So remember, folks, if someone tries to steal your car, be sure to thank them for complimenting your taste in vehicles.
Reposted from
Colin D'Mello Global News
Premier Doug Ford today called President Trump's threats to make Canada the 51st state "a compliment."
The reformist who are clearly in bed with Russia at this point, then “discover” evidence of mishandling of membership funds.
If he hands our province over to the US on a silver platter. I am moving.
Hound him to resign.
You are playing with the enemy you and Poillievre the conservative no matter at any level are playing with Trump! Conservatives = Republicans
Doug Ford:
The products are clearly labelled as life limiting.
Apparently can't Spot the difference between a threat and a compliment.
But then, Doug's support for Trump was never going to waiver and he was 100% happy that he won last November.
May be he's been offered to be governor of the 51st state?
He better keep an eye on his new friends, because they don't keep to their agreements very well.
So many potential Quislings so little time to track 'em all.
My God - how on earth did her ever get re-elected?! It’s so sad.
Last time, it was 18.5% overall with a 43% turnout, resulting in 3 more seats.
Conservatives use voter suppression techniques and get their own voters out. So a low voter turn out favours them. It can be news stories, bots, even polls. They ignore their very safe ridings (usually rural) and aim hard at the "swing" ridings usually urban.
Remember, this unelected fuckwad is destroying the city, building by building, bike lane by bike lane, tree by tree, and will unwind 300+ years of civil society if not stopped.
#onpoli #topoli #cdnpoli #yyz #toronto
#onpoli Doug Ford #cdnpoli
When's Ontario's next one? Then you can vote the bum out!
I voted but my riding still went PC
I am going to volunteer to help my liberal candidate when there is a federal election
the 🍊 one!!
This photo is obviously AI generated because it shows Doug having opposable digits.
Ontario had better get ready to fight bc Ford dreams of being premier(KING)for life!He won’t stop unless we MAKE him
ON won’t survive 4 more years🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
"Gee, thanks! I'm flattered that you find her so attractive." 🙄
20% of Ontario voted for this 🤡
So, 80% of Ontarians do not publicly support the PCs or this Fraud.
They HAVE NOT received a majority mandate.
Proportional representation is sorely needed in Ontario😓
Let say 15% of eligible voters could not vote for some reason (health, emergency travel, that elderly woman who couldn’t get out of her house because Hamilton’s snow clearers totally blocked her driveway)
What happened to that percentage 44-85?