My heart has really been broken by how many people on the left have celebrated or minimized the murder of over 1000 Jewish people.
Naomi Klein does a beautiful job of explaining how unwise and unkind it is to celebrate Jewish death.
Naomi Klein does a beautiful job of explaining how unwise and unkind it is to celebrate Jewish death.
It seems not too much to ask that people hold two thoughts in their head at the same time, that they can fight for the Palestinian people without celebrating or justifying this.
If Israel is fine killing civilians, then why are they upset when theirs get killed?
These acts must stop and a way to peace must be made. Israel is the powerful and must take a leadership position
Blood for blood isnt justice and it isnt how one responds.
Apartheid must end.
This is a terrible situation all-round...
Gaslight someone else.
What's your point?
But someone is benefitting from this supposed split among progressives, someone who wants to stop the blue wave. And that someone doesn't care how many Muslims or Jews die to achieve it
Get the honored dead's names out of your mouth and quit demanding that random Jews answer offensive hypotheticals, you jackal.
The overwhelming sentiment left and universal sentiment on the right is “fuck them Palestinians.”
So think pieces on internet randos is further dehumanizing to innocent Palestinians.
People are literally cheering for the murder of civilians, but if Jews are upset about that it must be for some nefarious reason apparently.
In the brief period in this conflict where the Israeli death toll is higher there has been a huge outpouring of anger.
Yet it is the left who is wrong?
There's a lot of concern for Palestinians children and Jewish hostages and that this war could ignite WWIII.
Like we see you Twitter shitlibs…
Use some nuance. No one deserves to die.
Regardless, the article is more nuanced than Berger's summary.
There are no good guys here. Hamas and Bibi are ruthless killers that need each other to stay in power.
Full stop.
These seems strange coming from a Union guy?
But even in your rather obvious and heartfelt statement, you have conflated Jewishness and being a citizen of Israel.
One would be a fool to pretend that those who fund Hamas are not motivated by hatred of all Jews. Or that much of the membership isn't
It can both be an attack on an occupying nation and a hate fueled mass murder.
Watch the language in play. Watch who are called animals. Watch who die.
There is nothing to celebrate here.
There is zero contradiction between condemning mass murder and condemning the occupation. Zero.
Increasingly, the answer is no. It's just bloodthirst, first and foremost.
Palestinians can not fight a traditional war.
Both of these things are wrong
Tears aren't shed over Russians dying in Ukraine.
Nothing I have said is celebrating Israeli death. In fact, what I want is an end to the occupation so that there won't be needless death.
and plenty of russians and israelis don't support their govt military campaigns but who cares about that right
So civilian deaths for me but not for thee?
It’s hard for the left right now
Every news outlet is carrying water for Israel and I’ve seen next to no mention of the brutal apartheid.
So we need to walk quite a line of civility while the other side openly calls for genocide