Human life is priceless; its value cannot be measured in money.
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The man should be bankrupted just for calling a Senator a traitor. Let alone everything else awful he has done.
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casualities of war that I think both countries were willing to accept. Resolved during the Russian aggression to show how civilized countries handle conflicts.
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Att vi inte har stärkt vårt författningsskydd genom att en domstol är helt obegripligt.
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Danke, Deutschland!
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This will drive EU away from the USA towards China. For instance, the only security guarantees in Ukraine left if probably China. EU -China relations will strengthen, EU-USA weaken.
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I wonder if these swines remember Bucha?
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Maybe little in surface area, huge in sprit. Stay strong
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Uppgången efter tankningen skall sammanträffa med kongressvalet gissar jag
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Slipat. Undrar vad han tänkte när rookien från Fox dök upp och skulle målspela amerikansk försvarsminister härom veckan i München
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Jag kräks rätt och slätt
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It is even illegal to hold elections in Ukraine when martial law is in effect.
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When the hell will those two morons understand that zelensky is NOT EVEN ALLOWED to declare elections under the Ukraine constitution as long as there is a state of emergency? You know, like when someone have invaded your country.
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USA once had the Monroe doctrine. Now Trump has launched the Moron Doctrine
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If Ukraine is under martial law (which it is) according to Article 19 of their constitution, national elections are forbidden. So Trump is blackmailing Ukraine to break the law in their country. Swine
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They are not even allowed to hold elections during an event like war. I believe it is their constitution. Something Trump should know, and Putin definitely knows. So Trump is asking them to break the law.
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True. But what worries me is the rumored "kill switch" on the F-35s. Very much hope it is not true
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För att parafrasera JD Vance: Dessa partier är Europas hot inifrån.
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Please do fuck off. And make yourself irrelevant as soon as humanly possible. Sincerely, your European.
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This is the way. Anything less will make future peace unattainable.
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Aggression skall tydligen löna sig. Vilket svek.
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En fullfjädrad, livsfarlig gris.
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Mycket bra skrivet . Aftonbladets drag med ”intervjun” var bland det vidrigaste
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No, you should not. Disgusting to try to make politics out of this when the corpses are still warm. Blocking so don't bother trying to answer.
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I think this is exactly the issue with all conservative right wing extremist people. They are convinced that in order for any1 in their clan to be better off, some1 else outside of the clan needs to get poorer. Caveman science.
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Nån sa att vi importerar politiska trender från USA fast med 10 års fördröjning. Så ja, så tragiskt kan det mycket väl bli
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Snarare sekularisera . Med tanke på att gärningsmannen sympatiserar med AfD. Terroristen är starkt islamkritisk
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Must surely be. Or else Musk has a very, very frightening view of what "saving Europe" means.
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Yes, Saudi . But far more important is to point out that he is an AfD supporter. Since nationality does not kill. Political opinions is far more likely to do though.
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Röran började tidigare. Trump i förra vändan , och värre lär det bli denna gång. Det sägs att Sverige importerar trender från USA fast 10 år senare så vi lär snart få det här med.
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Perfect post to bring out accounts to block too.... Thanks!
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Andelen rövhattar är konstant över app preferenser, hudfärg, religionstillhörighet etc. Men det finns metoder här för att skala bort dom. Och ännu på ett tag har dom inte hittat hit en masse
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Wonderful! Thank you
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Elon is very likely a Ruzzian asset. So this makes sense , obviosly support for Ukraina will be slashed under this program.