of career at Goldman Sachs 1990 everything he has done/championed/designed/recommended has made lower income/middle class people poorer and wealthiest people/corporations richer. For 35 years. Seems like plenty of specific actions and directives to draw conclusions
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...revenue neutral or a benefit. And at least it was an attempt to mitigate environmental crisis (if really theatre.) 2nd action - cancels changes to Capital Gains Tax - so refuses to tax wealthiest 10%, encourage even more wealth accumulation through things like profits from housing/real estate...
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People in the replies refusing to pass early judgement on Carney - waiting for "without knowledge of his specific actions and directives." 1st action - cancels Carbon Rebate - so put money directly into the pockets of most Canadians - because that's how it worked. The rebate for most was...
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including if it involves punishing his own citizens. We are not going to be operating under the system where Politicians are controlled/directed by the markets and voters - we are under a system that is ideological now.
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True, but you're thinking this is before Jan. 20th, 2025 - Yes Russia exported about 8 million metric tons - Canada 22 million - but this is a new world - Trump is waging war via economic means (and acting like he won't need to win another election) he will punish us via whatever means necessary -
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What's that saying? We get the leaders we deserve.
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US under Trump is already signalling its intent - see the recent refusal to support G7 resolution about Russia's shadow oil fleets - the US will simply start purchasing previous exports of Canadian potash/Uranium etc. from Russia.
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to those things. Nuclear power is not at all the same has nuclear weapons. And remember - only one country has ever shown a willingness to use a nuke - do we really think possessing one will make us safer from that country?
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No country - NATO or otherwise would ever risk the repercussions of selling nuclear weapons to us - and it requires levels of knowledge/training even to store/maintain/secure a nuclear weapon - all things that no Canadian has. Despite our close military ties to The US etc., we have never had access
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So many Canadians saying things like lets pack up and move to the mountains and fight a gorilla war - Canadian cosplay from people who probably can't walk to a coffee shop.
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"Visit local bars and collect unhoused street people." And again - these seem to all be older people who have spent decades causing the problem - lots of statements like: I'm 70 now - or - if I were younger - they'd be happy to go, but hey lots of young people who didn't cause the problem can die
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Didn't take more than a minute to find these comments in the first few replies to the article: "But the main problem may be how to get younger people interested and retain that interest from them" "Don’t give them choice. When one turns a certain age one can assume they are going to basic training
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Funny - many of the replies to article are 60+ year old who spent 40 years making decisions that destroy Canada sovereignty and seeing how much joy they are taking in rounding up all the young people/unhoused/poor and forcing them into military service to save/prevent something they didn't create