"They forgive everything but greatness, these are scoundrel days".
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Douchecanoe? Lol. Oh LOL. Oh, that's really tickled me.
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Lol. Oh LOL. Oh, that's really tickled me.
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How anyone can deny our relation to these amazing animals is beyond me. The look in the eyes is unmistakable.
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All of them
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Saying goodbye for the last time is a truly horrid moment. But, after the grief subsides, the love you shared remains - alongside the knowledge that he lived his very longest, happiest, and bestest life.
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"Rudely and hysterically ranted" granted me an issue with urinary incontinence. Thank you.
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Ooft, did a quick mental somersault when the host said, "Count". But, yeah. Gotta love the accent 😱
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Nope, nope, nope.
Appreciate you've got a job to do - but I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. I'll be doing my best to avoid anything to do with him for the next four years.
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Oh well, here's a radical idea. Rejoin the Common Market & Customs Union, Rachel. I mean, what the bloody hell is wrong with these people. Everything else they may or may not say is just hot air - and a wilful denial of the obvious. Sheesh, what a bunch of halfwits!
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Hard agree. I love January. All the nonsense is done with. Mariah bloomin Carey is well & truly back in her box. No one bothers you at work, or wants anything from you. I love January 😍
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Hurrah, hurrah, and hurrah.
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"middle-class women of a certain age"? Wow. He really has no idea how that sounds - and how revealing it is.
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Just tooooooo adorable!
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Looks just like the kinda thing you'd see in an open world RPG. There's a map marker for a side quest right at the summit. So, you climb the blasted thing - only to meet some goddess-worshipping hippy, who insists you climb back down to the tiny hamlet at the base and bring back x3 dandelion stems.
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With respect, I don't think edging means what you think it means. 😏