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“Anyone who likes or replies to the photos will be treated as a terrorist sympathizer. If you possess these images, delete them now. Elon Musk is a patriot with a great American hairline.”

Every American has the right to know what DOGE is doing with their personal information. I submitted a Privacy Act request to DOGE, demanding they tell me why they have my Social Security number and direct deposit information.

I once received an electric shock during torture only for writing for Radio Liberty: I was told that it was "a CIA structure and an enemy of Russia", and for that reason alone I was already guilty. Now, the "enemy of Russia" is being destroyed by America itself, and my torture seems doubly in vain.

The people Attorney General Bondi is calling “terrorists” have had no trial and no chance to defend themselves. We do not know who they are. Ignoring the Constitution does not make us safe. It puts us all in peril.

About 1/6 of the total population of Serbia protested government malfeasance today. In the US that would be more than fifty million people.

Today the court heard evidence in the case AGU has joined arguing that the termination of probationary federal employees by OPM was illegal. We are relieved that the judge granted an extension of the current order to reinstate some employees.

Survey Finds Nearly 6 In 10 Wealthy Americans Living Fraud To Fraud

Just got an email from the Fulbright Association. As of right now, funding has been cut off to 12,500 US citizens currently abroad and and more than 7,400 foreigner scholars and students in the United States

Don’t ask Ukraine to stop defending. Ask Russia to stop attacking.

Polish Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Wałęsa and 38 other former political prisoners of Poland's communist regime have condemned Donald Trump's treatment of Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, which they said reminded them of communist interrogation techniques

Kdyby se vám někdy stalo, že se ocitnete v MHD podobné situaci jako zažila teď jedna rodina, nebuďte pasivní. Ideální formou pomoci přitom není hrotit agresora (což je něco, do čeho se většině lidí ani nechce...), ale začít si normálně povídat s jeho obětí. Proč? Proto 👇

Pocit bezpečí je důležitý a pro ženy rozhodně není zadarmo Ženy se bojí cestovat v noci. Za obezřetnost platí penězi, časem i mentální kapacitou. Ženské taxi je skvělá věc, nicméně je tu jedno velké „ale“ (@ClaraZanga_)

Hmm, I wonder if Musk knows anyone else who got the most votes with Kremlin help?

All we need for peace in Ukraine is for Russian soldiers to return to Russia.

For the US to side with Russia and North Korea to oppose a UN resolution condemning the illegal invasion of Ukraine defies all common sense and adds insult to the countless injuries suffered by the brave Ukrainian people.

World Wonders What Trump Has On United States That’s Forcing Nation To Keep Him In Power

Elon Musk proposed closing Radio Liberty. Well, as a person who was thrown into a concentration camp and put through torture because of my writing for Radio Liberty, I can say that Europe is far from free. The work of the Ukrainian bureau of Radio Liberty is one of the main elements of ... 1/2

Trump Boys Get Tongues Stuck To Frozen White House

🔴 Trump’s proposed deal imposes harsher economic terms on Ukraine than those faced by defeated aggressor states like Germany and Japan after 1945, The Telegraph reports. 1/3

The USA is a terrorist state.

The biggest learning from the commnets section at one of Sabine's recent videos is that the speed of light is roughly a foot per nanosecond. As a non-American, I wasn't impressed, but needless to say, the video itself is great!

I want to read you an email that I was asked to keep confidential because I think it explains some of my worries about academia.

"The basic idea is that you pick a certain time segment of the day, such as 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and work only during those hours. I know, I know. When you first hear about intermittent working, it sounds impossible."

Remember that if you argue with an idiot for more than 5 minutes, it's two idiots arguing.

Trump Claims He Can Overrule Constitution With Executive Order Because Of Little-Known ‘No One Will Stop Me’ Loophole

📢 Ukrajinci a Ukrajinky v Česku páchají méně trestných činů, než by odpovídalo jejich podílu na společnosti. 🇺🇦🤝🇨🇿 Podle aktuálních údajů tvoří Ukrajinci a Ukrajinky 5,3 % obyvatel České republiky, ale mezi stíhanými osobami představují pouze 5,07 %.

Musk and his coup are very unpopular. People who oppose it have much to gain.

Of course it’s a coup. Miss the obvious, lose your republic.

Sex Ed Teacher Demonstrates How To Drive Truck Into Abortion Clinic

Meanwhile in Canada (near the US border)

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