Former reporter, photographer, graphic designer, art director, programmer, network admin, network security admin. I just couldn't decide ... now I'm retired, it got decided for me!
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Not even trying to hide the fact that under his rule, the government and all its actions are for sale
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I dunno, I hear everything advertised on TikTok is gold
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Amazon agrees, it's already renewed for season 2 after just a week, while Netflix still frets over what to do about 3 Body.
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Another conspiracy nut bites the dust.
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Looks mighty familiar. I think I've seen this and others like it on PBS Masterpiece Theater etc. Or maybe Midsomer Murders.
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All that's missing is that lower case t they like to hang on walls, and maybe an open book.
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I don't know why this made me think of an old Earl Scheib commercial (brash L.A. auto dealer) and his front line of cars that looked so good from the front on TV, but then you'd get down to one of his dealerships and walk the BACK of that line. Not that this FB photog is doing quite the same thing.
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May as well, they're barrelling down the path to irrelevance without, it seems, a care in the world
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The rich live by different laws than the middle class and the poor. They say they don't, but time and again that's proven wrong.
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Though 3 Body did hit #1 in the U.S., the only expensive SF show Netflix has gotten behind is Stranger Things, which has more universal appeal, especially among teenagers and YA. I've never seen them get behind thoughtful, adult SF, Apple does that and if Netflix cancels, I hope they pick it up.
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There are some things I liked, but overall I think I like Tencent's 30 episode version better because it's truer to the book. I think if you haven't read the book(s) then the Netflix version is fine but less nuanced, but I just don't trust Netflix's track record with renewals, especially with SF.
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It'd be nice if they worked with the legal cannabis industry too. There are so many hoops both sellers and buyers have to go through, making sure to have all cash (dangerous because of robberies) or clunky third party processors.
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You hear that, all you lazy six year olds? Get to work like good ol Tommy sez, he needs another boat.
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Hmm, always thought it was the other way around. Socks at the points, the roundish part being the head. They can skedaddle faster thataway. But then, there's my wife in the background, arms akimbo, wondering why the hell I put so much thought into these things "when there's real work to be done."
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I can't wait for the special that shows Linus (stoned of course) trying to stay awake in the weed patch waiting for the Great Snoop Dogg to rise up. Should be a winner.
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If it comes in sizes, we're all golden!
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Why, it's just beginning its second life ... as a water filled dildo. Just imagine the possibility.
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Never said it was required; it just helps a lot. When you walk into, let's say a bank, to take control of an account per the will, those bank officials will be much more likely and quicker to help if they see that official seal, rather than just a few unknown witness signatures. It carries weight.
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Katie, does Canada have living trusts? If so, they have some advantages over wills but they're of course more complicated to set up (lawyer $$$).
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Oh, Canada ...
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Remember to get it notarized, my late brother-in-law's internet will without a notary seal got put into a lengthy probate even though there were no objectors or other problems.
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No problem. I do too. I had to zoom in to ID the leaves.
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After all, doesn't the job for intern programmer require a minimum of 23 programming languages and a complete understanding of quantum mechanics as it applies to the particular job in progress at this very moment, which is already behind schedule dammit so you'd better get a move on mister.
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I think he means that there are people out there smoking cannabis, but while rolling joints or stuffing bongs either accidentally or purposely lose seeds on the ground, which eventually grow.
That is, if these folks don't carelessly toss burning spent material away into dry brush and start a fire.
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But then I suppose they're just unknowingly fulfilling their Bible's prophecies, only they don't know yet that they're on the wrong end of the deal. If theirs is indeed the "one true religion" (clue: it's not), they aren't gonna get into their heaven.
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It just amazes me that they so willingly overlook the fact that Trump is EXACTLY what their religion defines as the false god that leads so many of their people astray before the real so-called Second Coming (if I've got that right, someone will no doubt correct me if I'm wrong).
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I have an embarrassing number of games I've never played in my Steam library. Got them when I was on disability, intending to fill the countless hours of boredom.
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"Could be worse," everybody's aunt.
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There goes the ol' willpower ...
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I once had a head to head with Dante in Fallout 76, he killed me with fire.
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Medicare ... the nightmare you find yourself learning about only when you're knee-deep in it
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Such a badass
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I guess if the gummies are the size of your thumb ...
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I did some rolls with a twist this year for a change. Cardamom dough, cinnamon filling, recipe and twist instructions at if interested. Glaze made them a bit too sweet, could have done without it.
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What, no donuts and pizza?
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Wait till you get a whiff of her B side, "Imma kill you all"
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The minute I hear "There was a demon ..."
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1:22? That's all?
When your butt is numb from sitting too long, you look over at the clock and it says 6:50. You frantically look out the window and yup, it's morning sun and a slight mist, and another night has gotten away from you. Then come talk to us.
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Sheesh, dead men tell no tales.
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What? Nobody got my extremely oblique reference to Mythic Quest?
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True, but their dreaded opinionated buttheads over on Fox News don't have any influence in the sports division. Sports is what makes Fox most of its money, News and opinion don't. They're not going to mess with a good thing.
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Fox Sports is a different division unencumbered from the shitty part of Fox.
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Have a feeling he's not even an employee any more. Maybe they'll hire him back as a janitor.
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Spicy Wonton Soup too