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He/him, Senior front end developer, socialist, metalhead and amateur music maker. Trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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HERO vs ZERO I'm in a state of shock & still trying to process yesterday's shameful, traitorous debacle in the WH: A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY. Our standing in the world has plummeted overnight, but the repercussions will be felt forevermore. #SlavaUkraini🇺🇦 #ShameOnUS🇺🇸

Just so we're clear was it not a crisis when it was the other way around?

It took seeing adult bullies to understand that my childhood bullies didn’t even really want to hurt me, they just wanted to feel powerful and how I felt about it wasn’t even in the equation. I can’t imagine someone not outgrowing that, but apparently it happens quite a lot!

Danby Choi og Subjekt har blitt sü forstüelsesfulle i møte med anti-demokratiske aktører at de ikke engang klarer ü ta tydelig avstand fra en apologet for Anders Behring Breivik, skriver Filter-redaktør Harald S. Klungtveit.

Lavmül av Høyre. Inviterer til Ìrlig debatt om innvandring og ulikhet og begynner med misvisende bruk av SSB-rapport. Dessuten kan ingen Ìrlig deltaker i debatt om ulikhet se bort fra formue, slik Høyre gjør. Den viktigste ürsaken til økt ulikhet i Norge er at de rikeste har blitt mye rikere.

Rødt stür i fare for ü kødde til transpolitikken sin, sü har skrevet et innlegg om det (oppfordrer dere innpü her som er medlem i partiet til ü dele dette med landsmøtedelegaten deres)

🇺🇦Tre år. Støtten til frihetskampen mot Putin må fortsette - moralsk og politisk, med penger og våpen. 🇺🇦 Å støtte Ukraina handler om å stå imot det autoritære ytre høyre. De siste dramatiske dagene viser at denne trusselen på ulike vis kommer fra både Moskva og Washington. De skal ikke vinne!

Jeg skriver om sÌdceller, eggceller og transpersoner i Klassekampen i dag, og om at KrF mü ta inn over seg nye biologiske vitenskapelige oppdagelser om kjønn. Du kan lese spalta her:

Det vi ser i USA nü er det finnes bare to kjønn i praksis. Vi mü stoppe denne utviklingen.

"You can’t do a randomized trial of something that we already know is safe and effective. There would have to be a placebo group that didn’t get vaxxed. Unethical." Yet that is exactly what the UK is doing with trans healthcare for kids

Hvis du er trans og sinna for at NRK koseprater med folk som hater deg er det uakseptabel tone. Er du ytre høyre og oppfører deg sånn her er du en spennende rebell som MÅ inviteres. Jeg blir så jævlig frustrert. Det gjør fysisk vondt. Det er så jævlig urettferdig.

This is why you fight these cowards. The moment you stand up to them, they crumble. Homan has nothing. The Fourth Amendment is clear and I am well within my duties to educate people of their rights. He can threaten me with jail and call names all he wants. He’s got nothing else.

My Norwegian government can easily finance the Ukrainian defense industry. A rounding error in our oil fund. But instead we give less than Slovakia. The people want a huge increase. Please help us to put pressure on them to give much more. #NAFO

Sam Nordquist, a transgender man, was murdered in New York after being tortured for more than a month by five people. He was 24 years old. Please do not forget his name.

Ikka faen i HELVETE at transpersoners rettigheter og menneskeverd skal vÌre basert pü cispersoners følelser og premisser, som om transpersoner kun fortjener ü bli hørt og respektert hvis de oppfører seg som smü, flinke og lydige barn som bruker INNESTEMME.

Jojo! Transfolk strykes enkelt fra historien... MEN TENK PÅ TESLA-EIERNE DERE! Det er visstnok helt enormt bra bil også. Og nå får noen papirlapper i vinduene sine! 😱😭

"Transfolk utslettes... Men i dag spør vi: Finnes de? Med oss har vi deg, mann med sterke meninger men ingen kunnskap. Du sier nei?"

The US government is digitally recreating the Hirschfield Institute burning and all Norwegian newspapers dare to say about it is that it's "controversial moves" for "a more efficient government" So much for the notion that checks and balances would do anything when it mattered.

Tens of thousands of people will die because of this. We will be sicker and millions of innocents will pay the price. It's all part of the Silicon Valley eugenics project.

i hope it’s clear that big tech is not an ally. it only was as much as it was profitable. textboon rainbow capitalism, and now when they saw the writing on the wall, they flopped back into fascisms arms

Not just the end of American science but the purposeful destruction of post secondary education. This will decimate colleges and force an industry wide collapse just as admissions decline due to falling birth rates. The end goal is to destroy economic mobility for women and people of color.

all this will do is keep more kids missing. this administration is being targetedly evil towards trans people to try and erase us. anyone with common sense or compassion or with the actual goal to find missing and exploited children should rail against this every single day


Jeg trygler, trygler, TRYGLER norske medier om ü tenke nøye gjennom hvordan de hadde omtalt disse tingene dersom de skjedde i Burundi eller Laos. Dette er alvorlig.

NRK, dere synes det er for kontroversielt ĂĽ kalle noe for en 'nazihilsen', men ĂĽ kalle noe for 'woke-tiltak' synes dere er helt rimelig?

broke - Kamala Harris: “i will follow the law when it comes to transgender individuals” woke - Stephen Smith:

Da har du ikke prøvd sü veldig hardt ü huske.

Yes, this administration is dangerous and cruel, but they are also shockingly dim and incompetent. Opportunities are everywhere. Make everything as hard as possible. Resist every demand. Refuse entry without a warrant. Don’t take the buyout. Their problem solving skills are 📉

God bless

Det er fortsatt alt for mange som tror ytre høyre mener faktisk ytringsfrihet nür de sier ytringsfrihet. De legger ikke det samme i begrepet som deg og meg. Det er kode for rasisme, og inkluderer ikke vern av meningsmotstanderes ytringer. Kommentariatet mü slutte ü gü i denne fella og la seg lure

Sell your Tesla. ❌ Sell your Cybertruck. ❌ Get off Twitter. ❌ Don’t sign up for Starlink. ❌ Bankrupt him. It will take while but it’s possible. ✊🏻 #resist

Therese her.. fra Stavanger KRF raser over at biskopen ba om nåde for redde transpersoner.. Det er nemlig politikk. Du skulle ikke trodd det var mulig å synke så lavt engang. Jeg har faktisk ikke ord 🫣


KRF er helt ĂĽpne om at de angriper mennesker i vanskelige livssituasjoner i hĂĽp om ĂĽ vinne 4 velgere til. Det er et strategisk valg.)

People willing to give so much grace to a man doing a nazi salute twice who has been retweeting Holocaust deniers and agreed with an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory publicly. But they'll instantly call you a communist if you say that everyone should have free healthcare

it’s becoming increasingly clear the goal of the far right is to defund and buy up every source of reliable information until there is no more objective reality to counter them

The most powerful words you can say right now to these fascist bastards is: "No, make me." They cannot actually be everywhere and enforce their fascist policies. They rely on fear to do the job of governing for them. By refusing to comply, you make their means of compliance ineffective.