If you're still post election finger pointing, wanting to start fights over who among us is the most guilty, re-kindle the Clintonista vs Bernie Bro schism, I'm going to say evil shit to you. Just block me.
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Trump's tiny fist never fails to creep me out. I always imagine him using it on his wife while making her call him Barack.
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It has the ring of "Truthiness," tm Stephen Colbert
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They're eating the pets. Illegals are voting in elections. Ukraine started the war. They're all rapists, murderers + drug dealers. If the President does it, it's not illegal. Oops, wrong Prezzie, same stupidity. He can abolish whole agencies achieved by decades of legislation with a wave of his hand
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The cultural references are old and you may not like folk music but you might enjoy this.
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I watched three Animal Control Officers unsuccessfully trying to catch 9 Pot Belly Pigs in a large open field one day. It was great fun.
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I could have gone all day without seeing this goofy shit
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They know full well that they won't be able to pull this off without the jack boot of violence. It's coming. What I don't think they realize is that oppression won't work on the American people.
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I dunno Chichi. I inhaled a roach in Western Maryland once and hacked non-stop all the way to Kansas City. I"m still smoking weed and feeling pretty Butch about it. :-))
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You have to pick up the phone and rat on yourself. Nobody else will.
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Funny but fucking stupid.
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He IS "the Law" and WE must follow "Orders."
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I remember Libertarians selling their BS as "Anarchy" to attract the kids. It was big wave of idiocy in the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union.
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"True Believers" is a book from the 60s that really summed up the problem with ideologues + fanatical partisans, religious, political or even economic (Looking at you Libertarians + Communists). Trump was all things to all crackpots. Now they mix and match dumbf*ckery in creative new ways.
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Elevated MY Oxytocin just watching, TYVM.
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YOU, speak for US? I am laughing out loud ya pompous fk.
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I hope she gets a snootful of human suffering that never leaves her nostrils, poisons her blood and makes her violently ill.
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Draft Dodgers are wrongfully villainized. Millions were drafted but 50 years later they were all suddenly "volunteers." "Rich man's war, poor man's fight," is the real issue.
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I don't care. You found a "substantiation" that cosigns your narrative. A narrative that HELPS NO ONE.
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2/3rds? That's simply bullshit. You want to hate the victims and that gives you a permit. Every group that gets targeted, old folks, boomers, social security recipients, Veterans, Gaza protestors... it goes on and on. "You voted for it so fuck you." I think you're just a spiteful a$$hole.
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Show me that f*cking evidence please.
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The decimation of the VA is such a hot, political potato I thought when they backed off a bit, they'd delay it. I'm a Vet on a Pension in daily contact with other Vets from the full political spectrum. Even if sick, homeless + impoverished myself, I still can't wait to hear the MAGA sniveling.
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Not a big science fiction fan ever. HUGE fan of Ursula Leguin.
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They don't let me have the fun drugs anymore. Took a shot of booze every time Tulsi Gabbard said "Regime Change War" Came to 3 years later on a freeway entrance, missing a shoe. Then I was followed around by a sheepdog on roller skates for weeks in detox. Still going to those damn meetings.
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Laughing babies are the best antidepressant.
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Never trust anyone that's above a goofy joke.
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Say what you will, these fuckwits are creative. Who pays them to come up with this stuff? Even the creators know it's hogwash. If only people weren't as stupid as their propaganda providers know them to be.
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I think they could do much better with research. A little less profit motive, a little better science. I use Sumatriptan and for my migraines, it works like a charm. Anti-Ds make me even more insane than I am. Good luck.
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Under His Eye
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Wait a minute. Didn't she evolve? lol
Teasing. You have my holy permission to be yourself.
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Taylor Swift is a Goddess but you, sir, are a shameless hussy. I mean that in a good way.
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Every day that I don't get what I have coming, I thank the deity I don't believe in. There is no "justice" in this world or life. We can love justice. We can seek justice. We can fight for justice. The best we ever get is some form of revenge, punishment and honestly? It's usually accidental.
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There is nothing more shameful than putting elderly folks onto the street. They are there now. What is coming is a hellscape.
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I just threw up a little in my mouth.
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May the stench of suffering never leave her nostrils.
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Major gorgeosity.
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I finally quit for five years about ten years or more ago. Picked it up again unfortunately. Been trying and trying. Right now I'm day five without patches but chewing enough gum, I'm about to turn green and sprout a Demon.
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Orange is the new Orange.
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The right especially Drumpf, have made a constant practice of asserting any crazy sh*t they want without substantiation. Then they just fill in with some word salad, after the fact explanation. People gobble it up like a Fox eating guts from a tub. It's stunning.
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I so loved these little dudes, coming in twice a year to mix it up and make babies. I miss my old apartment where I made this little slideshow. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYdX...