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Glad you cleared up any uncertainty with the word "literally."
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I'm as liberal as you are but my liberal skeptical brain wonders why you're not including context. It's very possible that these are both logical headlines. 151K jobs could very well be solid, and 194K jobs weak, in differing contexts.
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It's not surprising how many people on here are lashing out with the "serves them right" comments. But let's remember, this article is about young men aged 16-24. All of the horrible things perpetrated by men on women over the years? Not this demographic.
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Lots of people demanding from the safety of the internet that the people filming the incident physically intervene. You really think you'da stood up to those guys not knowing if you'd have gotten support? In Coeur d'Alene?
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I've seen many, many instances of an article that starts out allowing comments, and then they turn them off after a period of time. There is nothing nefarious about this, unless you can provide additional proof.
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Can we refrain from broad-brush statements like this? You don't have to look far to understand that you're wrong.
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Well, if your choice was to pardon 1,600 insurrectionist felons or end the war in Ukraine, I'm sure you would do the pardon too. Wouldn't we all?
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I think NYT assumes you read more than the big words, so that clarification is unnecessary.
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Explain why this is cowardice. The headline states a fact.
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You could peruse this platform for two minutes and find a lot of outrage.
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At first I read "drilling and miming." Good god, let's not introduce another horror.
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Sounded like an attack from where I sit.
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There are lots of posts about MLK.
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I bet he's giddy about using the word "puerile."
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And in the same way that the Ionian mode is "happy" sounding, and the Aeolian mode is "sad" sounding, each of the other modes has its own characteristic sound. E.g., Lydian, which flats almost everything -- and thus looks more like just a single sharped fourth -- has its own character.
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...you can see that there could be additional ways to shift the order of the intervals while maintaining the number of whole and half steps. In fact there are five other ways to shift them, and each of those five ways creates the other five modes.
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Modes ARE scales. We're accustomed to knowing two scales: Major and minor. (Ionian and Aeolian.) And we know each has a certain feel. But considering that both contain the same arrangement of whole and half intervals, and Aeolian just shifts them, (WWHWWWH vs. WHWWHWW)...
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Having recently left FB, I really miss comments from flat earthers asserting that all of this is fake. Just kidding. I don't miss it.