We Are Mexicans
So great to see you here, I have read all your books including the graphic novels, and are awaiting the arrival of The Masquerades of Spring any day now, all your books sit on my bookcase along side my Terry Pratchetts. Thank you for The Rivers of London Series, my great escape books.
This is all that stuff that makes me crazy. If I say poisonous snake and you know what I mean why do you have to make me feel like an idiot correcting me. Stuff is just superiority games and despite learning it I will never remember it so I will always be behind the right ball.
This reminds me of a joke that went something like this:
Satan is showing a newcomer around Hell.
'So here we have the pit of lava that you'll be burned in for a couple of hours a day...'
'Actually, when it's underground it's called magma.'
'This is why you're here, I hope you realise.'
So you can use poisonous in place of venomous, but you can't use venomous in place of poisonous.
Mushroom mushroom
We Are Mexicans
'affect' is a verb and 'effect' is a noun
Preferably onscure emotlon if youd please
I want to save this post I cant
The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed
FICK! Am I on The Goo Place?
Satan is showing a newcomer around Hell.
'So here we have the pit of lava that you'll be burned in for a couple of hours a day...'
'Actually, when it's underground it's called magma.'
'This is why you're here, I hope you realise.'
It's something I look out for in games translated from Japanese especially.
It's a nice counterpoint to other languages having words that don't exist in English.